
I woke up to find my self married

What if a psychologist awoke one day to find herself married and the mother of a kid in a strange world? What lies in store for her includes caring for various patients, learning about numerous mysteries, and experiencing a love tale. Read the fantasy romantic comedy novel "I woke up to find myself married" to lighten your heart and get an unforgettable story.

Inou_7729 · Fantasia
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15 Chs

Chapter 10 : Are you in love ?

When she said that, I stepped back and stared at her with my mouth open and my eyes wide, asking, "What? Tell me immediately when and how! "

She apologized, lowering her gaze, and said, "I don't think I am ready to tell you the complete story, but all I can say is that we used to know each other well and we played together a lot when we were young."

I pat her shoulder and reassure her, "Don't worry, dear. When you're ready, let me know, and I'll be here to listen. Regarding Darius, I don't think he forgot about you; he seems like an easygoing person. "

"Yes, it could be. Thank you, my lady, for your understanding. "

"Yes, perhaps. Thank you, dear lady, for your understanding. "

"Don't mention it; I did nothing."

As we walked on, I couldn't help but wonder how Daisy could play with Darius given that they belong to different social classes. Because, here, from their perspective, only kids who are on the same level can play together. But how does she interact with a rich, upper-class person who comes from a marquess family while she is from the lowest class? There must be something I'm missing.

When she left the room, I looked immediately at him, who was smiling at the door from the bottom of his heart.

I interrupted him by asking, "Are you happy now?"

He stands up, opening his arms and coming to hug me, saying "my dear friend, I really missed you. Why are you mad at me now? "

I flicked his forehead to prevent him from hugging me. which made him complain, "Ouch, those stone-like fingers hurt."

I murmured, "You deserve that," and we started looking out the window and chatting.

However, this friend can't close his mouth for a second, so he begins mocking me, " Yeah , Amon, I didn't expect that from you . You addressed her by name, and she did the same. "

"What's wrong with that? Aren't we husband and wife? "

"And are you in love ?"


"Yes, go ahead and tell me lies, mister. I do not believe it anyhow, and I'm jealous because I believed I would be the only person to ever address you by name in your entire life, but I was mistaken. "

"I won't defend myself because you will see with your own eyes in the future, and can you stop acting cheesy like that, others will mistake us for being in a relationship."

He burst into laughing saying "I always like your comments, which is why you're my friend,"

We were enjoying the rain and the gloomy weather while gazing out the window, until we were distracted by the scene of my wife and her maid arguing.

"Look, it's Her Grace. What's going on between these two? " Darius asked.

"I don't have an idea."

While we were following them with our eyes, I witnessed her action of throwing her umbrella, and out of the sudden, she started dancing. "Look at her grace, she is dancing with all her hearts, she is even doing face expressions," Darius exclaimed.

Yes, he is correct. She is dancing oddly but very seriously. Does she not realize we are watching her? Is she not humiliated? Thank God, Daisy came back with the umbrella and she took Auryn with her, so this fool next to me can stop laughing.

"Aren't you stunned by her behavior?" He asked me.

"No, I'm used to that."

"She is different indeed. You have really got yourself a unique wife. I am proud of you. "

I sat down on my chair as he was still standing, and he added, "Her maid is beautiful too. Do you have any information on her? "

"Listen up Darius, this isn't the place for playing around or dating, so hold back on your nonsense."

"I stopped being someone who plays with a girl's heart a while ago. Why can't you believe me? "

"I won't because I know you well."

"Whatever, I am not going to argue with you because it's been a long time since I met you."

As he was leaving, he turned his head to me and asked, "Do you think she will survive here and stay with you until the end?"

I raised my head and made eye contact. " I'm not sure of that either."

"How about those people? Are they still following you?"

"They won't stop until they get what they want from me as well, and I won't stop and let that happen."

"Yeah, I know how consistent you are, my Amon, but remember you have more people to protect now," he said as he opened the door, "See you at the ceremony, my dear friend," and we exchanged our goodbye signs.