
Ichor Genos

Greed. Rage. Grief. Love. A smouldering tinder, waiting to shift the balance between Astral Realm and Earth. A land in turmoil, plagued by treachery and chaos. Most people suffer quietly. Few stand up and rebel. Some fight for better world while some for themselves. Some just don't give a damn and are Indiffrent.Some keep a facade and use a poisoned dagger instead of a sword. The Astral Realm and Earth, will they fight back like a cornered tiger or be burnt to cinders by the enroaching maws of fate. Will the people be afraid of danger? As Danger is an objective existence and fear is only a choice... *** Being an orphan from a young age to getting adopted in a upper middle class family, Kai considered his life to be a very fulfilling one but he did not expect this life to be also a short-lived one as his own friend killed him due to coercement from a rival of his father's.. Now warped into a sci-fi fantasy world, he stumbles upon various people, places and also some ungodly archaic secrets that are long forgotten... *** ~Do you want to be a part of this journey, If you do then please read Ichor Genos... The cover is an AI-generated image, if someone wishes for me to take it down, I will do so.

ScribeOfTheDamned · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs


Kai took a deep breath, letting the gravity of his situation sink in. Unclaimed strongholds were notorious for their unpredictability and potential dangers. As he stood on the rooftop, he pondered the Psion's directive. Connect the Astral nexus of the city of Arcadia to Earth's Anchor? The words echoed in his mind, leaving him with more questions than answers.

The city below seemed both enchanting and mysterious, with its gleaming structures and shimmering gardens. However, the stillness that hung in the air hinted at the absence of the once-thriving civilization. The beauty of Arcadia was juxtaposed against an eerie silence, emphasizing the gravity of the mission laid out for Kai.

"I guess I've got my work cut out for me," Kai muttered to himself, contemplating the task ahead. The city's Astral nexus, the epicenter of its mystical energy, needed to be connected to Earth's Anchor. The Psion had presented him with an objective, but the details remained unclear.

As he moved through the city, Kai couldn't help but marvel at the remnants of Arcadian architecture. Buildings adorned with intricate carvings and golden embellishments stood as silent witnesses to the city's glorious past. Streets once bustling with life now lay deserted, the echo of Kai's footsteps resonating through the quiet.

The realization hit him—Arcadia was isolated, and the danger the Psion spoke of was imminent. The inhabitants, once guardians of this utopia, had vanished, leaving Kai to navigate the uncharted waters of a city frozen in time.

The Psion remained silent for the moment. Kai decided to explore the city further, and hopefully find clothes and find clues about its history and the mysterious Astral nexus.

As he wandered, Kai's eyes fell upon a partially open door that seemed to beckon him. Pushing it gently, he entered what appeared to be a long-forgotten clothing store.

Dim light filtered through the dusty windows, revealing racks of untouched garments from a bygone era. Kai's fingers brushed against the fabric as he sifted through the clothes, searching for something suitable. His birth attire, though durable, was ill-suited for the tasks that lay ahead.

After some time, he managed to assemble a makeshift outfit—a simple tunic and trousers that felt strangely out of place in a world frozen in grandeur. As he changed into the new attire, Kai couldn't help but wonder about the people who once frequented this store, their laughter and chatter now replaced by the whispers of the wind through deserted alleyways.He walked through the city's winding streets, passing by statues and murals that depicted scenes from Arcadia's past.

"How strange, it feels as if the people here just vanished into thin air"

Kai's voice trailed off as he continued to navigate the empty streets of Arcadia. The sense of abandonment weighed heavily on him, creating a stark contrast to the city's magnificent architecture. As he moved forward, he found himself in a grand plaza adorned with statues of legendary figures, each one capturing a moment of valor or wisdom. After a while, the silence was almost deafening.

Lost in thought, he nearly missed the soft glow emanating from a building on the far side of the plaza. Drawn to the light, he approached cautiously. The structure seemed more intact than the others, its ornate door slightly ajar.

Pushing it open, Kai entered what appeared to be a library. Shelves lined with ancient tomes reached up to the ceiling, and the air was thick with the scent of aged paper and dust. In the center of the room, a solitary orb floated above a pedestal, casting a gentle, pulsating light.

"This must be important," Kai muttered, approaching the orb. As he neared, the orb's glow intensified, and images began to form within it—scenes of Arcadia bustling with life, the nexus pulsating with energy, and finally, a depiction of a portal connecting to another realm.

"The Astral nexus," Kai breathed, his eyes wide. "This must be it."

"Wrong!" A disapproving, almost astonished feminine voice echoed throughout the library, startling him.

He spun around to see a spectral figure materialize—a woman clad in flowing robes, her eyes shimmering with an ethereal light. "Who are you?" he asked, instinctively reaching for the hilt of his nonexistent weapon.

"How stupid can you be to think that a memory stone and an Astral nexus look the same" The spectral lady said while rolling her eyes.

Kai took a step back, his eyes narrowing as he examined the spectral figure. "I didn't exactly come with a manual," he retorted, trying to mask his alarm with a veneer of calm. "So what is a memory stone?"

The woman sighed, her ethereal form flickering slightly as she crossed her arms. "This," she said, gesturing towards the orb, "is a memory stone. It's a repository of Arcadia's collective memories and knowledge. The nexus is far more complex and powerful."

Kai's mind was on full alert, but he took a deep breath, forcing himself to remain composed. "Alright, then enlighten me. Who are you, and why are you here?"

The spectral figure's expression softened slightly, though a trace of contempt lingered. "I am Elysia, the last Sentinel of Arcadia. My duty was to protect the city's secrets and guide those who sought to restore it."

"Guide me, then," Kai said, his tone firm. "Tell me how to find the nexus and reconnect it to Earth's Anchor."

"To reconnect the nexus, you must first stabilize it. There are four focal points in the city in each cardinal direction, each one linked to the nexus. You must reactivate them and restore their energy flows."

"They are the key to unlocking the temple," Elysia explained. "Each focal point is a conduit of energy that feeds into the nexus. You must reactivate them to stabilize the flow of mystical energy and dispel the seals protecting the Aeon temple where the Astral nexus is located."

Kai nodded slowly, his mind racing with the absurdity of the task. "Where do I start?"

Elara's form brightened, and a map of Arcadia appeared in the air between them, highlighting three locations. "These are the focal points. Begin with the Garden of Innocense to the east. There you will find the first point."

The map then quickly flew into his mind and he could now use it...? somehow?

"Woah! Elysia, atleast tell me before you do magical shenanigans!"

"Would that have changed anything?" She sneered contemptuously.

"...Uhh no?"

"Then get going"