
I Will Seduce the Women Before the Demon King Revives

"A young man suddenly finds himself in a different place, only to realize that he is trapped in a world of the eroge video game called 'The Life of Heroes until the Resurgence of the Demon King.' Will he use his knowledge of the game to save the world from the reign of the demon king? Will he try to become a hero who helps others? Or will he abuse his knowledge to simply lay with the heroines and unsuspecting women he encounters on his way? Follow Dylan's adventures as he joins the groups of future heroes who will defeat the demon king. Harem / Netori *Warning for those who do not like this type of content."

RyenMC · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 8

What exhaustion! I thought to myself after realizing it was already night when we left the inn. It amused me to see the innkeeper nervous as Sayla and Leydi descended at the same time, unaware of my presence beside them.


"Now, are we going shopping? Brack and Jack will be suspicious if we return without buying anything," Sayla commented.


"Okay, but let's eat first. The physical activity has made me very hungry, and we haven't eaten anything since noon," Leydi replied with her usual smile.


They acted normally, their faces radiating happiness; no one could imagine that just moments ago, they were involved in a threesome with me, despite both being married. Nor that both had their faces covered in semen, and even less that they carried my semen in their bodies, despite cleaning up with <Cleaning Magic>.


For some reason, I couldn't help but feel proud of myself.


"Liam, you pay for the meal," said Leydi, and Sayla agreed. "It's the least you can do after leaving us with very sore backsides." I saw her touch her backside and grimace in discomfort.


"Fine, but neither of you is allowed to wash up, let alone take those potions." They nodded, knowing I meant the potion that prevents pregnancy.


After this, we went to eat and talked about various topics. Then, we visited several shops that were still open to buy utensils, clothes, and accessories.


While we were in a women's accessory store, I saw some familiar silhouettes.


"Frex, don't you think this accessory is very cute, or do you think this one looks better?" a very pretty girl with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a slightly slender figure asked a guy with red hair and blue eyes who carried a sword with its sheath attached to his belt.


"Is there any difference other than their colors?" asked the guy incredulously, and a girl with the same characteristics as him, except she didn't carry a sword but a bow.


"Of course, they are very different; the blue complements his eyes, and the green matches his dress..."


I couldn't continue listening to their conversation.


"Dylan, how do we look?" Sayla asked me, wearing a purple bracelet that matched her full-body purple dress, which had a lighter tone than her hair color, and Leydi, with a black and gold necklace that also matched her hair and the yellow knee-length dress she was wearing.


"You both look amazing; I'll buy them." It feels good to have some money.


After this, we continued buying other things, and incidentally, I overheard the hero's group with [Presence Decrease].


"Let's not keep buying, we must save the minimum to be able to sleep under a roof. That was the first thing our parents told us when we left the village. Let's go reserve an inn instead," said the red-haired girl before leaving the store.


Since I had confirmed that the hero's group had arrived, I have to ask them if they will let me join them, but now it will be at the moment I see them in the guild.


I continued accompanying Sayla and Leydi for a while longer, and then we went together to Leydi's house, where her husband was waiting.


"Leydi, you finally arrived. I was getting worried because you hadn't returned, even though it's been dark for hours," Jack said happily to see Leydi back.


"I'm sorry for worrying you," Leydi said with a slightly sad face that really showed empathy for Jack's concern. It surprises me that she can act that way after everything that happened today.


Sayla approached and greeted, "Hello, Jack, sorry for monopolizing Leydi all day. We got too excited and talked for a long time." Well, from an objective point of view, it's true that they got very excited and talked to me for too long using their bodies.


"Don't worry, Sayla. The important thing is that nothing bad happened to them," Jack said with some understanding.


"Hello, Jack, here are the things Leydi bought," I said while holding some bags with clothes and utensils that I had bought for Leydi.


"It's you, Dylan! You almost scared me to death by appearing out of nowhere," he exclaimed surprised to see me.


"Sorry, I forgot to deactivate my ability," I scratched my head a bit out of the embarrassment I felt. I forgot that I reactivated [Presence Decrease] when I was near the hero's group.


"Don't worry, but I thought we already warned you not to use it carelessly. If someone with high perception mistakes you for an assassin or some kind of dangerous person, they might attack you. I see you haven't changed anything in that regard," he started scolding me, but for some reason, I didn't find it annoying. It reminds me of when our former group was complete.


"I'm sorry, I'll be more careful from now on." After this, we said goodbye to Jack and Leydi and went to Brack's inn instead of going to her house.


When we entered, there were many people, and among them, some adventurers were in the inn, drinking beer and eating.


"Sayla, you're finally back. Help me a bit by attending to the customers," said Brack, who was cooking and serving customers with all the speed he had.


Sayla began to help him, while I left the bags at the back of the counter.


"Dylan, you help too; it's your fault that this place is so crowded," he looked at me with confusion and doubt.


"Don't look at me like that, just look at the corner, and you'll see the reason." I glanced at the place he pointed, and I noticed several people gathered around Sacha.


I just sighed and started helping by carrying beers and orders with Sayla; it's the least I can do after being with his wife.


When the situation calmed down a bit, I went to the kitchen behind the counter, where Brack was still cooking. "What does Sacha have to do with all this?" I asked, as there were only three adventurous girls caressing Sacha, and very few adventurers approached him while I was attending to the customers.


"They came out of curiosity about the rumored wolf, and after confirming the information, they got bored of watching him and started ordering beers."


"Now I understand why it's so crowded. But I think you should hire someone else. Sometimes, you have to sleep here at the inn, and the same goes for Angela. If Sayla and you stay, she does too, which can be a bad influence mixing with adventurers who make a lot of noise while she sleeps."


"It's hard to find reliable people. I'll leave it for later, so start letting them know to leave because we're about to close."


"Okay." When I left the kitchen and started telling the people who were finishing their meals to leave before getting too drunk and making it harder to kick them out.


When finally everyone, almost everyone, left, including Sayla and Angela, the only ones left in this inn are Brack and three other people who will stay overnight. I was about to close the door when someone else entered the inn.


It was the hero's group. "Excuse me, are there rooms available for lodging?"


"Of course, there are two rooms. But I'm not the manager...". The inn has a total of seven rooms, one on the first floor and the other six on the second floor. I use one of the second-floor rooms indefinitely, and the one on the first floor is where Sayla, Brack, and Angela stay sometimes.


"By the way, are you guys an adventurer group?" I asked casually.


"Yes, we just arrived and registered. I'm Frex, and I'm a swordsman apprentice, and these are..." Frex introduced with enthusiasm, while the girls observed us.


"I'm Alexa, I'm his sister and also a hunter apprentice," she introduced when she saw that Frex had done it.


"My name is Lina... uh... I'm an apprentice mage and Frex's fiancée." She seemed a bit shy.


"Hahaha! You must be complete novice adventurers and must come from a very remote place." I couldn't help but laugh when I heard them.


"Eh?" Frex was confused seeing me laugh, and it seemed like Alexa wanted to hit me, while Lina glared at me.


"I'm sorry, but I couldn't help laughing hearing you. Usually, almost everyone knows not to disclose your exact occupations and instead give your positions vaguely." Seeing that they still didn't understand what I was saying, I got a little alarmed. Usually, I always controlled them directly, so they didn't need to learn by themselves, as there were always options in their dialogues.


But now they are completely independent, so they must have little knowledge of how to behave because of their parents. If I think about it this way, I would have to teach them little by little, which is annoying. But the good thing is that they have a lot of talent, and their natural abilities are OP when developed, besides they received a lot of training and are physically better or equal to me because they already manifested the aura core and my only advantages are experience and the potion.


I better explain to them. "It's dangerous for them to know exactly the job, and if you mention the apprentice part, they might try to take advantage of you." I pointed at Alexa and said, "You just have to say that you handle the rearguard with your bows and arrows only in case you form a group with other people you don't know." I pointed at Lina, "You must say that you cast magic from the rearguard and not say what type of magic or spells you know." This time I looked at Frex, "And you must say that you handle the vanguard and nothing else."


They looked at me with doubts, and Alexa asked me, "Why are you telling us all this?" With slight doubts.


That's what I expected them to ask. "Because I want to join your group."


"But if you said we are novices, don't you think we would slow you down?" Frex was curious about my intention to join the group.


"Because you seem to be around the same age as me, as it seems you just turned 16, and besides, I don't want to join a team of veterans because they will treat me like a complete novice and distribute rewards very unevenly, and when I start showing my worth, they will kick me out of the group to bring in someone else and repeat the same process. Also, everyone has the ability to improve. If you don't show any progress, I'll just leave the group."


They seemed to hesitate a bit, but Frex seemed determined and said, "It will be a pleasure to have you in our group. We'll be in your care for now." I felt the need to slap my face for their naivety, but I was also happy inside.


"By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Dylan, and I'm an explorer who takes care of searching for enemies and analyzing the surrounding area. I'll also be in charge of you." Of course, I will take care of you, especially our group mates.


"I'll inform Brack, the owner of this inn, about you." After this, I went to find Brack to inform him about the new customers.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

RyenMCcreators' thoughts