
Ian The Killer

About a bully kid that was pushed to his limit. But then he had snapped and went on a killing spree which lead to doomsday for the city..

Climson · Terror
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

I woke up in a hospital. And i didn't know what was going on right now. The doctor was talking to my mom. She was frowning. Then I got up from my bed. My body felt a bit more powerful. After it had happen. She gave me a signal to come to her. "Yes yes I know doctor." She said. As im trying to get into reality of my self. "Here is your note saying he is okay and he goes to school" the doctor said. With a rincle in his eye. Then me mom had left and as I was about to fall asleep. Again...  I heard harsh breathing. It was him....

And then he was smiling out of the blue and I ran open my window and then started to go out side. He stab my foot. Blood was on the floor. I try to limp away from him as he crawls slowly smiling. Death in his eye...

"W-why are you doing this!"

I said he didn't reply then he has my bat. He messes around.

Next as he jumps kicking my wound. Blood gets on his pants. He cuts my back while I am trying to get away....

Then he stabs my back and I was just laying there. He still kick my face and stabbed me again. I am dying...

He cuts my face. And rips my eye ball. Then smiles looking at the sky.

(With James)

I was just looking around. In my house and then I hear screaming. I look out my window. I saw Ian he just. Stand there while then someone  was laying down. He was ready to kill me. I just had to find a way with out running into him.

I started to study what i have. Then gathered a crowbar, and a table. Then I ran to my door and broke my desk and I found my hammer and blockade the window and make a another blockade. That means that maybe that I will live. So i have a flashlight and I toggled it on. So i could see. Then look around. Banging was coming from the window. And i ran gathered my stuff. By the time I got back the blockade had a small hole. And Ian didn't stop on his attack. Now it was getting serious and that somehow he is actually breaking it. I open my door and closes it. He didn't hear me close it since that he is getting in. He actually breaks the blockade. And gets in. I was outside. Then sounds of him tipping stuff. I run away from my house and get toward the wall of my apartments and climbs up the wall. He was coming in full speed. I got over and it looks like a full 20 feet drop.  I fall and land In leafs.. The scraps of Ian how he was laughing. Right at me..

I feel like he will get me through the wall. So i walk into the forest. And it has a path that I'm following and a water flow in front of me.

I need to hurry. He seems to be closer. He was actually standing about the leafs looking for me. I walk in the water but I feel a rock slam in my head. And i fall into the small river. I started to drown while he stands there. Watching my death and leeches suck on my blood and then he slams the rock on my head until I was bleeding.

He started to leave and while I am dying I can't get up. And then I tried to get up. But I failed while Ian was already to kill the next victim. I couldn't do anything. Like I have so much damage my face and my hip. Because of the leeches. I was about to die...

Then I try to close my eyes while tears come down my face. I am so scared. Right now. Maybe forever now.

I have Died.


I was in my bed. Sleeping and my body force me to wake up it's I look at the time 4:43AM

And I wanted to get back to sleep and after I decide to look around his dark room. That was creeping around.

"Maybe I should get my light on" because I am not sure what to do. Especially that I don't know what might be creeping around my house. My light is off. But I wanted it to be on. So i tried to get my light on. "Stupid flashlight"

I yelled I throw it. The flashlight turn on pointing towards me so I walked forward and picked it up. "My gosh my mom isn't up from this." I point it down stares and  then I went down stares.