
Ice-Cold Vampire Princess

Before Yukito knew it he was reincarnated into another world as Eira, the Princess of the Vampire clan. 300 years after the war against Inhumans, Eira must combat the terrors that this reality holds. In this world of betrayal, monsters, and humans who want her dead... can Eira survive? Upload Schedule is 2-3 times a week.

Rokuro_ · Fantasia
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34 Chs

Fork In The Road

Fork In The Road


After the result of our successful outing. Vasati and I made our way back on the back of Rina while Haru rode on the back of Claire. Dragons are the only beings that can fly without consuming magic power... after all.

As I began to think about what the results of this mission led to I started to become irritable. While I was honestly relieved that I did not have to fight that Hero anymore, her seeing all of our faces and knowing our names was not very ideal. Even though I didn't trust her I had no choice, but to invite her to our party.

The result of her leaking all of our information would greatly hinder the abilities of our party. Now I have to deal with someone who is one sentence away from being able to end all of our operations all the time.

"Eira? What were you thinking about?" Vasati asked me as I didn't realize she had been staring at my changing expressions for the last minute.

"How to deal with that Hero if she ever leaks our information." I sighed as I leaned my head against her shoulder.

"Ha! I knew you didn't like her." Vasati said as she leaned her head over mine.

"It's hardly about like or dislike when someone possesses the information to ruin you whenever they choose to" As I sighed briefly, Vasati put her hand over mine.

"No one can ruin you, Eira. After all, you are my special someone." Vasati grinned a wide smile that nearly made my heart stop

"She's so cute," I thought to myself.

As we flew over Warminster Haru signaled us to fly to a hill near the village.

Initially, I didn't want Rina to land there because I worried about us being seen by humans. but I couldn't just say no and ignore another member of the party.

As we landed on the Hill Rina transformed out of her dragon form and followed me and Vasati over to where Claire and Haru were standing nearby to each other.

"What do you guys want?" I asked the question the moment we had all arrived at the meeting spot. I wanted to be done with this situation as quickly as possible.

"Claire and I are gonna split up with you guys here," Haru said with her classic unwavering eyes.

"Never even a shred of doubt, she is so much like Haruka." I thought to myself.

"Are you ok with that? If you come back with us you will be given awards by the royal family and you will likely be able to attend any of the academies in our country." I huffed and shrugged my shoulders slightly.

"Claire and I have some unfinished business in Warminster. Once we handle that we will make our way to your country." Haru said after clearing her throat.

"A honeymoon in Warminster must suck."

"Why did my sister choose her again?"

"I wouldn't expect a human to have any taste in romantic locations."

I, Rina, and Vasati all made fun of Haru, for her supposed "Honeymoon" location, which caused Claire to get flustered.

"Haru and I are not dating!" She shouted with her flushed face.

"Not yet." I heard Haru mumble under her breath. First time in a while my enhanced vampire senses told me something so amusing.

"Anyways, with that, we will be off," Haru said giving a slight bow to me and led Claire down the hill.

"I hope I get a girlfriend to treat me that well." I thought to myself eyes bright with hope.

"Eira! Come on! don't you wanna get home soon?" Vasati called my name, which snapped me out of my trance and I walked back in the direction of Vasti and Rina.

"I think I have it quite good with the friends I have now though." I smiled and tapped the back of Vasati's neck with some frost from my Ice Magic.

"Eira! That's cold!"

By the time we had finally reached our dorm, night had fallen. The results of our mission never felt more successful as my head hit the pillow in our dorm.

Rina didn't choose to hang out with us and was going to meet up with her mom. I'm guessing she wanted to tell her Claire was alive.

"Eira?" Vasati's voice rang in my ear just as I thought I had begun to drift off.

"Huh," I responded to Vasati's questioning tone with a slight yawn.

"It's your birthday tomorrow, right? She asked with a tint of red over her face.

"Yeah, it is." I sat up and answered her question frankly.

"When did you plan on telling me?" Vasati's phrasing would've made you think she asked the question elegantly and respectfully, but if looks could kill I would be dead right now.

"I don't do anything special for my birthday, so I didn't think it was worth mentioning." I forced myself to chuckle.

"You still think I'm joking around with you Eira... tomorrow at sunset, let's have a birthday date." She said as she stared me down.

"So, do you want to invite Rina or-" I started to question, but Vasati put her index finger over my lip and cut me off.

"Just the two of us." She said with her signature closed-eye smile.

"Alright..." I said laying back down on the bed to hide my face from her. I was definitely blushing heavily again.

"Just what does she mean by that? Is she interested in me? No way, Vasati' is from the most royal family in the entire world of Inhumans. I'm just a princess of a rare species. I doubt King Azziros would be ok with her daughter marrying another woman anyway. We are in a medieval world after all." As my mind raced on multiple subjects I hadn't even noticed that Vasati had snuggled into my bed and was lying down next to me.

Before I could say anything to her I heard a loud banging on the door.

"Princess, Vasati and Princess, Eira you have a summons request from King Azziros tomorrow at dawn." The man who delivered the message then slipped a note under our door frame which was likely the document for the summons request.

"With that, I leave you young ladies alone." Very shortly I heard his footsteps trail away until they had disappeared.

"Eira, that was the King's personal messenger. That was a legitimate summon from my dad, which means were are gonna get rewarded!" Vasati cheered.

"Are you sure we're not gonna get punished instead of praised? We did just destroy a human capital in one day." I asked the question in legit worry about the possible punishment we might get by just deciding to steal quests off the board.

"It will be fine. My dad hates humans, he will be excited to know that we were able to destroy a capital that was functioning based on Inhuman slaves.

"Good point Vasati. Well, we will soon find out what the summon is about" I said as I yawned into my pillow.

"Goodnight, Eira" Vasati said as she fell asleep right next to me moments later.

"Goodnight, Vasati."

Next Chapter: First Meeting With King Azziros