
Idle Immortal

Heart... is what breeds desire. Desire... is what breeds ambition. Ambition... is what breeds a man. And together... the three breeds life. A mirage? A truth? Or a dream? Venture and find it yourself.

yang_bot · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
151 Chs


'Love', a small word, yet in itself profound to the extreme. Since time memorial many people have tried to give their own definitions to this word.

Some said love is the energy of life, while some said love is a flower that you have to let grow. Some wise people once even said that love is not something that you find, but it is something that finds you.

Perhaps there were no better words to describe the feelings between Yang Ze and Wan'er. The love between a man that was lost in the vast river of time and space and a woman who was willing to go to any lengths for the man she loved. This love of theirs was nowhere near perfect, it wasn't even a fairytale, yet it was everything that the two of them had for each other.

In this darkness of night, when the only source of light is the moon, one could see the figure of a young man kneeling on the ground wailing in agony. In his hands was the figure of a beautiful young woman lying with her eyes closed. Even though there were numerous wounds on her body, her face still had the same smile with which she always greeted Yang Ze.

To love without condition, to talk without intention, To give without reason, and to give without expectation, that's the spirit of true love.

What better words than these could be used to describe the love that Wan'er had for Yang Ze. A young woman, who after realizing her mistake didn't run away from it, but faced it head-on. She was ready for any challenges that she was going to face, and was willing to accept the worst outcome.

Did she redeem herself in the end? No one knows. And perhaps other than Yang Ze, no one was eligible to answer this question.

Kneeling on the ground, Yang Ze didn't speak a word but just stayed silent. After he was beaten up by her, he decided to never speak with her again. But her constant nagging, her constant small chatters had become a part of his life.

He, who was already all alone, for the first time, felt the warmth of someone. Someone who was willing to speak to him, someone who was willing to understand him, someone who took care of him. In this strange world, this has become his only source of comfort. Yet now, even this small light of his was snatched away from him.

Standing up in a daze, Yang Ze didn't speak a word, but just picked her up and slowly took her to the other side. After laying her on the soft grass, he steeled his heart before picking up the nearby shovel and digging the ground.

This was the place where both of them had spent countless nights together just gazing at the moon and the stars. This was the place where he got his first kiss. This was the place that was closest to home, not because he lived here, but because the warmth of a loved one was still lingering here.

"I will.... 'sob'... I will make them pay."

Wiping the tears from his eyes, Yang Ze looked at the newly erected grave in front of him. He didn't know how many tears he shed in past. Till today, he only thought that his ability to cry was perhaps lost. But only now, could he feel the sorrow that was pouring out like rain.

With trembling hands, Yang Ze opened the bag before a small white pill came into his view.

"This is the pill?"

If by now, Yang Ze didn't understand what happened, then he doesn't deserve to be a transmigrator. Her situation along with the pill was enough to explain everything to him.

Gritting his teeth, he popped the pill in his mouth before swallowing it. One minute passed.... ten minutes passed.... two hours passed... Yet even after that long, nothing happened.


Laughing like a maniac, Yang Ze gritted his teeth in hatred. How could he not understand that the pill was fake? It was someone who conspired against her.

"I see... I see... I see..."

Nodding his head, Yang Ze threw the bag aside, however as soon as he did that, a thick book suddenly fell out.

With tears in his eyes, Yang Ze picked up the book and carefully read the words written on it.


"This..." With a surprised expression, Yang Ze carefully opened the book before reading it. However the more he read, the more firm his gaze became. In the end, he took a deep breath before speaking in a low voice.

"Wait for me Wan'er. I will bury this entire city with you."

After looking at the grave one last time, Yang Ze left the city.

From that day on, Yang Ze disappeared from this world. A few people who were concerned about him tried to search for a while before giving it up.

Soon, the story about how a female disciple of the Luan Sect stole a precious treasure before being executed was slowly spreading. From one man to another, this story was soon spread throughout the city.

In the crowd, the figure of a man cladded in black was hearing this story too. But the more he listened, the colder his face became. In the end, he just stood up and left the place.

Time, like a flowing river, passed. From days to months, from months to years, and from years to decades. No one knows how much time passed, but forty years after the death of Wan'er, an old man slowly made his way towards the city.

At first, no one paid attention to this old man, but slowly tales of him began to spread like a wildfire. Even though this old man was mortal, he was proficient in formations. There were many wealthy houses in the city that invited him with great respect to lay a formation for them.

To their surprise, not only the old man was extremely proficient in formations, but he was also very humble. Every bit of money that he gets from them, he would donate to the poor.

Soon, the tales about this humble formation master reached Luan Sect too.

Even though there were many formation experts, there was none that was as proficient as this old man. Soon, during a meeting in the Luan Sect, they decided to invite this old man to test his skills.

Three days later, in front of the people from the Luan Sect, the old man laid down many formations in a span of few breaths.

As soon as he did that, the Sect Leader himself offered him the position of an elder in the Sect.

After a formal ceremony, the old man joined the Luan Sect as an elder. He then began to teach formations to every disciple irrespective of their background. This once again boosted his fame as a kind old man willing to impart everything to the newer generations.

Everyone in the city addressed him as Old Wan. No one knew who was the one to spread this story first, but the Wan in his name was that of his dear wife whom he lost many years ago. Soon, Old Wan became a sage-like existence in the city. Even though he was a mortal, the fame and respect that he had weren't any less than the Sect Leader himself.

Soon, twenty years passed in the blink of an eye. Old Wan was now in his late eighties. His face was now covered with wrinkles and his head was full of white hair, yet instead of looking like a frail old man, he looked more and more ethereal. His eyes were still filled with a luster that young people should have and his face with a smile that was enough to put one's heart at ease.

During these twenty years, Old Wan laid down formations in the entire city and the Luan Sect. These formations were of different usage. Some were used to control the fertility of the soil, while others were used as rain instruments. There were even many defensive formations that were hard for people to destroy.

During these twenty years, not only the people of the city, but the members of the Luan sect were also grateful to him. In their eyes, this was a legacy left behind by the Old Wan to the younger generation.

After a few months, a piece of news suddenly shook the entire city and Luan Sect.

The direct disciple of the Sect Leader, Murong Lian, has stepped into the realm of Immortal.

This was a piece of news that was enough to shake not only the city but also nearby cities too.

Soon a grand celebration was organized. A celebration for the direct disciple Murong Lian to step into immortal at the age of Ninety-four.





"I would like to toast this to you all." Standing in the middle of the stage, a middle-aged man lifted up his cup towards the crowd with a smile. Just from his outer appearance, one could not imagine him to be ninety-year-old. The age of Immortals is said to be more than three hundred years. Even his master, The Sect Leader was more than two hundred years old.

"Immortal Lian is polite."

The crowd soon erupted in cheer. After all, it was rare for them to toast to an immortal. After this event, they could brag their entire life about how the immortal once drank wine with them.

"Our Lian'er is always so polite." Standing up, the sect leader looked around before speaking with a laugh. "From the day I met him, he has always been hardworking and honest. You all should strive to become like him. In the future, maybe our sect will be filled with immortals. HAHAHHAHHAHAHA"

"Sect Leader is wise."

Soon the entire crowd erupted in cheer after listening to the Sect Leader. Many of the disciples were looking at Murong Lian with scorching eyes. In him, they were trying to find their own silhouette.

"Now, I would like to invite all elders to make a congratulatory speech." Nodding his head towards the other elders, the Sect Leader smiled.

"I will go first... Murong Lian has always been....."




By the time all speeches were over, it was already half past noon. The only elder who didn't give any speech was Old Wan. So, after everyone was finished, they looked towards the only remaining elder.

"This..." Old Wan smiled before slowly making his way towards the center of the stage. Taking a deep breath he looked at the crowd in front of him with a smile. People from different cities along with different families were sitting there. He could even see the younger brother and parents of the previous body owner.

Looking at the crowd, Old Wan smiled before speaking softly.

"I am eighty-seven years old now. And I doubt I have many years to live. But I am grateful to see this scenery in front of me for one last time."

"Clap, clap, clap, clap.." As soon he finished this line, the entire Luan Sect was filled with claps. No one was unfamiliar with the old man in front of them. He had dedicated his life to the city and to the Luan Sect.

Murong Lian who was sitting in the middle was smiling widely. To him, hearing praises from people, especially famous and talented individuals was a kind of pleasure. Even though there was a smile on his face, he was gloating inside. No matter how famous or talented you are, in the end, you are nothing more than a pile of bones. In a few years, the old man will die, but he will still remain strong.

"Now, with this out of the way, let me tell you a story about my youth." After speaking he looked at the Sect Leader with a smile. The Sect Leader looked back with a smile before nodding. According to him, it would be great if the old man could shed some light on his past too. After all, there were many rumors about him, but none of them were true. Since the party is almost over, it would be better to end it on a bright note. Let the people know that their Luan Sect was generous enough to offer an ordinary man the seat of elder.

After getting his confirmation, Old Wan smiled before looking at the crowd in front of him. Taking a deep breath, he slowly started to speak.

"As some of you might have heard from the rumors, my real name is not Old Wan."

"Just as the rumors say, I took my wife's name after her death. My real name is Yang Ze."

As Yang Ze spoke those words, the crowd nodded in response. The image of the old man in front of them grew taller and taller.

Only, in the back of the crowd, where Yang Ze's brother and parents were sitting, there was silence.

"This... This... This is not our son right?"

"I... I don't know dear."

"Maybe it is a coincidence father. Let us hear more before coming to a conclusion."



"It happened more than seventy years ago when I was around fourteen or fifteen years old."

"I participated in the Luan Sect entrance exam, but sadly I didn't meet the requirements."

As soon as he said those words, the crowd was in an uproar. It turns out, that the elder they all love and respect, once failed to enter their Sect. Many of the youngsters who were sitting in the crowd after being rejected were looking at Yang Ze with a glint in their eyes. If the person in front of them could do it, then perhaps they could do it too.

The Sect Leader and the other elders have a surprised expressions on their faces. It was their first time hearing this. For a rejected student to reach such heights, it truly opened their eyes to a new world.

"So, after getting rejected, I was kicked out of the family to a distant city. It was there, I found solace."

The more Yang Ze spoke, the more the faces of his father, mother, and younger brother changed. They too had tried to search for him for a while, but after finding no traces of him, they just assumed he was dead. Who would have thought that not only was he alive and well, but also became an elder of the Luan Sect? This was even beyond their wildest imagination. If only they treated him a bit nicer, then perhaps today they would have been sharing his glory too,

But, alas! There is no medicine for regret.

"In that city, my wife came to meet me. Although she wasn't my wife at that time, we were just childhood sweethearts."

"And boy oh boy... Both of us had a fight and she beat the shit out of me. I remember lying in the bed for three days straight."



"Elder is funny."

The crowd soon burst into laughter. In their eyes, the elder was trying to lighten up the mood.

"So, anyway, after that beating I decided to never talk with her again."

"Days turned into months and months into years. She would always come to meet me and tell me about her journey, but I would stay silent."

"It took a long time for me to open my heart to her, and truly loved her. Yet even after that, my pride and ego didn't let me talk to her. I was waiting. Waiting for her to apologize."

The crowd soon plunged into silence. It was as if they were experiencing the love story themselves. The story of a heroic girl and a stubborn man.

"So, after more than ten years, she came one last time...."

Saying till here, Yang Ze almost choked with tears. Even after seventy years, he could still remember her face and voice.

"She was wounded all over... And for the last time, she spoke to me... She just apologized for her actions that day and told me how much she loves me..."

One could still hear the immense grief in his voice.

The crowd soon teared up. Many of them were lamenting the fate of the young girl and the young man who never got a chance to be together. It was a beautiful yet tragic story. One that slowly pulled the strings in their hearts.

"Who... Who did it elder?"

"Yes. Who did it? Did you find out?"

"Tell us. We shall take revenge for you."

Soon the crowd was bustling with noise. No matter child, old, man or woman, everyone wanted to know about the people who were responsible for this.


Yang Ze suddenly started laughing. In the questioning gaze of the crowd, he couldn't control himself before speaking with a smile.

"All of you don't have to worry about the culprits. I have already arranged a spectacular farewell for them."

"As for the identity of the culprits... Let me answer you all that question with the name of my wife."

"The name of my wife is WAN'ER."

As soon as he said that name, the entire Luan Sect plunged into silence. Even though this was an event that happened more than sixty years ago, it was still spoken like a story. A story to let people know what their fate would be shall they go against the Luan Sect. It was both the story about the glory of the Luan Sect as well as the outcome of the people that dared to offend it.

"How dare you."

"He is with that bitch."

After a brief moment of silence, the crowd instantly burst out with anger. To them, that woman was a stain.

"Not good." The Sect Leader along with Murong Lian cursed in a low voice before trying to get away from there. They still remember how the Yang Ze in front of them said a few moments earlier that he had arranged a farewell for the culprits.

However, as soon as they tried to move, Yang Ze who was standing in the middle of the stage took out a small star-shaped glass before shattering it on the ground.



The sect leader and Murong Lian tried to intercept it, but to their horror, they couldn't move.

Not to mention them, the entire crowd as well as the entire city was suddenly enveloped in a fine thin red layer. Much less moving, they couldn't even speak a word.

At this moment, the only person that was able to move and speak was Yang Ze who was standing there quietly.

Looking at the gazes of the people who were pleading for their lives, Yang Ze sneered.

"I couldn't do anything great in this life. Let this be my farewell and a gift to the only woman that I ever loved."

"Farewell, Wan'er. If there is another life, I will be sure to meet you there."

As soon as he finished speaking, he took out another piece of glass before shattering it on the ground. In that instant, the entire city along with the Luan Sect was engulfed in flames. No matter what anyone tried, they just couldn't move or do anything. Helplessly, they could only feel the agony of being burned alive.

Even the two so-called immortals, the Sect Leader and Murong Lian weren't any different. Both of them tried using their power, but to their horror and despair, they too couldn't do anything.

This was the power of formations. An enormous formation that took decades to complete. This was a terrifying power unlike this world had ever seen. For the very first time, people of this world realize the power that formations could deploy. Alas! It was already too late.

Looking at the slowly melting flesh of people in front of him, Yang Ze suddenly laughed. He laughed and laughed and laughed. From an ordinary fifteen-year-old child who was thrown into this world inexplicably to a ruthless demon, who didn't hesitate to burn down an entire city and a sect just for his revenge, Yang Ze had come far.

The heat was not only melting the people inside the formation but also him. Yet, there wasn't a change in his expression.

Closing his eyes, he seemed to travel back in time, a time when he and she just sat under the tree gazing at the starry sky. A time when she spoke and he listened. As his face started melting more and more, his expression became more and more peaceful. In the end, he seemed to see the figure of his mother in his previous world nagging him to hurry up.

"Hahahaha. What a life."

Was what he did right or was what he did wrong? He didn't know the answers, if it was a few years ago and someone had asked him to let go of his revenge, then perhaps he would have considered it. However, as he grew older, so did his wisdom, in the end, if someone asks him to let go of his revenge today, then his answer would have been this

"Revenge is not always better, but neither is forgiveness; learn to know them both, so that there is no problem."

These were his final thoughts before darkness overtook him completely.








In a small luxury villa on the northern side of the Mehull city, a young boy slowly opened his eyes. He looked around in confusion before taking a deep breath and closing his eyes again.

"What a dream."

Gazing outside the window, Yang Ze just sat there in silence. Accompanying him were the soft waves of the water and the chirping of insects.

Finally done with this small arc. Holy moly.

Also, this chapter is three times the size of regular chapters. Hope you all enjoy it.

If you guys have any confusion or are not satisfied with writing, you can always point that out in the comment.

As usual,

Happy reading and take care.

yang_botcreators' thoughts