
I won't be your demon

what would you do if you were forced to be a demon would you fight for your race or for your beliefs

chaoticmajin · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Would you fight the war

As they kept talking the conversation somehow reached the topic of a anime that all three of them were watch about a war between humans and monsters.Mickle asked Julia if she would fight for the humans even if she was a monster on the anime.Julia say that no i wouldn't because if your a powerful powerhouse why help people under you.That is when he says to mickle and julia that he disagrees because if someone had help him like they do now back then he would have been so thankful.Mickle agrees with him saying yeah you seem like the hero time.At that time the trio hear a a thunk sound coming from the shopping area of the convenience store.Mickle say hey because me and Julia are still eating do you mind going to see what that is.Julia says what if it's a robber.Mickle say who would be dumb enough to rob this dump.Julia looks at him and says fine be quick.