
The Prince

Cleo opened her eyes.

She was, surprisingly, not a splatter of human remains on the floor of an all-too prestigious palace inside of her favorite book. She was, even more surprisingly, somehow floating above the ground.

"Cleo! Are you okay?"

Now that was a familiar voice. It was one that she relatively knew well. It was the one that made her heart race at a superhuman speed whenever she heard it. Ah, yes, it was Cecil.

It was Cecil. And he was holding her in his arms, in what someone back in the real world might call a "princess hug".

Cleo scrambled to stand up, only managing to fall onto the floor in her attempt. Cecil reached out an arm, and she reluctantly took it. He pulled her to her feet, gently, as if dealing with a glass vase that was about to shatter at any moment.

"Look, Cleo..." Cecil said, fidgeting with his hands behind his back. "Um...I don't know what happened, but I'm sorry. I don't know what I did to make you...uh...reject me, but I'm really sorry for whatever it is, and I would really like it if you could forgive me."

Cleo groaned inside of her head. Her resolve was easily melting from Cecil's apology. She shook her head aggressively, trying to clear her head.

"Please?" Cecil said, shaking Cleo back and forth.

"Fine," Cleo mumbled. "I'll forgive you."

Cecil smiled. He was genuinely happy, but his eyes had a mischievous shine to them. "Okay."

"But don't do it ever again!" Cleo screamed, flustered.

"How do I know what I'm supposed to not do if you don't tell me?"

Cleo sighed. She leaned in and whispered in Cecil's ear. She told him about everything that had happened with Madeleine.

"I never did any of that!" Cecil scoffed. "Why would I do that to her when I have you?"

Cleo waved a finger at him. "Y-you..."

"Give me a reward."

Cleo made a face. "What do you mean? A reward is earned, and you didn't-"

"Then count it as compensation. You wrongly accused me."

"Okay. What do you want?"

Cecil thought for a moment. Then, deciding on his final choice, he said, "This."

He extended his hand, bowing in a gentlemanly manner. Cleo backed away in surprise.

"May I have this dance?"

Reluctantly, Cleo grabbed his hand, allowing Cecil to lead her into the ballroom. They spun to the music, his arm wrapped around her waist. Cleo's dress fluttered. Everyone was watching them now. The moment would have been perfect if she had known how to dance. Cleo kept accidentally stepping of Cecil's feet.

"I'm sorry!" she apologized, scrambling to fix her steps.

"Is this your way of getting back at me?" Cecil teased. He let her go, spinning Cleo around and around.


Cleo lost her balance. She had never danced before, so of course she would make a few mistakes. But the daughter of a baron should not be so bad at dancing. She must seem so clumsy and useless to Cecil. But he did not mock her at all. Instead, he caught her before she fell, smiling that coy smile. Cleo's heart fluttered, the butterflies in her stomach acting up all over again.

"Don't worry," Cecil whispered, leaning in close so that no one else could hear him. "Just follow my lead."

Cleo listened. She followed his steps, although not perfectly, but she managed to stumble much less. And each time she did, Cecil was always there to catch her. The night went on, just like that.


The stars glimmered in the sky, and the moon shone brightest of all. They sat side by side on the edge of the balcony of the tallest tower in the palace, enjoying the nighttime view. Cecil leaned his head on Cleo's shoulder, scooching his head around until he found a comfortable position. Cleo patted his head affectionately. The night was so peaceful, so quiet.

A shriek shook the palace.

"Help me!" a man a few years older than Cecil ran out onto the balcony.

The young couple slid down from the banister, turning to face this man.

"October?" Cecil asked. "What are you doing here?"

October Lumen was the crown prince of the empire, and Cecil's older brother. He was the son of the empress, making him the only prince in the direct royal lineage, since Cecil was not born from noble blood. October treated Cecil like a brother, despite the prejudice against bastard children in the empire. He had the same silver hair that the royals of the empire were known for, but his hair was much longer than Cecil's, tied back in a loose ponytail. October had his mother's eyes, the color of the autumn leaves as they fell from the trees. He would likely become a wise and just emperor, if only the Reinland princess would stop pestering him.

That was his one fear. Madeleine.

Cecil's eyes widened, realizing who his brother was running from. He grabbed Cleo's wrist, pulling her behind him. October gawked at him.

"You're not going to defend me? I'm your brother!"

Cecil blinked at him. Lifting a finger to point at Cleo, he said, "She's my girlfriend."

"Girlfriend, you say?" October smiled, picking up Cleo's free hand and kissing it. "Very pleased to meet you. I'm October."

Cecil slapped his brother's hand away, glaring at him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Okay!" October backed away. "Sheesh!"

"October! There you are!" Madeleine exclaimed, running onto the balcony. "Oh, Cecil honey! You're here too! What a coincidence!"

Cleo gritted her teeth. She was not going to let Madeleine touch Cecil again. She wrapped her arms around his waist, rising up on her tiptoes to rest her head on Cecil's shoulder.

"Oh, what a coincidence indeed."

If the whole thing feels unrealistic, that's because it is. This whole chapter was written by someone who has no idea how dancing works. Take it or leave it. I want my cute couple moment.

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