
Idle Money System

A young man named Alexander Ashbourne is looking for a job to support his studies. He applies to work as a waiter at a restaurant. The next day on his 18th birthday, a system appears that generates money simply by idling. This system also allows him to trade with beings from other worlds or even visit their realms. Watch as Alexander rises to fame across all the realms. [DeathlessOne: I just spotted this mortal, 'AlexanderTheGrate,' trying to trade his drink called Mountain Dew. I'm thinking of offering my Flame Sword for it.] [ShadowEternal: Wait, what’s a Mountain Dew?] [TimelessWanderer: Are you seriously considering trading your Emperor-grade sword for a mere drink?] [DeathlessOne: It’s not just any drink. The taste is out of this world, It's even better than the heavenly wine.] [ShadowEternal: {...}] [TimelessWanderer: {...}] [Everyone in the chat: {...}] [RichNigga: You know what, I’m in. I’ll trade my Gold Deluxe Armor just to see if this Mountain Dew is worth all the hype.] Updates will be 5 chapters per week.

APHELIOUS · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter 12 [No Title]

Alexander who was eating a rice with a hotdog, with his favorite drink mountain dew accompanying him. Did not knew that James with his new friends were actually coming to disturb him.

He just only noticed this when he heard a shout and it seems to be indicated to him, "Boss his over there" Shouted by Rey.

James then sweep at the place and saw Alexander figure who was holding a paper plate looking at him, he grinned and closed the gap between the two of them.

James grinned widely and shouted, "You think you can escape me, huh? This time, I'm going to beat you into a vegetative state!"

Alexander remained calm as he glanced over at James and then at the yellow-haired thug standing beside him. The thug looked vaguely familiar, and it hit Alexander that he was one of the guys he had beaten up earlier that morning.

"How do you want to settle this?" Alexander asked with a casual smile, taking a bite of his rice and hotdog.

James and his friends, including Gavin, thought that they this must think they are joking. This only fueled James's anger. He stormed over to Alexander, flipped the table with force, and turned it upside down. Despite his injuries, the table wasn't heavy, so James managed to upend it easily.

Disturbed during his lunch, Alexander narrowed his eyes and looked at James with a cold glare. "Oh, that's so scary. What are you going to do, hit me? Let me remind you, you're surrounded by not just four, but over twenty of my men. You'd better sit tight while I slap you around," he said with an arrogant sneer.

Despite the threat, Alexander remained unshaken. He arched a smile and replied, "Do you realize what you've just done?" He stayed seated at the table, continuing to watch James with a calm demeanor.

"Oh, tell me," James said, leaning his ear closer to Alexander's face without a hint of fear. With his friends behind him, why would he be afraid?

Alexander, showing no emotion, continued calmly, "First, you ruined my dinner, which is a serious offense. Second, you're planning to take revenge on me. Do you really think I'll let you get away with that? And third…" He paused, his eyes piercing through James.

When Alexander fell silent, James pulled back his ear, leaned his head in closer, and said arrogantly, "What's the third?"

"The third," Alexander said with a fierce look, "is that you've got some nerve getting this close to me."

Before James could react, Alexander slapped him hard across the face, sending him spinning through the air.

As James crashed into the display rack holding chips and other snacks, everyone including the thugs and Gavin was stunned. Everything happened so quickly that none of them had time to react.

When they saw their leader, James, lying in the shattered rack, his bandages torn and teeth knocked out and his in a pitiful state, they were furious. Gripping their bats, they rushed toward Alexander in a rage.

"Avenge the young boss!" one of them shouted.

"Beat him!" another roared.

Alexander, already prepared, quickly took a stance. Despite their bats, he remained calm and composed. As the first thug swung at him, Alexander's arms moved like a serpent, swiftly catching the bat in mid-swing. With a smooth and fluid motion, he gripped it tightly in his hands.

He delivered a punch with his free hand, careful not to use his full strength for fear of killing someone. His fist connected with the thug's arm, producing a loud crack. The thug screamed in pain, but Alexander quickly silenced him with a kick to the side.

Without wasting any time, Alexander charged at the others who were closing in. Moving like a serpent, he dodged another swing and struck a man in the chest with his arm, causing him to cough up blood.

Behind him, another thug swung at him, but with fluid motion, Alexander kicked the man in the jaw, sending him flying into the air. His body was so flexible and quick that he could effortlessly dodge attacks and counter them with ease.

Undeterred, he rushed at them one by one, and the sound of breaking bones echoed through the air. Wherever he moved, thugs were left lying on the ground with broken arms. Everything happened so quickly that soon they were all sprawled out, groaning in pain.

Seeing this, James was stunned as fear crept over him. The man in front of him was the best fighter he had ever seen. Fighting barehanded while being surrounded and still coming out on top of it wasn't just luck, it was pure skill.

Despite the chaos, Alexander seemed unfazed. The store was in ruins the display rack was shattered, and the windows were broken from the thugs Alexander had kicked away. Yet, he remained calm amidst the destruction.

Alexander felt that it wasn't enough. He hadn't used all of his power; if he had, it wouldn't be just broken bones but complete disability. He could sever tendons and leave them permanently disabled if he wanted to that is.

However, he chose not to go that far. He wasn't truly cruel beating them up and teaching them a lesson was sufficient.

"This technique is really powerful in close combat," Alexander said with admiration.

"Now, don't think I've forgotten about you," he added, turning his gaze to James, who was still in the floor with the broken rack filled with fear.

James, hearing Alexander's voice, started to panic. "Don't come near me, you filthy scum!" he shouted.

Hearing the word poor and scum his anger intensifies the word 'poor' and 'scum' greatly engraved in his mind, a lot of people called him this word which made him angry hearing this again.

He closed the gap between them, ready to take action, when a voice from behind called out and a hand touched his shoulder. Although he could have dodged, he chose to let his opponent approach.

"Who are you? Are you with this guy?" Alexander asked, without turning around.

"Yes, I'm with him. You'd better step back before my bodyguards take action. Before, you were dealing with mindless thugs with no skills. But this time, it's different. Two of my bodyguards are retired soldiers they are merciless and with a lot of battle experience. If you don't back off, we might cripple you right here," Gavin said, brimming with threats.