
Idalia’s Song

Idalia Miller is a student who has a great talent and passion for music. The school is given an opportunity to play for a musical event where many professsionals and famous musicians will be arriving, however, a few weeks before the date, their invitation to play is canceled. Returning home upset with her heart heavy, Idalia falls into a deep sleep. In her dream, she wakes up to find herself in a kingdom resembling an ancient civilization and during her time there, she falls in love with Prince Cyrus. Exploring a new world, falling in love, and fighting fate, follow Idalia as she dreams. Prince Cyrus of Milikree is the only son of King Andreios and Queen Minerva. Growing up, he witnessed and experienced the dark side of love that his parents showed and came to a decision that he was not willing to fall in love. Although next in line to the thrown, he doesn’t want to become king and would rather his older brother be crowned. When he leaves to follow a clue that hints to danger befalling on his kingdom, he didn’t expect to unravel secrets interlinked to the past or future. Least of all, he didn’t expect to fall in love with Idalia. ——— Pulling away from his embrace, Idalia ran across the fields of dandelions, laughter escaping her lips. Butterflies flew away from the disturbance yet they all added more beauty and color to the scene in front of Cyrus. The sky was blue and violet and the sun was settling behind the far away mountains. But to Cyrus, the nature wasn't as beautiful as the girl that was joyfully running across the fields. "Cyrus!" Idalia had stopped running to face her prince, "Come here! I found something!" With a huge smile, Cyrus ran to where Idalia was. "What did you fin-" He hadn't finished asking when he felt himself being pushed down to the ground. With a thud, both he and Idalia had fallen and were laying down. After recovering from the fall, he looked directly into the girl's eyes which were filled with love and tenderness. Waiting for her to speak, he heard her softly say, "I found you." The youngsters laying down on the dandelion field felt as if the world had slowed. After what felt like forever, Cyrus felt his eyes water and he whispered, "I'm glad you did." They were smiling and reached out to embrace each other. Planting a kiss on her forehead, Cyrus continued, "Thank you for having arrived at the palace. Thank you for changing me into a better man. Thank you for giving me a chance at loving you. But most importantly, thank you for arriving here, in my world." Idalia moved her head to face him and gravely asked, "What if this is all a dream? What if I leave unknowingly? What if something happens to you? Cyrus, I don't want something bad to happen to us." Tears were rolling down her cheeks at this point and her voice had cracked towards the end. Cyrus tenderly held her face and wiped her cheeks before lovingly responding, "You first came to me so if something were to happen, it would be my turn to come to you." ——— Hello, this is my first story and I hope that you can give it a try once I start uploading. Suggestions and feedbacks are greatly appreciated if you have any while reading and I’ll do my best to make the story as enjoyable as I can and readable. Also, this story is a mix of me trying to improve my storytelling and having fun. (Also, this is an original story by me) Happy reading! Cover isn’t mine. Credits to the original owner.

saidxstic · História
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17 Chs

Ch 15. His Family (I)

Cyrus had long passed the palace gates and entered the palace grounds. After having gone to the Grand Temple to pay his thanks to the gods as per tradition, he was being escorted by the Grand Priest of Hauwitet, Ateusoro, to the throne room where his father was. On the way there was no talk between them as the old man was a quiet person. Passing by many familiar faces on the way, many greetings and exclamations of welcome were thrown at him. On the way, he had hoped to see some people that he had been missing but to his small disappointment, he didn't even catch a glimpse of them.

Seeing the familiar structure of his home overwhelmed Cyrus with excitement and longing. How he had missed his home! Finally, after so much time, he was at home.

Although, at the back of his mind and at the hidden depths of his heart, he pushed back the feelings he was carrying towards his mother. He had mixed emotions when it came to seeing her.

Having been so engrossed with the many feelings that were rushing through him, he hadn't realized that they had finally arrived at the entrance of the throne room.

"Your Highness!" Cyrus recognized one of his father's servants, Jacob, standing at the opened doors of the throne room who appeared to have been waiting for him. On the man's face, was a wide smile as he gave a bow to the prince. "It is so good to see you back safe and sound," he warmly said.

"It is good to be back at home," Cyrus responded and lifted his hand to place on the servant's shoulder. Making small talk, he asked, "How have you been?"

"I've been doing well, Your Highness."

"I take it that everything has been fine while I was away?" He inquired, while hinting at something.

"Eveything has been fine…" he hesitated, the smile on his face faltering for a second before he continued warmly, "I will announce your arrival. The king has been excitedly waiting for you." Cyrus' smile expanded so much that his cheeks began to hurt. Meanwhile, Ateusoro, who had been keeping silent the whole time, finally spoke only to say that he'd be returning back to the temple.

"His Royal Highness, Prince Cyrus!"

Cyrus entered the throne room, his stance more serious and dignified. Ahead of him, he saw ministers, advisers, and officials standing at the sides to clear a path for him.

"Greetings, Prince Cyrus!"

"Welcome, Your Highness!"

At the bottom of the steps to the throne, stood his mentor who had arrived earlier than him to report to his father and next to him, the four other lords of the founding houses. He was more aware of their eyes on him compared to the other men in the room. On the throne, King Andreios was seated, his face carrying a soft smile as his gaze fell on him.

Reaching where his father sat, Cyrus bowed his head before his father the king, "I greet His Majesty, the blessed son of the Gods, King Andreios!"

"You may rise."

Lifting his head, Cyrus' eyes met his father's. His heart beating quickly as he stared into the face of one of the people he had been missing dearly. Frankly, he still held a small worry that he was dreaming and had been dreaming the past days as well although his mind knew that he was not dreaming.

Andreios looked warmly down at his youngest son who resembled him. After more than a year of not having seen his son, he took his time in taking in all the changes that his son had returned with. He had grown much taller than the last time, he was much more sturdier and muscular, and his face was much more slimmer.

He had left a boy but returned a man.

Sadness swept over his heart at the thought that his dear son was no longer a child, nonetheless,

he was proud of how more mature he came back looking. Hopefully, he had also matured in his mind.

"Welcome home, Cyrus, my son. It's good to see you well and safe."

"Likewise, Your Majesty."

"We shall catch up later but for now, come here, stand beside me." King Andreios motioned with his hand at a step below where his throne sat.

Cyrus walked forward to stand on the step below his father. His erratic emotions settled a bit as he felt pure happiness and relief that he was standing in his home and with his father.

King Andreios explained, "We were just discussing some matters about the neighboring kingdoms."

"Is there trouble?"

Cyrus saw his father sigh tiredly. "There could be… But we'll discuss that tomorrow. Right now, let's figure out some other matters such as when you and the other men's welcome procession will take place, the welcome banquet, and stuff like that." He then asked the court to discuss.

Quickly, the men began throwing in their ideas and advice until it was decided that the procession would take place in two days and that same evening the welcome banquet. After wrapping up some other minor talks, the court was dismissed leaving only the king and Cyrus in the throne room, well besides the guards and the servants.

Standing up, Andreios pulled Cyrus into a hug which completely calmed him down. "Oh, my son! How tall you've become! How much you've grown!"

He exclaimed warmly before pulling away and placing his hands on Cyrus' shoulders.

Grabbing one of his father's hands, Cyrus smiled at his father's exasperation. "What do you mean I've grown so much? I clearly remember being at your eye level before I left but look at this! You reach my eye level now. Hmm, maybe it's you that's shrunk, father?" He asked in good humor.

"Now what ridiculousness are you spouting? I have yet to reach my forties and you say I've shrunk! It's just that you brothers are tall," the king rolled his eyes before asking in concern when he noticed the darkness underneath Cyrus' eyes, "Have you not been sleeping well?"

"How could I not when I wasn't in my bed here at the palace and not seeing you, my mothers, and Timaeus." Saying this, a hint of sadness could be heard from his voice.

Patting his son's shoulders, Andreios said, "Then it's best you go rest and that's an order."

"Yes, father."

"But, have you greeted your mothers and brother yet?" Andreios asked.

"No, I haven't," Cyrus shook his head.

The king pondered for a bit before advising his son, "Then it'd be best you visit your mother first before visiting the others."

"Of course," Cyrus merely replied because between the two men, Andreios' words held another meaning that Cyrus knowingly understood.

He wondered how his mother, the queen, was doing? Although, at the thought of his mother, Cyrus' excitement was not as big as seeing his brother and his other mother, his brother's mother.

"Then do that," the king stepped down from the platform where his throne sat, "Your mother is in her bedchambers and Timaeus is at his mother's garden right now. I shall see you later."

Cyrus nodded, a smile plastered on his face. When the king left the throne room, he too turned to leave. Stepping out of the doors, his smile fell and a deep sigh left his mouth.

He could only hope that his meeting with the queen would be short.