
I won't be your demon

what would you do if you were forced to be a demon would you fight for your race or for your beliefs

chaoticmajin · Ação
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10 Chs

knock out...

She looks at him confused and says in a shaken voice as she pees herself please don't hurt me demon he then says what I may be ugly but I wouldn't call myself a demon he puts out his hand to help her up but when he see the hand he has he start to freak out he stumbles backwards mumbling to himself what the hell... this isn't my body what the hell this isn't my life.Then the other soldiers come running to the general's Aid stay calm General they will get that last demon to just wait here one soldier says trying to help.The general stands up and says in a declaring voice wait wait don't hurt it I don't think it's right up there if you know what I mean it saved me they stopped in their place holding up weapons that looks similar to guns but not quite they have a Crystal like glow coming around them they look at him and most seem to have pity in there eyes the general walks up to a you girl with the number 2 on your shoulder under the symbol hinting that there is something different about her position in the army.as he continues to freak out she trys to stab a sedative in his neck but the needle just brakes against his skin witch cause her to get scared and jump back like three feet as the soldier all repoint there gun at him thinking he is about to roit he starts to calm down; to there suprise as ow he says as he puts his hand to the spot on his neck and look at the general and ask her what was that for I tried to help your ungrateful ass they all look at him confused as the general says why don't you come with us if you really want to help he thinks then say sure just no more needles lady soldier she says fine by the way my number is one he ask for her name but she looks confused why would I give a monster my name it not like we are friends.He pouts and turns his body to face away from her and the he then say in a childish voice fine then I not going number 2 gets pissed and say why you but before she can finish general one say how about this I will let you call me bye a name other then one if it will makes you feel better.he turns and smiles ok lead the way and make a clumsy excuse for a salute causing some of the more younger soldiers looks at him to laugh before getting a scary look from number two.