
Ideas that when dreaming: awaken!

Charly. "Known by his daughters, as: 'Geniochey', 'Charegoy'; the first for being an inventor of stories based on ideas and the second, because he always did things alone." White-skinned Hispanic, and with common sense, he dazzles in his work in the education sector. Introverted but pleasant focused on future possibilities, he uses intellect and logic, he is very organized and ready to make decisions. -Although with a complex and serious attitude-. His lifelong purpose is the idea of ??building a virtual course, which regulates our character while learning as a team. Thus, he experiments with "emotions" in his family environment, leading him to explore the real world. In pandemic time; he redefines his purpose by developing the virtual course that is a bestseller in his home. In this way, Pastor Bierny, who, although he has a testimony: strong, ministerial, takes center stage; he has lost everything by faith. -------Reseña de la Serie: (7 volúmenes) Series Review: (7 volumes) The series begins with a girl, who creates a non-human kingdom (See: Ideas that when dreaming: They wake up!) This kingdom is vegetal, animal and pro-human by metamorphosis, it has a fight on land with 4 other kingdoms: Caterpillars, Fungi, Wasps and Humans (See: Prays XHuman) The girl has grown up and cares about ecology; and the characters initiate a connection of the non-human world with the human world because they contaminate a Bay. Pollution that gives rise to Covid-19, Covid-20 and Covid-21 (human self-destruction / non-human self-defense?) This causes a Metamorphosis on the part of the Creator and the Prays is now transmigrated to Human (See: Vallemar) The girl remembers a problem in the family of her cousin with drug aspects and the cousin is now Bierny, this character falls in love, but at the same time suffers a scam by Jack Latro, with the BitCoin in the pyramid mode (See: BitLove) (next....)

GenX Conectados · História
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19 Chs

Red Ball vs. Dragon Fins

Charly, based on his ideas of pandemic times, has developed some diagrams which mental maps and dialogues about the statistical scope applied in the family environment and which an essay on reality, explains to Carini, who given his pedagogical preparation readapts the above giving it a didactic touch and re-editing the diagrams in concept maps. Finally, both think about challenges, games, teaching and learning techniques, considering the learning styles of their daughters Danay and Vicky, on the one hand, whose results are easily expected, however, given the current context by the presence of Uriely, the influence is considered from the perspective of sex, age, extrafamilial customs, habits, talents and tastes and sociocultural traditions. New roles have to be established.

—These are the conclusions, verbatim:

Charly, as a father, considers the term "home" as a semantic idea and, likewise, "the home" is the central idea and of which he describes its semantic relationships, thus, he conceptualizes the following propositions through linking words, in the new virtuality:

"A father, conforms:

- a home that learns by collaborating in person,

- a home that "currently" learns through virtual skills,

- a home that is made up of a mother who in person makes working easier,

- a home that works as a team.

A father teaches his children, who learn, in person.

A parent manages the virtual. (the virtuality). "

This pandemic time has caused a problem in society due to the mobilization of the population between countries, regions or simply from one family to another. A grandchild can infect his grandparents in the first wave. Now for the second wave there is talk of contagion among young people. That is why Charly mentions:

"A home in a pandemic time, manages the family class, which complements the virtual class.

In the family class you learn to read, write and illustrate.

In a pandemic time, there are no generational (physical) trips

In a pandemic time, playful ideas are required.

In a pandemic time, generational (virtual) environments are recreated "

It is urgent to find a solution, virtuality leads to reflection, people read, write and illustrate about reality. For now the essay, it would be said, is at a child level, it is the little ones who, admired by the news, and the few visits, to their innocent years, visualize, analyze and synthesize daily experiences within the home on a sheet of paper. They are three little ones who, through their brief anecdotes between poems and short songs, give us a fleeting look at the world in pandemic times, ideas that are stories that are re-told until another occurrence replaces the previous one; a solution is:

"A home understands virtuality through generational (virtual) environments.

A household understands pandemic time through the family class that reflects on reality by reading, writing, and illustrating.

In pandemic times, playful ideas are required to find a solution.

A home is a story. "

Do you sometimes run out of ideas? You have to go back to proven routines. With the children. Any change, no matter how effective, has to be evaluated or measured for the degree of acceptance, and return to daily activities. Those who like the most, take them to the places inside the home, "where they feel most comfortable." Where you see that they have greater development. One of them was the place, called: "the mountain house", idem of giving them, the activity that absorbs their attention; keep them busy, to give you a little respite for your daily household chores. "Without neglecting vigilance."

A security camera circuit is very effective and enjoyable. It is not precisely for strangers or to prevent theft ... It is not to monitor health and good sharing between sisters and if there are visitors: "perennial, as in the case of Uriely."

- Charly speaking with Carini: —About the strange incursion—. You remember the "talk & view baby" that was installed towards the cribs of the girls being small. Well now, it has to be extended throughout the environment surrounding the home and specifically in the mountain house.

- There, they go: "Almost running" —the children—. Whoops, Danay: He stumbled! For turning her gaze as she fell and at the same time she was dreamed of the blow. Not without first knocking Uriely and Victoria down with fright, who fell to the ground.

Upon awakening, I shout: Danay—: Oh a Dragon ...! —Who fell from a branch of the tree that shades the cabin. Surprised for an instant, she sat up, took him in her hands. "Nobody objected" because it was customary, to see them running through the courtyard, one or two crossed in the morning and others in the afternoon.

- Mama Carini. She was watching her intently. And she wanted to be able to be in that little head, because she kept turning her hand to observe perhaps the smallest detail of the lizard that she called: Dragon. Ter

After undermining the process of his study, he dropped it on the ground and that lizard that for Danay was a dragon, left.

The mountain house has a sink, outside with: towel, alcohol, soap, and a first aid kit inside. Before entering, everyone cleaned up to avoid contaminating the playground and affecting the entire group.

- Taking! He exclaimed, Danay, "Throwing a red ball at the lizard, take care of it!" Hey!

Late afternoon: Mama Carini told Papa Geniochey, formerly Charly, about the event. And Papa Geniochey, had a revolutionary idea for class two.

First I would take one of Pastor Bierny's songs, the one that he heard as a special one in the evangelistic service on Saturday for young people, about the program: "SOS Blanca Noticia" recently implemented for spiritual assistance and community workshops for children from the shelter for abandoned children. the city of Zarumilla in Tumbes, Peru; and whose ages range from one to seventeen years of age. To the letter it says:

White News.

Author: Pastor Bierny.


I am what I am. And I accept you as You. Me.

I am what I am. And I compliment you today.

I am White News.

And I Come With Twelve Compliments:

Verse (A 12 Voices)

I am Joy. If I leave rebellions.

I am Smile. If I Leave Malice.

I am Charming. If I Stop the Sad Crying.

I am friend. If I curse Nobody.

I am Camino. Yes to Nobody Espino.

I am Patience. If I walk in Obedience.

I am Tenderness. Yes I walk without crazy things.

I'm creative. Yes to Evil I forget.

I am Esperanza. If I am not looking for revenge.

I am from Heart. If I remove the pain.

I am All Love. If I Offer Forgiveness.

I am the Son of God. If Jesus is my LORD.


Life has meaning. If Jesus is the Way.

I am your Brother and Our Father is God.

Come to my Family in Spirit of Love.

Chorus 2

I am what I am. And I accept you as you are. Me.

I am what I am. And I compliment you today.

I am White News.

And I come with Twelve Compliments.

(… In preaching, in church)

What is surprising about this string of events is by the grace of God. He uses you: Marriages and inspires even with your children to be strengthened in your inner being and thus have power to testify of the work of God. "That is what Pastor Bierny told you when he testified that in fasting, God with an audible voice revealed the lyrics of that song." So papa Geniochey would use it to expand the idea of the class: Send them: That when Dreaming: They wake up!

The engine would be those negative skills that must be replaced by personal virtues that attached to our daily lives are models to take into account and more in those cases of abandonment, sexual abuse and family limitations. To whom, Danay, called: Dragons! What do we have to dissuade ?!

-Ready. With a touch of color and with a few variables, my Dragon remains.

-Be. Don Lagartijo. Vicky hinted at Danay.

–I will configure a List of 10 fins on its back:

1. Rebellion.

2. Malice.

3. Sad Crying.

4. Damn.

5. Thorn.

6. Impatience.

7. Insanity.

8. Forgetfulness.

9. Revenge.

10. Pain.

And I will put together a List of 10 Stars, which will shine, to contain:

1. Joy.

2. Smile.

3. Charm.

4. Friend.

5. Path.

6. Patience.

7. Tenderness.

8. Creative.

9. Hope.

10. Heart.

The dynamics are simple in your new way of playing. –Commented Charly–, Danay. Mama Carini, she will make you a Dragon with Fins suit.

- Make it 10, Hey! Ten fins. Black or Green?

–And I will need in addition to the stars: 10 balls, to launch against each fin and thus defeat the Dragons! What do we have to dissuade ?!

–Danay, what colors do you want the Dragon…?

"Green, Danay," Vicky suggested.

"I propose two shades of green and up to three," Charly said.

A day later, the first tests were made, of the suit.

"Did someone forget the head?"

–And what will the legs be like? I have two and their claws will be my hands.

–How about we paint the fabric with scales or stripes…

"And Aunt Carini." You can make a dinosaur for me.

-So! Papa Charly, what do you suggest I order a suit? If Danay will have a dragon and Uriely a dinosaur.

–Well for me you are a princess. Dress up as a queen!

"Praise the Queen."

"Praise the King." My father.

-And that? Do you leave me as a witch?

-No. Mama Carini. A good fairy.