

"Look kiddo, were not here to do any damage, we just happened to stumble across this place whilst on a scavenger hunt for supplies you know, there was no one here so we just wanted to see if there was anything here for us," the taller of the two men slowly approached me. 

"Don't lie to me, where are my family, what did you do to them!?" I exclaimed the agitation coming through in my voice, "a whole family doesn't just suddenly disappear like that," I looked them up and down. I could feel myself slightly running out of breath. I clutched the gun in my pocket even tighter. No something was right. There was a weird scent coming from these two. That scent was never here before.

"Look, we don't know what happened to your family but let's have a deal here. If you let us have all this stuff, we'll let help you find your family," the tall blondie proceeded to approach me bringing the weird scent with him.