
I Won't Marry You, Mr Hill!

"I'd rather jump off the window to my death than marry Mr Hill!" Suddenly finding herself in a contract marriage arranged by her father, Emma ran away from her wedding at the very last minute, leaving the legendary world known feared Mr Hill by the altar. She ran away and met Shaun, this very handsome stranger who gave her a lift. He was too handsome, she began to crush on him. She thought he had so many similarities to the Mr Hill, the same man she had run away from getting married to. The two had the same green eyes color and same stature, but they did not look facially alike. Infact, one looked more mature, manly, and older than the other. She had begun to fall for Shaun cause he was not only handsome but cool and not arrogant. But little did she know that she was being toyed by the same person in a game of revenge. Shun who she was now in love with was the same Mr Hill she ran away from getting married to, who is infact a wolf, gifted with the strange ability to change his face. He had been cursed and left to wander in the human land for over a century. Looking for a romantic thrilling story of a wolf in the human world? Then read "I won't marry you, Mr. Hill!"

Favour_Wright · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 1


"Snack! Snack!" My mum had slapped me so hard across both cheeks that the sound resounded through the dressing room. 

My hands flew to hold both sides of my face as I stared at her in shock, not believing she had slapped me twice and hard just because I literally begged her that I didn't want to marry Mr. Hill. 

"Mum?" I called as my eyes reddened and tears gathered in my eyes. 

"Hold it there!" She shut me off. 

"And if you dare spill any silly tears and ruin your makeup, I will kill you," she said. 

I blinked back my tears and shook my head. 

I couldn't believe my mum was being this mean to me cause of that monster. 

'Is it because he is rich?'

"Mum look I..."

"Shhhhh," she cut me shut again, glaring hard at me and I gritted my teeth. Then she turned to the lady by the side. 

"Touch up her makeup on both sides of her cheeks. I don't want some glaring slap marks to scare the groom away," she said to her. And without even sparing me a glance, she turned on her heels and left the room. 

The room was deadbeat silent after she left, and even the makeup artist knew better not to say a word. And when she was finally done smearing more foundation against my cheeks and touching up my blush and powder, she finally left too, leaving just me and my friend Ava in the room. 

"I've always been the good girl. Every damn time!" I suddenly yelled at Ava, who stood speechless on the side. Tears had gathered in my eyes again and seeing that, she immediately rushed and gently held my face. 

"Please don't cry. You will ruin your makeup. Your mum will get even madder," she spoke softly but I shook my head.

"I can't do this," I whispered, a tear sliding down my face. 

"I won't listen to them anymore. I won't marry him."

As I spoke, my voice shook and broke terribly.

Ava stepped even closer to me and gently held my arm. 

"Think it through, Emma. It might not be that bad..." She sighed softly and I looked up at her. 

"Are you listening to yourself too?" I asked her. You said 'might'. What if it's bad? Mr Hill is a monster! Don't you get it?"

I cried out and frustratingly tore off the pretty veil on my hair, and threw it off.

Ava immediately bent down to pick it up and the light streaming from the window shining on it made its small stones glisten like a thousand stars. 

'Poor thing.'

We were in the dressing room of the biggest event hall in New York. 

I was dressed in a floral silky white wedding dress flowing all over, with Ava also dressed in a pretty white gown cause I was to be getting married to the world-known monster, while she was supposed to be my maid of honor. But before that happens, I will run away. 

Yes, that's it. I've made up my mind. 

I won't just sit and let my parents sentence me everlasting suffering. 

Vance Hill is a monster. I've never even met him before, and the few times I saw him were on the screen, news channels especially. But my dad sold me to him. 

He sold me off to a total stranger, a pervert, an evil person, a crazy man, and even a murderer!

This man has killed so many innocent people. Who knows, maybe his work and prosperity in the business world were gotten from really terrible means, but my parents obviously do not care about all of that. Instead, they sentenced their only child and daughter to death!

'I hate you dad!'

'I fucking hate you, mum!'

Despite being a world-known billionaire and owner of the biggest technology company in the whole of the United States and even North America, with branches all over the world, I still won't marry him!

"So what do you want to do now?" Ava huffed sadly and I raised up my teary eyes to look at her. 

"I want to run away," I said and her eyes widened. 

"Are you serious?" She gasped in shock and I nodded as a few more tears fell from my eyes.

"Think about your mum," She suddenly said. "How will she feel when she f..."

"My mum just came here and slapped me 'cause I pleaded with her to talk to Dad to not marry me off to that world monster," I cried through gritted teeth. I didn't let her finish what she was saying when I cut in. 

My parents never cared about me. It has always been nothing but business, money, and connections. Even my mum. 

So why should I care about how she'll feel? 

Our family's business is already doing well in New York, but they're just never satisfied. 

They don't even care if I get killed or maimed!

Asides from all these, I am a fucking eighteen years old college girl. That man is twenty-nine!

Yeah, girls my age get married but not a loveless marriage to a monster! Maybe if I'm in love with this monster it won't be so bad. 


I reached out and held Ava's hand. 

"They'll soon grow suspicious and come find me. Ava please you need to help me escape I beg you," I held her hands and cried pleadingly. By now I was pretty sure that my makeup was totally ruined. 

Ava stood there feeling uneasy. I could tell she was scared and it was never in my intention to drag her into this and put her on the spot or in trouble with my parents. But I need her help desperately and I know she loves me too much than to let me get married to death itself. 

"Wait here," she finally sighed and my low sad eyes lit up immediately. 

I nodded and watched her go towards the washroom. 

When she was out of sight, my eyes went to the window and I immediately rushed toward it. I threw the window open and looked down to observe the place.

We were on the fourth floor. 

I could just jump down but the height was deadly.

But, which is better? Jumping down to my death or getting married to that devil in there?

But then, I raised my head to see the window opposite the next building was just about two meters away and something suddenly occurred to me. 

'How do I cross over to that side?'

Just as I was still contemplating, Ava reappeared from the washroom with a long ladder and hurriedly approached.

"You're running away at the last minute, we have to be fast!" she said hurriedly. 

"Thank you so much, Ava," I exhaled, but my heart suddenly raced hard. If my dad's guard comes looking for me, they'll drag me to that place and they can barge in any moment from now. 

My dad is that cruel.

Ava stretched out the ladder till it was on the window pane of the next building while I kept glancing behind us, my heart thumbing.

'God please I beg you. Just let me escape and I won't ask for anything again.'

"Ready?" Ava asked, making sure it was stable.

"Yes ready," I nodded immediately, packed up my gown, and hurriedly climbed. But then the ladder swayed slightly causing Ava to gasp. 

"Careful, Emma!"

I nodded. 

Slowly, I crawled on the ladder. But just as I got to the middle, I heard my dad's angry voice. 

"Where is she?! Check all the rooms and drag her out!" He yelled and I shivered in fear. 

"Oh no!"

"Emma!" Ava whisper-yelled my name. "You will fall! Please don't be scared and just go through. You're almost there."

Her voice shook as she spoke and even my heart was now racing wildly, hitting hard against my ribcage. 

More tears streamed down my face.

With my heart in my mouth, ignoring my dad's terrifying voice out there with the loud and approaching footsteps of the guards, I finally made it to the window and threw myself in, landing on the tiles. 

I gasped. 

That had hurt.

"Call me once you get somewhere," I heard Ava's voice and I nodded. Hurrying up to my feet, I rushed towards the door. 

I flung the door of the room open and dashed out. But then I bumped into someone and I immediately muttered, "Sorry."

Without stopping to check who it was, I ran all the way through the corridor till I was running down the stairs.

In fact, I had pulled off my shoes as I ran, dragging my wedding gown along with my shoes in one hand. 

By now, Dad would have known I escaped and would dispatch his guards to find me, so I need to be out of here! 

With my tears still pouring down, I ran distraught and devastatingly. 

Finally, I got out of the huge building and dashed into the road. I did not stop and just kept sprinting while frantically racing my hands holding my shoes like a crazy person, trying to stop any vehicle. 

"Hey, please pull over," I yelled and screamed at the drivers. 

When one cab driver finally did, I jumped in immediately. 

"Where miss?"

"Just keep going. Go far away. I will pay you," I anxiously replied as I shut the door. 

'My dad must not get me!'

But as he pulled back to the road and began driving off, I saw them, about eight of them, come out of the building by the side. They were my dad's guards and my heart did a flip. 

My eyes widened and I trembled. 

"Please drive faster!" I yelled at the driver in panic and thankfully, he flooded his engine and charged down the road.