
Idle In “Naruto”

A former soldier now in the world of Naruto with a system that gives him all reason to be lazy. His goal? To live a leisure and shinobi-like lifestyle. -The MC will be OP fairly quickly, so if that’s not for you keep it pushing. -Only OC’s are mine. -Naruto doesn’t belong to me.

Godfather_ · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

•Chapter Three-Graduation approaching

-Two days later-

[STR+ 0.25]

[END+ 0.25]

[AGI+ 0.25]

[VIT+ 0.25]

[COM+ 0.25]

Strength, endurance, agility, vitality, and comprehension. Which stat was the most important? A case could be made for each individual stat.

For Muhon though, it would undoubtedly be comprehension. In its simplest form, comprehension was the ability to "understand".

The more he understood with both his body and mind, the faster he would progress in terms of the shinobi arts. Sure, Ninjutsu and Genjutsu were out of his reach, but that did not mean he couldn't get stronger aside from strengthening his body.

Swordsmanship, spearmanship, bukijutsu, Taijutsu, and more. When his comprehension increased, these shinobi arts became easier to him and he would have less trouble learning.



[All stats have hit 500! Congratulations on finally becoming a Genin!]

Muhon let go a grin. He was starting to think the clan kids had monstrously high stats that he could never hope to reach. Yes, he was that impatient.

Luckily the system proved him wrong. Even with how unresponsive it was, it had its key moments.

He let go of his bokken and collapsed to the ground. The breeze was dying down with the blanket of night beneath the full moon.

After training by himself for four hours, he wanted to do nothing more than fall asleep on the cold ground.

[Name: Muhon Hannya]

[Age: 12(+24)]

[Overall LVL: Genin]

[Stats: STR(500), END(500), AGI(500), VIT(500), COM(530)]

'That bridge between comprehension and the rest of the stats won't ever get shorter, huh?'

All of his stats grew at the same rate. He didn't know why his comprehension stat wasn't the same as his other stats, but it slightly irked him as it ruined the order of things.

He laid down for a couple minutes and only got up after that time frame. He stretched and felt every ounce of power and change within his body.

Crossing over into the ranks of genin had changed something within him. His control over his body increased from before and his comprehension kicked up a notch.

Still, it was such a shame his potential in terms of chakra was non-existent. Otherwise, he would truly be overpowered.

His thoughts prompted another question. In the future, how would he fight people who were specialized in Genjutsu?

As far as fighting people with Ninjutsu, that was rather simple but hard to execute. He just needed to be stronger and faster, than bring the fight to close range, giving them no room to breath.

Obviously the system has chosen this path for him as well.

But Genjutsu? There were certain things he could do to stop basic level Genjutsu. One of those included stopping his own flow of chakra and disrupting the chakra of the user within his body.

However, what if he faced someone like Itachi Uchiha? A known genius that specializes in Genjutsu. His eyes were what made him so dangerous.

He was one of the two people left of the Uchiha clan, the other being a broody boy named Sasuke who sat in the back of his classroom. It was even said that Itachi had murdered all of his clan because of his hunger for power.

It was believable, but Muhon found it very suspicious. Still, that did not erase the threat people like that posed to him.

They could trap him in endless and dangerous illusions, Genjutsu far more lethal than your average ones because of the prowess of their eyeballs.

Muhon scratched his chin as he thought about it. He needed counter measures. And he needed them fast.

'I'll think about it tomorrow.'


It was a new morning and Konoha's streets started to get busy. It wasn't an uncommon site to see small groups of students accompanying each other to the academy, or business owners set up their shops.

Muhon strolled the streets. He wore a long-sleeved black shirt that was neither tight nor loose on his body. His dark cargo pants were tucked nicely by white straps above his ninja boots.

It was then when he looked up that he saw multiple shadows flash from building to building.

"Bahaha, you can't catch me! Bahahaha!"

'He's back at it again.'

Muhon had seen this same scene every single morning since his transmigration.

Naruto would smear paint across the Hokage Mountains faces and then proceed to be chased around by some ninja before eventually being caught and forced to wipe it all off.

It wasn't hard to see the reason the boy did this.


Muhon would be a fool to not realize the injustice the village treated him with. He was treated as if he was some sort of demon. He would be shunned and denied entry to most, if not all shops around town. And village kids would pick on him at the command of their parents.

Of course, the question would be why? Why did they treat him like that? What had a twelve year old done to earn the ire of the whole village?

Their eyes reflected the deep hatred they had for him. It wasn't as simple as being angry at all of the pranks naruto played around the village. No. It was something much deeper.

And Muhon had a hypothesis. Through research, he found out that twelve years ago, on the exact same day Naruto was born, the village was attacked by the Kyubi. In the battle to seal the Kyubi, the fourth Hokage, his wife, the third Hokage's wife and many leaf shinobi died.

Muhon clearly recalled that was written in the records. It was one of the many events that cemented the fourth as a legend.

'But, something was fishy…'

Was it a coincidence that Naruto was born on the same day as the Kyubi? Was it a coincidence that Naruto had the the same blonde hair and blue eyes as the fourth? Was it also a coincidence that Naruto had those clearly not fake whisker marks on his face?

Putting these piece of information together, Muhon came up with one more question.

'Where and how did they seal the Kyubi?'

There was a very real chance that it was sealed inside Naruto. Perhaps that was why the village called him a demon, or devil child.

'At the end of the day, it's all speculation.'

Muhon nodded to himself. It had nothing to do with him, and it probably shouldn't be something he meddled in if the village tried to keep it a secret. No matter how lame of a job they were doing at it.


As quickly as school started, was as quickly as it ended. This was the last month and it was passing by like a speeding bullet. Everyday felt shorter and nerves were high. At least among the civilian kids.

Graduation day was closing in, and only those who could preform the three academy Jutsu were qualified to become genin. Muhon would obviously not be able to meet those requirements. But Iruka had informed him of a way.

He needed to fight a chuunin shinobi and gain their approval. It would be simple, but hard. Actually, Lee had also used this method to graduate.

Muhon fitted within the crowd of academy students as he gazed at the ground in thought. It was Lee's last day to train as his sensei would arrive from his mission tonight, and because of that, he accepted Lee's proposal to join him in training on the last day.

The walk to the field was longer than usual as he thought how much pain his body would go through today.

'Why did I agree to it?'

He hadn't wanted to at first, but Lee's expression of pain and hurt caused his own heart to ache… just slightly. So he accepted. This was also a challenge to himself, to see how much he could keep up with someone as strong as Lee.

He arrived to Lee stretching his body. Once the boy noticed him he waved and rushed over.

"Are you ready my YOUTHFUL firmed!?"

Lee's grin stretched from one side of his face to the other. He was always so happy that it almost made Muhon sick.

He was all for positivity. But in his mind, there was such thing as too much positivity.

"Please… don't shout so close to my ear. And yes… I am."


Iruka sat within the confines of his desk as he sit his chin on the back of his palms. For the first time in months, Muhon participated in the training.

'He did.. amazing.'

That was what surprised him. He hadn't seen the boy train as far as he knew, and he was clearly diagnosed to have a weak heart so physical ability would also be limited.

Yet, how is it that he was able to run nearly thirty laps continuously and not collapse? How was he able to beat each of his sparring partners with relative ease, and almost bail all of the Kunai and shuriken on their targets?

As he was right now, he only fell short of the clan kids.

'How did he improve in such short time?'

There were many conclusion Iruka could draw up, but none of them were concrete unless he asked the boy himself.

He recalled back to the conversation he had a day ago.

'But I need to become a shinobi. It's my dream and I would rather die than not become one. I'll show you sensei, I've changed.'

Those firm words rang loudly now inside his head. He couldn't help the laugh escape from his lips.