

"She is not fine, there's something wrong. She only speaks German when things are either serious or she is embarrassed by something" Sydney told the others telepathically.  "Hey tor what's wrong?" Sydney asked telepathically. "Nichts, mir geht es gut, lass miche in Ruhe, Arschloch" Victoria responded aloud. (I'm fine, leave me alone asshole)  "Es ist etwas los. Ich versuche dir zu helfen. Sag mir, was los ist, schatz" (Something's up I'm trying to help you. Tell me what's up honey) Sydney responded. "Argh, gut. Ich muss pinkeln, aber es gibt nicht viel Platz dafür" Victoria responded annoyed and slightly embarrassed. (Ich konnte mir hier ein Badezimmer zaubern, in dem mein Mann zwar keine Sanitäranlagen hatte, aber trotzdem" Sydney replies. "Nein, das würde nicht funktionieren. Ich stehe auf O….om...omo….omor….omorashi!" "Omorashi? Wait a minute, you're one of those piss people?" Katherine and Kenny ask.  "Ja, Ich gehöre zu den Freaks, die sexuell auf pisse stehen" Victoria responds embarrassedly. "Yeah I'm one of those freaks that likes piss sexually." Sydney translates. "So who's taking one for the team?" Kenny asks seriously yet in a jokelike tone. "Bloody hell are you on about ya london raised knife fighting Bollox beating bellend?. "Sydney asked her cousin, confused and angry, mainly angry. "Fuck it I'll do it yolo try everything atleast once  bitches." "You are going to let Victoria piss on you?" The other 5 asked in disbelief