
I Work A Nine To Five In The Shinobi World

Have you ever wondered who prints those Bingo Books that all these powerful shinobi carry around? Ever wonder how Kakuzu gets his money from killing off rogue-nins and other people for their bounty? Ever wonder how the system works? Well, I never did. But turns out, being the Deputy Chief of the Bounty Office, Land of Wind, Division, Department of Extraction and Counterintelligence after being killed in a freak accident in my world, comes with the benefit of knowing exactly how bureaucracy works in this wretched world. Well, at least I become more powerful as I successfully do my job...Right? [Analysis Complete: Kakashi Hatake] [+1% to Progress] I'm screwed, aren't I?

UnsympatheticMoron · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs


It's important for a person to truly believe what they see and hear, because evolution has ensured that our senses are fine-tuned to not just anticipate danger at every step of the way, but also to coordinate with each other to give a unique experience to every human in evaluating their surroundings.

It is also important for a person to trust these senses, because they play multiple vital roles besides their obvious uses.

The eye isn't just an instrument of vision, but also of spatial awareness and subconscious cues to the mind. If the intercept between the eye and the brain didn't exist, we wouldn't be able to perceive optical illusions or even videos.

The ear, for instance, doesn't just aid in auditory sensing, but also in maintaining balance.

Now, the reason why this information is relevant is because I found myself in a situation where I couldn't trust any of my senses.

"Ryuichi-san, are you even listening to what I'm saying?" A voice interrupted my musings. My mind raced along to keep up with the information overload I was feeling. As if on autopilot, I nodded, my mouth moving without my permission.

"Yes, but I think I'll need a moment. Allow me a moment to think." I replied, staring unfocused at the pale golden wall of the room I was in.

"V-very well, Ryuichi-san. I'll, uh, we will reconvene after lunch."

I waited until the lady and the surly assistant who was with her left the room, closing the door behind them, and I leaned back with a deep sigh. I covered my face and nearly screamed.

'What in the flying fuck have I gotten into?' I bemoaned the fact that it was forty degrees in the room, because the heat simply gave me no respite.

'Ryuchi of the Land of Wind. Newly promoted Deputy Chief of the Bounty Office and of the Counterintelligence Department of Sunagakure no Sato.' I mulled it over in my head for a few moments, reflecting on the new set of memories that had been dumped on me scant moments ago.

'I am in a fictional world. I'm in the Naruto world.' I groaned out into the empty room, receiving no reply in turn.

"Fuck." I whispered, as newfound fears settled into my head. The thought of what awaited this accursed world in the years to come made me want to slit my own throat with a kunai, but something stopped me from doing just that.

[Threat Assessment System for Secure Elimination of Liabilities v1.0.0]

[Suppressing Emotional Volatility..]

"Hello? Who was that?" Albeit, I had my suspicions that this was one of those Systems from the various fanfiction works that I had read in my life.

[Opening Message: Greetings, Agent One. This is the Threat Assessment System for Secure Elimination of Liabilities, also known as TASSEL. You have been selected to use the system for the purpose of evaluating and assessing threats and will be rewarded for your efforts thusly. Please ensure that the information that is provided is accurate and maintain the strict standards of your work to reap the best rewards. To assist you with this task, you will be given a Support Sprite. For any further questions, refer to your Sprite.]

"Ah. Uh. Right." I said intelligently. "Sprite?" I ventured cautiously. I didn't have a clue as to what was actually going on, but if it was anything like the stories, I was in for a life of awesome adventures and munchkining.

[Hello, Agent One! I am your Personal Support Sprite. You may call me Ezra. Do you have any questions for me?]

A soft, yet distinctly male voice enquired. I stammered for a moment before asking, "Yeah, uh, what the hell is going on?"

[You have been, as you may have already deduced, transmigrated into a different world. One that you are familiar with. And you have been given helpful aid to advance your station in this world and grow into your newfound role.] The Sprite answered in my head, putting a rest to my more pressing doubts.

"Alright. And, um, what are the functions of my system. How am I supposed to use it?" I asked Ezra.

[You are still in Training Mode, Agent. I will take you through the tutorial to show you the strings. Make sure to remember all of it!] Ezra replied, making me nod. I felt a bit silly and quickly asked him if I actually needed to speak out loud, to which Ezra replied in the negative.

'Okay, so, what do I do first, chief?' I asked.

[Module 1: Categorisation]

[In this training module, you will learn about the most important aspect of your job, which is to Categorise threats on the basis of available information. As an Agent, your duties are to gather data on the threat, assess this data and compile it before grading and submitting the relevant files to gain rewards.]

A few lessons filled my head with all the information I needed on this part of the "job". I felt like studying in college would have been much easier if knowledge could just be poured into my head. I digressed.

"Hey, don't I get, like, a starting gift or something?" I asked, for it was a staple in all those fics.

[Please complete the Tutorial to gain access to the features of the System.] Came the honest reply.

I sighed once and looked up with determination.

"Yeah. Yeah, let's do this, Ezra." I said to the empty room.