
Ideas that when dreaming: awaken!

Charly. "Known by his daughters, as: 'Geniochey', 'Charegoy'; the first for being an inventor of stories based on ideas and the second, because he always did things alone." White-skinned Hispanic, and with common sense, he dazzles in his work in the education sector. Introverted but pleasant focused on future possibilities, he uses intellect and logic, he is very organized and ready to make decisions. -Although with a complex and serious attitude-. His lifelong purpose is the idea of ??building a virtual course, which regulates our character while learning as a team. Thus, he experiments with "emotions" in his family environment, leading him to explore the real world. In pandemic time; he redefines his purpose by developing the virtual course that is a bestseller in his home. In this way, Pastor Bierny, who, although he has a testimony: strong, ministerial, takes center stage; he has lost everything by faith. -------Reseña de la Serie: (7 volúmenes) Series Review: (7 volumes) The series begins with a girl, who creates a non-human kingdom (See: Ideas that when dreaming: They wake up!) This kingdom is vegetal, animal and pro-human by metamorphosis, it has a fight on land with 4 other kingdoms: Caterpillars, Fungi, Wasps and Humans (See: Prays XHuman) The girl has grown up and cares about ecology; and the characters initiate a connection of the non-human world with the human world because they contaminate a Bay. Pollution that gives rise to Covid-19, Covid-20 and Covid-21 (human self-destruction / non-human self-defense?) This causes a Metamorphosis on the part of the Creator and the Prays is now transmigrated to Human (See: Vallemar) The girl remembers a problem in the family of her cousin with drug aspects and the cousin is now Bierny, this character falls in love, but at the same time suffers a scam by Jack Latro, with the BitCoin in the pyramid mode (See: BitLove) (next....)

GenX Conectados · História
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19 Chs

What do you know about grown-up things?

Leafing through the newspaper, he dawned: "Danay." He loved reading the social column and the comics section.

—Although lately she was more interested in the police column, "this, since when they took his uncle Everly to jail," she also read the cultural column to keep up to date on reading books.

—Pad Charly, "upset" because he wanted to do what he used to do every day: Read the newspaper. And there were his daughters to fulfill his task, rather than continue with his custom. —Unambiguous sign of growing up, in adolescents ...

—Here it says what, they got engaged and that they have distanced themselves to preserve a little ethics.

Have police news.

—Dad, Charly: Can you explain what Hades means? "He asked, Danay," adding:

- "Well, I read in the newspaper that the person who attacked Uriely and his parents died"

"Does this person go to hell when he dies for being so bad?"

"What a great reflection you have today, Danay." You seem to be maturing faster every time you help others.

—Hades in Greek language, it means: the abode of the dead. Y,

—Sheol in Hebrew language refers to: region of the dead in sin.

—I remember an experience that Jesus lived, after he died, he said: “Do not touch me, because I have not yet ascended to my Father; but go to my brothers, and tell them: I ascend to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God ”. John 20:17.

—If we compare: your expression on the case; We deduce that Jesus was good, but: Where did he go after he died?

—David says about it:

"Because you will not leave my soul in Hades,

Nor will you allow your Saint to see corruption. " Acts 2: 217.

"There is a 'transition to hades' stage before going, even to heaven…" Danay whispered. How do we avoid it?

"By the way: Are you interested in knowing about the seasons?"

—Of the Greeks the legend of Persephone and Demeter tells us about it.

It was Demeter, who established the stations; based on the time she spent with his beloved daughter: Persephone.

—Each season sets the rhythm of life. Spring from the Latin "prima veris" refers to the first summer. Thus in the life of man and woman, there is a stage where everything he does glimpses, as for us, Danay your life; is already an example to follow.

—Then, many that as they grow older or turn on that light more, which can even dull the light of the moon itself in moments of pain or trouble.

—For others, the slightest variation in their life goals, they feel alluded to and give up. They even lose their own light, and tend to depend on sunlight… as happened to the person you mentioned; when you lose your purpose in life and allow your emotions to divert you from the light of it; he is lost in his own darkness, and this can lead him to death.

—For both cases, the following station is important:

Summer from the vulgar Latin "veranum", which is nothing more than the extension of spring.

-You are happy? Did you find someone to share your ideas with? Does the path get shorter because you have someone to accompany you a further stretch?

—One must know how to recognize the signs of friendship, of the virtues and qualities of others. You can and should from time to time congratulate whoever deserves.

"How to honor your parents through your behavior!"


—Help an old man cross the road, give the seat to someone in need of rest, or give an affectionate greeting, look into his eyes when you give thanks!

—If a man or a woman blesses his fellow men since childhood, it is respect that he cultivates in integrity and security in his actions.

On the contrary, there are those who forge paths of pain, sadness and emptiness.

The station "we would say, of Hades, of Sheol, or of Hell in Life" is the Summer of the Latin "aestivum" 'summery', it is when one wants to impose their own lifestyle, their beliefs, their philosophies, their customs, their bad habits and pronounced defects ...

—Dad, like those drug, liquor, or fraudulent business sellers ...


—Finally, the road always reaches the end, although it is important to arrive, it is more necessary to know For what?

"The next season will take away the good stuff." From being tall and leafy trees, full of sour or sweet, green or ripe fruits.

Autumn from the Latin "autumnus" is to reach fullness. Without shell, without masks, without fuss ... Nature strips our delusions and accentuates our truth.

—There are still those who say: “I am rich, and I have become rich, and I have no need of anything; and you don't know that you are unfortunate, miserable, poor, blind and naked ”. Revelation 3:17

—Finally the Winter season from the Latin “hibernum”, wintry; the season of absolute rest for many.

—By this time one must have provided food, clothing, medicine; or firewood, or a house or a simple cup of tea.

"Dad, grandchildren don't count?"

"A nostalgic conversation?" Dad, —Sure, Charly as a father has begun to feel the weight of family distance.

—A circumstantial event tancial and his precious daughter has grown like an oak tree.

"Charly, she doesn't compare to it, but if she reminds you of Carini, his wife; that's why he was filled with quick affection towards her. For the maturity and tenderness of her gestures.

-I love you Papa.

"You see, I have drawn the Fairy, who created the seasons?"

"I made her a set of wasps, no matter how hard-working."

-Yes indeed. I put two stingers on it, a black stinger like the fate it causes: pain and another yellow stinger like loneliness, not better like rich honey.

"You, Papa Charly, need to inject yourself with honey one more time." She go find Mom. May she give you the nectar of her kisses.

"What are you doing Danay?" I ask, Viccky.

"Look who she brought you to: Uriely."


"Cousin, from my heart!"

"I called you with the thought."

—Come on, both of us, we are going to create a story of a kingdom; The one I named: Prays (prayers), as it is a wasp that endows man with honey, wax and pollen, I will call him: Prays XHuman. (Not Human but Pro Human)

—This King would have enemies; In addition to being a farmer like the Fairy, godmother of agriculture and the land, his arms plant fruit trees like Christmas pines ...

"So, Danay," Uriely said.

"How do we help create your story?"

—Easy, I write, Vicky corrects and you Uriely, you draw and paint.

"This will be a lot of fun."

"The book, we'll call it: Prays XHuman?" Sure.

"I think an enemy must be a caterpillar."

"I think the caterpillar turns into a butterfly later."

"And the fungi that bite your feet are another enemy." Great…

"And why he is attacked by other sightings."

—Because even though he has created something good, jealousy and estrangement limit his work.

—How would he defend himself?

He would know that pain paralyzes?

"Hey guys, what fun are you having today?"

"What do you daydream about!"

"Mom, did you bring us orange juice?"

"Yes Danay, how you like it with honey."

"For Uriely, a cup of milk, with cocoa."

"Thank you, Aunt Carini."

"Vicky, here's your papaya juice."

"And chocolate chip cookies for everyone." Three for each. Don't forget to thank God.

"Mom, what makes a man lose his mind forcing him to love you all his life?"

—In the case of my man and your father, it happened like that, Mom, she invited him home as was the custom at Christmas. Earlier she had placed a mistletoe branch at the entrance to the patio, just above the door.

Without realizing it, we coincided at that entrance and neither of us could pass and suddenly we looked up and there was the "Mistletoe", with its beautiful white flowers and its red fruits and starry leaves.

"And what does that mean, Mama Carini?"

"Well, even though Mom had invited him, I agreed that I wanted to meet him and at that very moment we looked at each other." Y…

They said to themselves: Yes!

-More than that…

"Um." No idea, I'm still a girl I have no idea.

"I tell you, Danay in your ear," she said, Uriely.

—Ah yes, little rascal. What do you know about grown-up things? "He replied, Vicky!"

"They kissed," Uriely whispered.

"Young man, if you have something to say, say it out loud, no secrets."

"Mom, why don't you say it at once."

"So much mystery for ...

"It was a kiss, Mom," Danay said effusively.

-What? That was. Bah! Vicky was a bit radical and unemotional.

- She left them, so how do they agree on certain things that her parents lived when they were young; the next enemy of a tree will be a mistletoe, because despite its flowers, fruits and beautiful leaves; mistletoe is a parasite of the forest. And he likes to tease the trees.

"Ha, Jo, Ju… !!!" (everyone laughed)

This tree will have a hybrid version half pine half apple tree! That is why its many fruits will be desired.

—Like the tree of Eden: good and bad wisdom at the same time.

"It will be a lush forest with four entrances, one for each enemy."

"This Prays XHuman Realm survives in a very different spring than the spring of us humans ...

"So now that Aunt Mielsy is back, let's go ask her about the seasons or rather ask Papa Charly to prepare a tutorial for us."

"That, we must be very prudent and more discreet with our fellow men." Above all, in what we want and what we can already do for ourselves.