
Ice Is Not The Only Cold Thing

Everyone and everything has a story to tell. Some stories are short, while others drag on for way too long. Everyone is the protagonist of their own story, but a question still remains: Is any story more important than another? Author's Note: This is my first ever written story, so it's sort of like my baby. That being said, I appreciate any and all thoughts the readers may have. I hope you can enjoy, or at least not totally cringe at, my story and leave your thoughts in the comments. Let's start the ride! Keep in mind that even though I'm confident in my English, it is not my first language.

IgnorantAmanuensis · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


The practical examination, which Samantha talked about, is in fact nothing like an examination. The students face off against their classmates or even students from different classes in order to test their strenght and train their abilities, but it doesn't affect their ranks.

In the 'Omni Schools', the students are given their ranks based on their spiritual and mental power of when they've enrolled. The ranks are not always accurate, and they're most definitely not permanent. Their number equals the students, a.k.a. 200, with the 200 being the lowest. The closer one's rank is to 1, the more powerful they're considered.

The ranks change in relation to the students' performances, achievements and overall improvement. However, that's not the only the way. Fights between fellow students are allowed and, depending on their results, the ranks may change. If one defeats someone with a higher rank than himself, then their ranks will be swapped. If one defeats someone with a lower rank than himself, then his rank will increase in accordance with his opoonent's rank. If the difference is 10 ranks or lower, then it increases by 1. If the difference is from 20 ranks to 11, then it increases by 2 etc. This serves as a way to make those with higher ranks consider fighting someone with a lower rank than them.

As this can be abused, it comes with a few additional rules. First of all, one is not allowed to challenge someone with a lower rank than themselves. Secondly, 3 consecutive defeats result in an inability to increase one's rank, with every additional defeat resulting in a demotion of the student's rank. This status can only be nullified by 2 consecutive wins. Another important rule is that more than 2 consecutive fights against the same opponent are forbidden and a set amount of 3 days must pass before fighting them again.

This practical examination's main purpose is that it works as a way to force the lazy or unwilling students to actively take part in matches against their peers. It takes place on a random day every two weeks and consists of a total of 3 matches for each student. The students face off against students of their own class, though the teacher has the right to select up to 2 students at their discretion and have them face off against students of the next higher class.

'' Everyone , listen to me very carefully. '', someone said in a serious tone, ''I have absolutely no interest in deciding with whom you're going to be fighting, so feel free to decide that on your own.''

It was none other than the teacher of class 8H, Samantha Evans, who felt no need whatsoever to hide her unwillingness and lack of interest to act as a teacher. An outsider may think that this is an inexcusable way for a teacher to act, but for those who know her, especially her students, this is a reality they have come to terms with.

'' Please, wait a second. '', said a voice that seemed to belong to a girl of young age, '' I really believe that you shouldn't treat this examination so lightly. It's a great opportunity for the students to become better, stronger, learn more about their abilities and challenge themselves by facing off against different opponents. ''

This voice belongs to the student named Melissa Bailey, a girl filled with a sense of justice and righteousness, something that made her character incompatible with that of her teacher's.

'' It seems like you have this thought out pretty well, miss Bailey.'', words of praise said in a mocking tone were her response to Melissa. '' Then by all means, give instructions in my place.'' ''Wha..!?''

Melissa was taken aback by the sudden suggestion of her teacher. She's the type of person that finds it easier to talk about what she thinks is right rather than actually taking action herself. She never assumes the position of the leader and the main reason is that she can't bear the burden and the responsibilities of being one.

'' If you aren't willing then I'm not going to force you, you know? '' Samantha said with a smug smile on her face. Her seemingly teasing tone was more akin to bullying, and while unbecoming of a teacher it fits her character all too well. Melissa chose to remain silent, not because she wasn't upset or because she couldn't find a retort, but because she had realized that no matter what she said, it would be pointless.

Samantha smiled.

'' Well then, everyone, do your best. ''


The matches have been going on for no longer than 5 minutes, but some of them have already finished, showcasing the power gap between some of the students. Melissa's match has not yet finished. This has come as a surprise to many because she's considered to be one of, if not the strongest student in her class. Not only that, but her opponent is not someone remarkable whatsoever.

Melissa herself is bewildered about the situation she's in. Her opponent is not someone you can call strong, not by a long shot. In fact, he has not performed a single attack since they began. But she cannot hit him.

His power appears to be the creation of ice claws, but it's unknown whether they have any attack power since he has only been using them to block Melissa's attacks.

Even though Melissa's sword should have the upper hand both in reach and versatility, he has been skillfully avoiding and blocking her attacks using only minimal movement. The one who's getting tired from the attacks is Melissa herself.

(How is he avoiding each and every one of my attacks?) thinks Melissa, as she

repeatedly tries and fails to land even a single hit on him.

'' You appear to be good at defending yourself. However, it looks like that's the only thing you're good at. ''

Melissa's provocative words fell on deaf ears. The fight goes on for about 2 more minutes until the boy speaks for the first time.

'' Boring. ''

All he does is utter a single word, but its effect is imminent. Melissa's shoulders are trembling and she momentarily lowers her head to the ground. When she lifts it, her eyes are filled with nothing but anger. She begins a new barrage of attacks, but they're all easily deflected. Her opponent goes on the offensive for the first time and a single thrust with his claws is all it takes to send the sword flying from her hands.

'' As I said, boring. ''

His words contain no ridiculing or any other hidden meaning. They're said in a cold, pragmatic tone, like stating a fact.

Melissa kneels on the ground, her previous anger is nowhere to be seen. She's filled with a sense of defeat and disappointment at herself. She seeks power because she wants to be stronger in order to achieve her goals, but she has once again realized the limits of her power.

'' Are we done now? '' her opponent asks in a monotone voice. It contains no sympathy or encouragement, but Melissa finds it weirdly soothing.

She looks up at him and she observes his characteristics for the first time. He's not a bad looker, you could even call him handsome, but Melissa finds his blue eyes to be particularly beautiful. It took her a while to realize that he had asked her a question, and slightly embarrassed she hurriedly responds to him.

'' Eh...''

'' Ok, bye. ''

'' Please wait a moment. ''

'' Hmm? ''

He questions her with his gaze, but Melissa herself doesn't understand why she said that.

'' What's your name? ''

'' Don't you usually introduce yourself before asking someone for his name? ''

'' Oh, right. Please forgive my rudeness. I'm- ''

'' But I don't care. ''


His response takes Melissa aback and she can't find the right thing to say.

'' My name is Lacoli. If that's all, then allow me to take my leave. ''

'' No, please, wait a moment. ''

Melissa desperately tries to prevent him from leaving.

'' What is it now? ''

'' Why are you so strong? ''

'' Why are you so weak? ''

His unadulterated words pierce through Melissa's chest and she suddenly finds herself unable to say a single word. What makes it worst is that he's not trying to insult her. It's just an honest question.

'' Do you even have a power? Other than some decent skill in swordsmanship, you have showcased nothing else. ''


'' If your power is something that allows you to use your sword better like [Fast Learning] or [Body Movement Manipulation], then your skill is unnaturally low. You sword seems to be sharper than a normal one, but that doesn't mean anything. If you have a power that allows you to somehow increase the effectiveness of a weapon, then it doesn't make any sense for you to carry only a sword either. So either you bought it that way or you increased its sharpness through some kind of ability. Or you just have a weak power and can only temper with your sword. ''


'' Hey, are you listening? ''

'' Eh?! ''

Melissa is surprised at him calling out to her, because he seemed to be too absorbed in his own world to mind her. She wasn't paying him much attention either. She was trying to figure out what his name meant.

'' I'll ask you again: Why are you so weak? ''

He asked her that twice, but she can't feel any malice from his words. That doesn't mean, however, that she's just going to answer such an insulting question.

'' What do you know, huh? About me? ''

'' Nothing in particular. ''

'' Then don't talk like you know everything. ''

'' I know enough. And I have enough experience to say with absolute certainty that you are weak. ''

''... Why? ''

'' How should I know? ''

'' No, not that. Why do you want to know? ''

'' Curiosity. ''

''...'' Melissa remains silent at his answer.

'' You seem to strive for something, but I can see that either you're not strong enough or that you don't try hard enough. I don't think it's due to the latter, so I was just curious about the former. ''

His reasoning is that of a child's, but she feels strangely relieved for its simplicity. In the end, she chooses to trust him.

'' I'm sorry for my short-temperament. But you're to blame as well. ''

'' What did I do? ''

Melissa inhales slowly.

'' It doesn't really matter now. As you correctly guessed, my sword is the way it is due to my ability. My ability is to manipulate the [Sharpness] something has. ''

'' Hmm, interesting. Is it a physical or a conceptual power ? ''

'' Conceptual, why? ''

'' Conceptual, huh...''

He completely ignores Melissa's question and is once in his own world, only this time he's just mumbling to himself. After a couple of minutes, he looks her straight in the eyes.

'' Then you're also an idiot. ''

'' I'm sorry!? ''

'' I forgive you. ''

'' That's not what I meant! '' she yells at him. '' What do you mean by idiot? ''

'' What I said. ''

'' You're so... ''

'' You have that kind of power, yet you're only somewhat using it on your sword. If that's not idiocy, then I don't know what is. ''

'' You... You think I haven't thought of improving myself? Do you even know how hard it is to do something like that? ''

'' I can't say that I do.''

'' You clearly don't! I don't even have a clear image of what I want to do in my

head! ''

'' What do you train on as a swordsman? Besides technique? ''

'' Where did that come from? ''

'' Just answer the question. ''


Melissa remains silent for a few minutes. She's contemplating leaving him and his harsh remarks, but in the end she chooses not to.

'' What, you ask... I would probably say spatial awareness, body coordination, sharpening my senses-''

'' You truly are an idiot. ''

'' You won't get away with it this time! ''

She angrily throws her punch at him, but he easily avoids it by sidestepping. At the same time he trips her with his leg and she finds herself face down on the ground. When she turns around, she sees him looking down on her with something resembling resignation, indicating that he had given up.

'' If you, despite having already found the answer, can't get any stronger, then I suggest you to leave this school, throw away your sword and never use your power again. ''

He slowly walks away, leaving behind him the speechless and wide-eyed Melissa, without turning his head around even once.


Melissa gets paired up with a new opponent, but she's still shaken up. She's incredibly angry at Lacoli, but at the same time she has the feeling that he deliberately made her angry and she can't figure out why.

She defeats her second opponent relatively easily, but her next and final battle doesn't end that quickly. Her opponent can become invisible or, to be more precise, he can make himself appear that way to his opponent, and he's skilled in hand-to-hand combat, making him a bad matchup for her.

As she finds herself in a tough spot, she suddenly remembers his words. Despite having already found the answer. What could he possibly mean? And why did she remember that now?

Melissa tries to remember their conversation and what led to him saying that. She remembers her words. I would probably say spatial awareness, body coordination, sharpening my senses.

(Eh?! Sharpening senses-Ugh!?)

Melissa comes into a sudden realization, but that created an opening and her opponent landed a solid hit on her torso. The pain momentarily prevents her from breathing, but it's not strong enough to knock her out.

(I don't have the luxury to get distracted. I must think of something, and fast. What can I do when I can't even see him?). Those kind of thoughts are going through Melissa's head right now. (Hang on a second! If I can't track him with my eyes, then I must use all my other senses, is it ? But I've been trying to do that since the beginning and it's not very effective. Perhaps... I can literally [Sharpen] my senses?)

Melissa had never thought about this before. She has been training on her own since a very young age, and making her senses more acute was obviously an important part of her training. She had honed her senses to some degree, but she never considered using her ability to do that. The reason being that, in her mind, she has a fixed idea of how that is done and she was unconsciously hindering herself.

She closes her eyes and focuses her mind. She's now completely defenseless and her opponent, while startled at first, moves in to finish her off. What he doesn't expect is that she would take the initiative and attack first, even though she should be unable to see him.

In the blink of an eye she has closed the distance between them and just a few centimeters separates his neck from her sword. Having no other choice, he admits defeat.

(Wow, that was incredible! This is way more amazing than I imagined! I felt like I became a completely different person! I can't wait to train this ability. If I have this, then I'll definitely become stronger!) Melissa excitedly thinks. (Even though I don't want to admit it, it's all thanks to that guy. I wonder how he's doing.)

She searches for him with her eyes, but he's nowhere to be seen. Thinking that it can't be helped she moves to leave, but a sudden surge of exhaustion forces her down on one knee and her breathing becomes heavy.

(It's really taxing. I can't use this move carelessly before I completely master it.), she thinks regretfully.

''Hey, are you okay? Can you stand?''

A voice calls out to her. It belongs to a young man with a sturdy build and average height, accompanied by long black hair and dark brown eyes. She hasn't seen him before, so he must be from another class.

'' Thanks for your concern. I just felt a little dizzy, that's all. With a proper rest I'll be back in full health soon. ''

'' That's good to hear. You shouldn't push yourself too much. By the way, I'm Raymond. If you ever need my help, don't hesitate to ask. ''

'' Nice to meet you Raymond, my name is Melissa. I'll be in your care. ''

'' Likewise. Treat me well from now on. ''

He helps her get up and then guides to her to a spot where she can sit.

'' See you around, Melissa.''

He gives her a lovely a smile and leaves with light steps. Melissa finds his smile unusually charming, but a complicated feeling rises inside of her, so she chooses not to think about it and closes her eyes as she waits for the practical examination to an end.

20 minutes later the students of '8H' are all finished with their matches and return to class.