
I Will Seduce the Women Before the Demon King Revives

"A young man suddenly finds himself in a different place, only to realize that he is trapped in a world of the eroge video game called 'The Life of Heroes until the Resurgence of the Demon King.' Will he use his knowledge of the game to save the world from the reign of the demon king? Will he try to become a hero who helps others? Or will he abuse his knowledge to simply lay with the heroines and unsuspecting women he encounters on his way? Follow Dylan's adventures as he joins the groups of future heroes who will defeat the demon king. Harem / Netori *Warning for those who do not like this type of content."

RyenMC · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 2

When I left Brack's house, Sayla's husband, I went straight to the inn where I always stay. It also functions as a restaurant during the day and a bar at night. As I entered, I could see a bunch of drunken adventurers, with Brack shouting my name.


"Dylan! You're here, how was the mission?" I ignored all the adventurers enjoying themselves and sipping beers while sharing rumors they heard during their missions. I took a seat in one of the chairs in front of the counter.


"It was the same as always, nothing interesting happened while I was escorting the caravan, and because of that, the reward only covers the essentials," I said after letting out a big sigh.


"Well, I don't think it's a big deal since the traders are only taking the safest routes and bringing a few adventurers as insurance. But isn't it time for you to find or create a group? Ever since our group disbanded due to the leader's death, you've only been taking solo missions or working as an escort," he knows I've been struggling by not joining any group.


"Here, this time the house is on me," he handed me a mixed fruit juice, Dylan's favorite.


"You're always trying to convince me to create my own group, but I've been thinking lately, and maybe it's time for me to join a group. Besides, I don't want to lead a group of adventurers. It's too much work; I'd rather join one that meets my requirements and has big goals." I took a sip of the shake, only to realize it had a bit of alcohol, but not enough to bother me entirely.


"Hey, next time give me something non-alcoholic; you know how much I hate it." He just laughed a bit and scolded me. "You should start drinking more and become a real man. You've reached adulthood, and you still haven't found a partner." Hearing this, I felt a bit nervous and embarrassed about what I did to his wife, but it disappeared quickly. I think Dylan's moral compass affects me too much.


"You know I haven't found the right person, but changing the subject, have you heard about a small group consisting of a guy with red hair and blue eyes along with a girl who has the same features?" When he heard what I said, he put on a mocking smile and said, "Don't tell me you fell for the girl you just mentioned? Wait until I tell the gang; I'm sure they'll give you some advice."


"I already told you it's not like that. I've only heard about them from one of the caravan traders who said they were a very promising group of young people, and I want to ask them if I can join them." When I finished telling him, he put a hand on his chin for a while before giving me a disappointing answer.


"Sorry, I haven't heard about that couple." Before I could ask more questions, another adventurer ordered some beers.


"Well, I'll let you know if I hear anything about them, but right now, I'm busy." After he left, I finished my shake and went upstairs where there were several rooms.


I entered my room and lay down on my back.


I think there won't be many problems blending in with those around me; I acted the whole time as if I were Dylan, and it felt very natural. To the point where I questioned if I am Dylan or Alex.


Well, I don't think it matters too much. For now, I should just take advantage of knowing future events, secret locations with interesting items, Easter eggs, but above all, gather a lot of information about the important characters who will be companions to the three heroes, even though I doubt I can get involved with each of them because each of the three heroes is in a different realm.


Well, it's not like that information matters too much because I'll probably meet them in a few years, but now come the problems. The video game didn't have a fixed route; it had hundreds of endings, if not more than thousands, because of random events, procedurally generated NPCs, and companions. Just thinking about how random everything is annoys me a bit. Especially now that they are not NPCs anymore; they are not limited to certain behavior patterns and can be unpredictable.


At least there is still a lot of time, and it seems that the hero located in this country hasn't reached this town yet, but it shouldn't be long because the hero will come several months after turning 16, and I am a year older than him, so it shouldn't take too long.


But I should prioritize strengthening myself as quickly as possible.


I started jotting down everything I remembered from the game in a notebook. I'm relieved that the writing and language are different. This way, no one can decipher what I'm writing, and if they happen to find it, I can make up an excuse like it's an abandoned notebook I found on one of my adventures. But the most important reason for writing it in the first place is that it will serve as a guarantee in case I start forgetting events or important things.


It took me several hours to finish writing; it would take full days if I didn't summarize almost all the important data and the ones that serve me in the short term. I'll have more time later, but right now, I can't afford to relax.


I analyzed what is the first thing I should or could do with my current abilities.


After thinking about it for a while, I finally decided. I will head to the hidden ruins of the Lutargut forest. That's where a very important potion is located, vital for any of the three heroes.


"High-Quality Stamina Potion." It may sound dubious, but it was made by a highly respected alchemist and is an item that makes the person who drinks it much better in bed, slightly increases their member size, and at the same time strengthens their overall physical and mana.


It was vital because the heroes have very little sexual desire, very little sexual prowess, and low resistance at the beginning of the adventure. But some items solve this problem, and they are often secretly delivered by the heroines hoping that the heroes will have a lot of sexual desire and pay attention to them when their affection level rises.


Not that I need it, because the size of my member is much larger than before, and I can shoot many times more, but there's nothing wrong with taking advantage of all the advantages I can to leave my future women in wheelchairs (temporarily), and I can't let other people, besides me, get those benefits, and in that category, the heroes and some random people fall.


Just thinking about all I have to do is very exhausting. Now, the first thing is to rest.


When I opened my eyes, I saw the sun streaming in through the window. I prepared what I needed for my expedition and went down to the first floor, where I had breakfast that Sayla had prepared. I watched as she threw me some shy glances while touching the area around her belly when Brack wasn't looking. Her actions made me want to take her somewhere in secret for a while to tear apart the brown pants that fit her perfectly with the blue blouse that matched her hair color. But right now, I dismissed those thoughts because she has to take care of our daughter while helping at Brack's inn.


So, I just sent her a message using my [Sexual Bonding] ability.


(I'll be gone for several days, but when I return, you must come up with an excuse for Brack because I won't let you rest for a long time, and maybe we can ensure that you're completely pregnant).


She blushed a bit and responded (I'll be waiting eagerly, my love ♡).


When we finished our little silent conversation.


I walked over to where Brack was, looking quite tired. "Brack, why do you look so worn out?"


He sighed and said, "I was convinced to have a few drinks yesterday, and now I have a hangover. That's why Sayla is a bit angry with me. I think I'll take a long nap soon. But most importantly, what do you need?"


"I'll be gone for several days, and I'm not sure if I'll be back in less than a week, so I want to pay in advance." He let out a deep yawn and replied.


"You know you shouldn't worry about that; you can take as much time as you want. I know you well, and besides, I'm not going to evict your room before you disappear for a whole year. But you should rest more; you just finished a mission yesterday. It's not good to overexert yourself." I felt a bit happy; he cares a lot about me, just like almost all the former members of the 'Lovers of Money' group we belonged to.


"Dylan!" I could hear a cute little girl running towards me. She was wearing a small green dress, and I grabbed her in a tight hug and then held her with my hands.


"Angela, how's my favorite inn princess doing?" She started laughing, and when I had enough, I put her back on the ground and said, "I'll be gone for a while, but when I return, I'll spoil our beloved little princess with some sweets." She became very sad when she heard that I was leaving, but her happy smile returned when I promised to bring her sweets.


"It a... Promishe." She still struggled with some words. But she's very smart despite being only four years old.


"Yes, it's a promise."


"Sometimes I feel like she loves you much more than me," Brack said, seeing that I get along much better with Angela than him.


"Of course, I'm much more charismatic than you," I replied teasingly, then walked away from them, saying, "See you later." We finished saying our goodbyes, and I started walking towards my destination.