
I won't be your demon

what would you do if you were forced to be a demon would you fight for your race or for your beliefs

chaoticmajin · Ação
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10 Chs

lunch is good

Some time passes and our main character has been working diligently a loud and cheerful alarm goes off from Julia's phone.Whitch means it is time to take a break for some food.He walks to the back at a fast walking motion Julia practically Sprint's and right behind Mickle causing her to stop abruptly and fall back .luckily he is there to catch her before that could happen she looks up a little flustered and says thanks for catching me.he says no prob(problem)in a quite voice.Julia stands up looks back then turns her head quickly causing her hair to fling as she makes a pouting face then walks to her locker grabs two brown paper bags stick one out and say here I know you don't bring food when your late and I had a extra sandwitch.He say well thxs.Mickle turns sliding a spinny chair over to Julia as he sits down in an old torn up gaming chair.Mickle says wow making him food you're going to make a great bride one day.Julia crumples up her paper bag after taking the sandwich out and throws it at mickle she then sits down in the chair and spends a bit before she looks at him who seems to have blushes from mickles comment but because of his gray complexion she can't tell .Starting to eat her food.He then sits down in a medal folding chair and eat the sandwitch Julia made.The three of them continue snacking and talking in a friendly and upbeat manner.