
Ice-Cold Vampire Princess

Before Yukito knew it he was reincarnated into another world as Eira, the Princess of the Vampire clan. 300 years after the war against Inhumans, Eira must combat the terrors that this reality holds. In this world of betrayal, monsters, and humans who want her dead... can Eira survive? Upload Schedule is 2-3 times a week.

Rokuro_ · Fantasia
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34 Chs

A Full-Scale Evacuation!

A Full-Scale Evacuation!


After our long talk, we started crafting a plan for evacuating the children who we had saved in this dungeon. During the time we spent We looked around throughout the room to look for any clues to lead us to more locations like this. 

While we never did find anything related to the creation of this place, but we now know the name of this place.


It was created as a place for Inhumans to be tortured and executed. The purpose of this place was evident enough without research though.

"Claire, who was the loved one that you lost?" Rina asked Claire as they walked side by side down the tunnel.

"Rina... Sasume is dead..." Claire could barely get the broken words to come out, but for some reason, Rina's expression didn't waver.

"Unfortunately. I already knew that" Rina stopped walking, bit her lip, and ballled her fist. The rest of the group including me followed her lead and stopped walking so Rina could explain.

"It was my fault... While you were away on that trip to the city, humans invaded Roseford." Rina explained.

While I had only heard about it in the News, the knowledge that Humans invaded Rosford years ago was common knowledge. They used a ridiculous exaggeration of theft to have a reason to barge into someones village. After they searched the entire village and couldn't find what they were looking for they were ordered to leave by the village chief.

The humans didn't want to listen so they made an example out of the village by flexing the might of the human military. What resulted was a near genocide of the Dragonoid race. King Azziros was so infuriated he tried to use his King's veto to wage war against them again, but the entire council was against him.

"When they sealed my dragon powers I was completely useless. Sasume sacrificed herself to help me escape. I'm so sorry Claire..."

Claire reached out to pull Rina into her embrace. She patted her on the head lightly while Rina cried.

"Sasume chose you, Rina. Sasume wasn't perfect, but I guarantee you... it wasn't a mistake." Claire said as she continued to pat Rina's head.


As we finally reached the surface of the tunnels night had fallen and guards were patrolling all over the city, so we devised a plan to evacuate the Inhuman children and the citizens of the city.

"Rina and Claire can be responsible for flying the Inhuman children out of here," I said with a gentle smile.

"I will give the evacuation order. Vasati and Haru are responsible for destroying Obissius." Very simple right?

While my plan didn't have many layers it wasn't of need in this situation. This plan maximizes our abilities by having everyone take on the part that is the best for their roles. It would take something catastrophic to happen for it to fail.

"Sounds good to me! You're always so good at coming up with plans Eira" Vasati gleamed.

"Yes, yes continue to compliment me!" I thought as my mouth widened with a sadistic grin.

"That sounds like it will work." Haru agreed.

After everyone had understood their job we commenced the plan. Rina and Claire transformed into their Dragon form and flew the children out backed by Haru's concealment magic.

I flew into the sky and blew my demon horn. It's what the Demon army uses, so I nabbed one from my dad's office before we left.

"Attention all Citizens of Obril! This city's officials have been found guilty of many disgusting acts fitting the death penalty. However we are a merciful bunch, so we are giving you a chance to escape the city for the next 30 minutes. Anyone who has not vacated the city after that time will be labeled a soldier of Obril's military and may be caught in the crossfire. We hope you choose wisely, goodnight." I added the last part just to be rude.

In less than 5 minutes citizens were standing under me and throwing objects at me. Not like a non-magic could even touch me in the first place.

As I sat there and floated with my barrier up I watched Haru and Vasati point their magic at Obissius.

"Ooo I get to see the Hero's magic up close and personal." I broke my thoughts with a light chuckle.

Finally, I noticed what looked like a platoon of mages flying at me. Air combat was the biggest advantage the humans had in the war. The Demonshire Army didn't have many people who were skilled in air combat.

"The little pigeons finally come out of their nest to play I see." I mocked them as I let them slowly surround me.

"Surrender yourself now or we will kill you, Demon!" What looked like the commander ordered me.

"Wait you guys seriously think that you've won?" I channeled my Ice magic quickly before any of them could even react.

"Ice Magic: Killer Lotus" 

I created an ice flower that grew and extended its petals as ice spears flew out and pierced all of the surrounding mages.

All that was left was the platoon commander. He began to try to fly away from me, but he was way too slow to run away from me.

"Where are you going, gramps?" I slashed his right arm off with some simple Ice Blade Mana.

"MY ARM!" He screamed in pain which seemed to alert the escaping citizens to move faster.

"Stop trying to run away, I thought you were gonna kill me?" I pondered as I watched the mage try to cast another spell. Since he was so weak I figured I would test out another trick I've been working on.

"Perfect Cancel"

All of his spell power disappeared in a short moment.

"How can that be possible!" He yelled.

"Your spell is too basic. Anyone could understand the meaning behind it in less than 2 seconds of looking at it.

"You!" His enraged face was the last one he would ever make before I swiftly stabbed him in the chest with my Ice Blade.

Turning around I glanced at the perfect moment to see Vasati and Haru use their magic.

Vasati had used her very powerful Armageddon and Haru had cast some kind of light magic.

Before I knew it A giant Orb of Plasama was falling onto Obissius.

The explosion was so bright that I turned my head away from it. The shockwave that followed it nearly broke my barrier and I was farther away than both of them by a good margin.

"What insane power..." I said to myself, however, the moment I said it someone popped out of my shadow and wrapped me in a hug.

"Vasati, let go of me. We're at work." I scolded her as I tried to untangle her from me.

"If Claire and Haru do it why can't we?" Vasati pouted and held onto me.

"This spoiled brat. Well, I'll spoil her today only." I thought to myself as I let Vasati hold onto me. 


After Citizens who were reluctant to evacuate at first saw what Vasati and Haru did we didn't have to worry about civilians being killed.

Many guards tried to kill us, but sending ground units after flying units rarely works out well. It wasn't much of a challenge for the three of us to wipe the floor with all the remaining Obril Military.

After we received a telepathic message from Claire we knew we were free to wrap up business in this city.

"Black Seed" 

Black seed was a deadly spell that I had created by myself. I wanted to test what would happen if I combined darkness magic with blood magic and the result I got was a seed that drains the life of anything it touches.

As I dropped the seed in the center of Obril immediately turned to fly away. As I did I got to witness the beautiful chain effect Black Seed causes. The ripple effect stained the city in black.


Vasati, Haru and Eira!" Claire and Rina cheered as we reunited with them at the rendezvous point.

As we all celebrated I started to wonder if Haru was different from the rest of us at all. Not many humans would celebrate burning down a human city... she was just like the rest of us.


Next Chapter: A Fork In The Road