
Ice Queen (super short romance)

A one chapter of slightly over a thousand words, romance story. Hope you enjoy.

Laura_Sanchez_5518 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Ice Queen

Arondale, is known as a prestigious school in England. Hard to transfer into, since most students have been going from kindergarten until 12th grade.

Among the students, of course there are a few that stand out among the rest, one of them being Ashley.

She has wavy, light brown hair, reaching down to her shoulders. She has fair skin and a slender, yet muscular body. She is strong, yet light on her feet. Ashley is the "Ace" in the dancing and academic department. Very few men volunteer to be her partner, feeling intimidated by her shorter, smaller body that creates such an impact on stage. Since she concentrated on her studies and dance more than friends, she became nicknamed the "Ice Queen".

It wasn't until, surprisingly, her class received an exchange student, that Ashley's life started to change.

His name is Tamaki, but he said they could call him John. He is energetic, happy and willing to help out when needed. Of course, John gets to sit next to the "Ice Queen" in the back of class. He thought she was beautiful, just like everyone else. She had shoulder length wavy brunette hair, fair smooth skin and eyes the color of…...don't know yet since she has yet to look towards him. She has been looking outside, since he arrived.

John, tapped her shoulder, as she turned towards him, he almost got lost in her deep blue eyes. Quickly, composing himself, he introduced himself to her and she him, then went back to looking outside.

After school, John got lost and came across a dance room. He heard classical music playing and peeked inside, only to see Ashley dancing gracefully to the music. Entranced, he entered in slowly, carefully, not to interrupt her and eventually dancing right beside her. Twirling her around, bringing her close to him, she slowly opened her eyes looking up to see who would disturb her and low and behold it was the transfer student. She looked into his eyes, mesmerized by the light cool green in them. John smirked, enjoying the feeling of her small soft frame in his arms, close to him like this. The blue eyes that got to him are now looking dazedly in his.

There was a tranquil moment of silence before they heard students starting to walk by the class, talking amongst themselves. Ashley, refocused, trying to back away from John and asked him what he was doing there and he said that he wanted to accompany her in the dance.

Ashley was shocked, but happy that he danced with her, not forcefully, but willingly. John didn't take his eyes away from her face once. He was glad he didn't, since he got to see her go through a few different expressions, making her look adorable, until they heard someone come in. Immediately they separated, should I say she pushed away, since John didn't want the moment to stop. He then realized that not only was she graceful, but strong.

It was the dance instructor who had witnessed, for the first time he could remember, a boy holding the Ice Queen in their arms. He blinked and smiled greatly to the scene before him. Immediately, he asked John what his major was and asked if he would like to be a part of a play they plan on doing for winter. John said yes and that he will be majoring in modern dance. While the teacher started to converse with John. Ashley started walking out.

Ashley felt her face burn as she replays what just happened. Never had any boy want to dance with her. He was even strong enough to keep her from pulling away...strong, taller than her and mellow green eyes…....but, she soon brushed it off, taking note that he is a transfer student who doesn't know who she is yet, the "Ice Queen "...pondering in that thought she changed and was ready to go home when out of the blue, John calls out to her.

Since it was getting late , he asked to see her over the weekend to discuss the play….(and to get to know her better outside of school.) She explained that she was very busy. He then offered to walk her home. She was hesitant, stopping to look up at him, thinking on "how it already looks like he's walking her home as they were talking and walking", so she nodded in agreement.

While they were walking, John eased himself on the other side of Ashley, so he'd be by the street. She was a bit surprised since that's the first time, well all day has been full of surprises…..only one day and he's got her full attention. He glanced her away, catching her blue eyes looking at him, brimming with curiosity. He smiled gently and explained she can ask him anything she wants to know. They now stopped walking and didn't break their gaze. Like being drawn into a cool lake of water on a hot day, John started to lean into Ashley's face. Her face got red and her heart was pounding, she closed her eyes as he cupped her face and lightly pecked her on her blushing cheeks. Ashley, quickly looked up at his face red like a tomato, John was happy she didn't push him away, instead she looked adorable and he almost kissed her again, but thought he should slow down and get to know her more. He asked her how much further and she told him only 1 more block.

They arrived at her home and she said thank you and goodnight, before turning to walk inside. John waited patiently making sure she was inside before leaving.

The next day, John was walking around the downtown district, getting familiar with his surroundings, while someone caught his interest. He followed her straight into the Public Library. She returned books, grabbed some more books and then started studying. (She was after all at the top of her class.) He just watched her grabbing a book to look over as well, while waiting to see her next move.

After about an hour, she packed up everything and headed out. John followed swiftly behind her, catching up to her, asking if she wanted to eat. She agreed, and they went to a burger stand close by.

They had a chance to talk about different things.

Ashley was at ease, content to be able to speak with someone regarding school work, dance, etc. She had been accustomed to being avoided (not that she cared).

John on the other hand couldn't understand how anyone would call her an "Ice Queen", other than they didn't want to take the time out to get to know her. He heard people say so many things, good and bad, about her and was happy to find out they were all rumors. He found out a little bit about her family and why she is so dedicated to her studies. He was falling for her more and more.

Overtime, other students noticed Ashley's change. She started to have a more approachable demeanor. Students, learned that she was willing to help you, if you needed and guys became less tense when needing to dance with her during class. Some, even confessed, which John didn't like.

Near the ending of the school year, Ashley nd John were the most respected students in the school and even started going out.

After graduation, John got a good job in a major company and proposed to Ashley, who of course said yes.

They now live together a happy life.

The End.

Hi Everyone,

This is just a very short story a thought of. It’s raw, I guess you could say, since I just wrote my thoughts, correcting the grammar, but not adding anything extra than my original thoughts.

I do hope you enjoyed it though.

Laura_Sanchez_5518creators' thoughts