
I Will Restore Balance To This Other World With My Cheat Skill

In a realm on the brink of chaos, Mark faces an unexpected turn after his untimely demise. Granted a second chance by the enigmatic deity Izanami Sol, he gains the ultimate cheat skill a formidable advantage in a world ruled by magic. However, Mark's newfound power comes with a daunting task: restore balance by defeating the Great Fallen Angel Kamiel, whose malevolence threatens to plunge the world into darkness. As Mark embarks on his perilous quest, he must navigate treacherous landscapes, forge alliances, and confront his own demons.

Greyhawke · Fantasia
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11 Chs

Chapter 10

I sat down at the table with Kai and Eryn, feeling the weight of everything I was about to unload on them. It was morning, and the first light was just creeping in through the windows. I took a deep breath. "Alright, guys, it's time you know everything."

Kai looked at me, his eyes full of worry and curiosity. Eryn, usually the calm and collected one, was also leaning in, clearly anxious.

"So, uh, where do I start?" I scratched the back of my head. "I guess, from the beginning. Back in my world, I had a pretty rough life. School was hell, my life was... well, depressing, to say the least. But then, one day, I... I died."

Their eyes widened, and I could see the shock setting in. "Yeah, I know, it sounds crazy. But after I died, I met this deity named Iza. He, uh, gave me a second chance. Said I had a purpose in this world – to stop Kamael, the Fallen Angel, and bring balance back."

I could see them trying to process everything. Kai's face was a mix of confusion and concern, while Eryn just seemed stunned.

"Iza?" Eryn repeated, his voice barely above a whisper. "You met Iza?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "And he blessed me with all these powers, more than I can even keep track of sometimes. Eva – the voice in my head – helps me with that. And yeah, I've been trying to figure all this out while also just... living here, you know? But this isn't just about me being some powerful dude. It's about stopping Kamael and fixing things."

They were silent for a moment, absorbing it all. Kai broke the silence first. "So, you're saying you were brought here to save us all? And everything you've done, everything that's happened... it's all because of this mission?"

"Pretty much," I shrugged. "I didn't tell you guys before because, well, how do you even start a conversation like that?"

Eryn shook his head, still in disbelief. "Iza chose you... And gave you these powers. It's... a lot to take in. But why you? What makes you so special?"

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Honestly? I don't know. Maybe because I was just some kid with nothing to lose. Maybe Iza saw something in me. All I know is, this is my reality now. And I have to deal with it."

Kai leaned back, crossing his arms. "So, what's the plan then? How do we stop Kamael?"

I looked at them both, feeling a strange mix of relief and determination. "First, we need to learn more about Kamael's movements. And I need to get a better handle on my powers. We've got a long road ahead, but... I know we can do it."

Eryn nodded slowly. "We'll be with you, Mark. This isn't just your fight. It's ours too."

Kai smiled, though it was a bit strained. "Yeah, we're in this together. Just... don't keep any more secrets, okay?"

I chuckled, despite the seriousness of the situation. "Deal. Now, let's get to work".

I took a deep breath, letting the seriousness of the moment hang in the air for a second. Then, I grinned. "But first, we need to train, obviously. And what better way to do that than to take on more guild quests?" I said, practically bouncing in my seat.

Kai and Eryn exchanged a look. "I mean, I'm pretty sure there's a better way of doing this, but sure, why not?" Kai said, shaking his head with a smirk.

Eryn shrugged. "Alright, let's get things ready then."

We grabbed our stuff and headed to the guild. It was the usual scene: adventurers milling around, the smell of food from the nearby stalls, and the constant buzz of chatter. But today, I was on a mission.

We made our way to the front desk, where Dawn was busy sorting through a stack of papers. She looked up as we approached, and I gave her my most confident smile. "Hey, Dawn! Give me the best quest you have right now," I said, feeling a surge of excitement.

Dawn raised an eyebrow. "The best quest? You sure about that, Mark?"

"Absolutely," I replied, nodding eagerly.

She hesitated, glancing at the stack of papers. "Well, there's this one... but it's extremely dangerous. A five-headed chimera. It's an S-rank quest, and over a hundred and fifty adventurers die monthly trying to take it down."

Kai's eyes widened. "The five-headed chimera? That's not just dangerous; it's suicidal. I've heard about this beast. It's no joke."

Eryn nodded, looking concerned. "I've heard rumors too. This thing is a menace."

I shrugged. "Whatever. Let's kick this thing's ass," I said, quickly accepting the quest and practically running out the door.

Kai and Eryn followed, both of them looking like they weren't sure whether to be impressed or worried. "You know," Kai said as we made our way out of the guild, "sometimes I wonder if you're actually insane."

I laughed. "Maybe a little. But that's what makes this fun, right?"

Eryn sighed, but there was a hint of a smile on his face. "Just try not to get us killed, okay?"

"Deal," I said, grinning as we set off on our next adventure.

We set off on our adventure, excitement buzzing through me. But as we trudged through the dense forest and rocky paths, it became pretty clear we were kinda... lost.

"Are we even going in the right direction?" Kai asked, looking around at the unfamiliar terrain.

"Well, the map says this way," Eryn said, squinting at the parchment in his hands. "But it doesn't seem right."

I sighed, realizing it was time to make use of something. "Alright, so remember when I told you guys about Ava?"

Kai and Eryn exchanged glances, nodding. "Yeah, the helper thing you mentioned," Eryn said.

"Right, so Ava is kind of like an AI," I started, and then noticed their blank stares. "Uh, artificial intelligence. It's like... a magical guide that helps with stuff."

Kai raised an eyebrow. "Artificial what?"

I chuckled. "Right, forgot you guys wouldn't know that. It's like a super smart assistant that can do all sorts of things. Trust me, it's really handy. Ava, can you help us out here?"

A soft, almost melodic voice filled the air, seeming to come from everywhere and nowhere at once. "Of course, Mark. Accessing local topography and quest parameters. The lair of the Chimera is approximately three kilometers east of your current location."

Kai and Eryn stared, eyes wide. "Okay, that's... pretty cool," Kai admitted.

"Thank you, Ava," I said. "Alright, you heard the lady. East it is."

We adjusted our course, now with a clear direction. As we walked, Kai couldn't help but ask, "So, how long have you had this Ava thing again?"

"Since I got here. She's been super helpful. I just didn't think to mention it before," I said.

Eryn nodded, still looking a bit stunned. "It's incredible. Why didn't you tell us sooner?"

"I guess I just got used to her being around," I said, feeling a bit sheepish.

With Ava guiding us, we made much better progress. The forest seemed less confusing, and the path became clearer. Eventually, we reached a large, ominous cave. The air around it felt heavy, and a low growl echoed from within.

"This is it," I said, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. "The lair of the Chimera."

Kai and Eryn readied their weapons, and I took a deep breath. "Alright, guys. Let's do this."

We stepped into the cave, the light from Kai's spell casting creepy shadows everywhere. I glanced around, trying to see anything that looked like a chimera nest. It was too quiet, way too quiet.

"Where's this monster hiding?" I muttered, gripping my weapon.

Eryn scanned the surroundings, frowning. "It's gotta be here. Stay on guard."

Kai's light flickered as we moved deeper into the cave. My heart was pounding, and I could tell everyone else was on edge too. This was not a good feeling.

"Seriously, where is it?" Kai whispered, his eyes darting around.

Suddenly, a deep growl echoed behind us. We spun around, and there it was—the freaking chimera, looming over us with its five nasty heads, each one snarling and drooling.

"Uh, guys, I think we found it," I said, my voice shaking a bit.

Before we could react, the chimera blasted us with a roar so powerful it sent us flying out of the cave. I hit the ground hard, rolling over a few times before managing to get back on my feet.

"Holy crap," I groaned, shaking off the daze. "That thing's not messing around."

Kai transformed into his Kitsune form, his energy flaring up. "We need a plan, fast!"

Eryn was already casting a protective barrier. "Just hit it hard and keep moving!"

The chimera charged out of the cave, and the fight was on. I unleashed a burst of dark energy at one of its heads, making it roar in pain. But it quickly came back at me, all its heads snapping and snarling.

Kai zipped around, using his speed to dodge the attacks and hit the chimera with magical blasts. Eryn was throwing spells from the back, trying to keep the beast off balance.

The battle was chaos. The chimera was relentless, but we fought back with everything we had. I could feel Ava guiding me, helping us coordinate our attacks.

"Come on, guys, we got this!" I shouted, dodging another snap from the chimera's heads.

We started finding our groove, hitting the chimera with coordinated attacks. It was starting to weaken, its roars getting more desperate.

With one last push, we delivered a series of powerful blows. The chimera staggered, its heads flailing wildly. Finally, with a massive roar, it collapsed to the ground, defeated.

I dropped to my knees, panting and laughing at the same time. "Damn, that was insane."

Kai, back in his human form, grinned at me. "Yeah, but we kicked its ass."

Eryn nodded, wiping sweat from his face. "Good job, team."

We stood there for a moment, catching our breath and soaking in the victory. The chimera was down, and we were still standing. Not bad for a day's work.

Before we could even start celebrating, the chimera stirred, one of its massive tails wrapping around me. I barely had time to shout before it lifted me high into the air and then hurled me upward.

"Mark!" Kai and Eryn yelled, their faces filled with panic.

As I soared higher, I couldn't help but think, Oh great, what now? I flailed my arms, trying to figure out a way to slow my fall. "This is gonna hurt," I muttered, bracing myself.

But then, something crazy happened. A pair of golden wings sprouted from my back, catching the air and stopping my fall. "Whoa, where did these come from?" I marveled, flapping them awkwardly.

With a little bit of practice, I managed to hover and then slowly descend back to the ground. Kai and Eryn watched with wide eyes as I landed, my new wings folding behind me.

"Nice save, dude," Kai said, still looking a bit stunned.

Eryn nodded, relief washing over his face. "Guess we know why Isa said you weren't using your full potential."

I grinned, feeling a rush of exhilaration. "Yeah, looks like I've got some new tricks up my sleeve."

But we couldn't relax yet. The chimera, though wounded, was still very much alive and thrashing.

"Alright, let's finish this," I said, my wings giving me a boost of confidence.

Kai and Eryn nodded, determination in their eyes. Together, we launched one final coordinated attack, hitting the chimera with everything we had. With my new wings, I had a better vantage point, and I rained down blows from above while Kai and Eryn struck from the ground.

This time, our efforts paid off. The chimera let out a final, deafening roar before collapsing, truly defeated.

Breathing heavily, I folded my wings back. "Okay, now we can celebrate."

Kai laughed, clapping me on the back. "You just keep surprising us, Mark."

Eryn smiled, though still looking a bit in awe. "Yeah, and just in time too."

We stood there for a moment, the adrenaline slowly fading. We had done it, and this time, we were sure the chimera was down for good.

As we stood over the defeated chimera, a familiar voice echoed in my head. "Notice: Mark has leveled up thirty times. Current level: ninety-nine."

"Whoa, what?!" I blurted out, earning confused looks from Kai and Eryn.

"What's up?" Kai asked, still catching his breath.

"I just leveled up... a lot," I said, trying to wrap my head around it. "Like, I'm level ninety-nine now."

Eryn's eyes widened. "That's insane, Mark. No wonder you've got golden wings and all these crazy abilities."

Kai laughed. "Well, guess you're officially OP now."

We shared a laugh, the tension from the battle finally easing. After making sure the chimera was truly down for good, we headed back to the guild to cash in our contract.

The moment we walked in, the usual hum of the guild hall came to a stop. Every eye turned to us, whispers and gasps spreading through the crowd. Dawn, the guild receptionist, looked up from her desk, her eyes wide with disbelief.

"You... you took down the chimera?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Yup," I said, trying to play it cool despite the adrenaline still buzzing through me. "One S-rank chimera, dealt with."

Dawn blinked a few times, then shook her head in amazement. "That's incredible. I've never seen anyone actually return from that quest, let alone succeed."

The murmurs around us grew louder, a mix of awe and admiration. It felt a bit surreal, standing there as the center of attention.

Kai grinned. "We're full of surprises."

Eryn nodded, a proud smile on his face. "Just doing what we do best."

Dawn quickly processed our contract, handing over the reward with a look of pure admiration. "You guys are something else. This will definitely make headlines."

As we pocketed the reward and started to leave, I couldn't help but feel a bit of pride. We'd taken on a seemingly impossible quest and come out on top. And with my newfound power, I felt ready to tackle whatever came next.

"Alright, team," I said as we stepped outside, the sun setting in the distance. "What's next on our to-do list?"

Kai laughed, clapping me on the shoulder. "How about we take a break? We've earned it."

As we stepped outside, I had a sudden idea. "Hey, how about we cool off with some water or something?" I suggested, feeling the need to unwind after our crazy battle.

Kai looked at me curiously. "Like a river or lake?"

I shook my head. "Nah, I'm talking about a pool or a hot spring."

Eryn raised an eyebrow. "What's a pool? And what's a hot spring?"

"Oh right," I said, smirking. "You guys don't know about that. Don't worry, I'll show you."

With that, I teleported us back home, leading them to the backyard. I turned to them, excitement bubbling up. "Alright, let's make this happen. AVA, is it possible for us to create a pool here?"

"Certainly, Mark," AVA replied in my mind.

"Alright, watch this," I said, closing my eyes and focusing on the image of a perfect pool. I felt the energy surge through me, and with a few movements of my hands, I began to shape the ground.

The earth shifted, forming a deep, wide basin. Water filled it, crystal clear and inviting. Within moments, a pristine pool stood before us, complete with smooth edges and a gentle slope leading into the water.

I opened my eyes, grinning. "There you go. A pool."

Kai and Eryn stared in amazement. "Wow," Kai said, walking up to the edge and dipping a toe in. "This is amazing."

Eryn nodded, a smile spreading across his face. "You've outdone yourself, Mark."

"Yeah, I figured we could use a break," I said, feeling a mix of pride and relief. "Now, one more thing." I waved my hand and conjured up swimsuits for all of us.

For Kai, I materialized a sleek black speedo. He blinked, looking at it with a mix of surprise and amusement before putting it on. I couldn't help but stare a bit longer than I should have, my eyes tracing the lines of his toned body and that firm butt. It was hard to ignore how good he looked.

For Eryn, I summoned a pair of swim trunks with a leafy pattern, fitting for a dryad. He slipped into them and gave an approving nod.

As for myself, I opted for a simple pair of blue swim trunks.

We quickly got into the pool. The cool water was a welcome relief after the intensity of the day.

"This is great," Eryn said, floating on his back.

"Yeah, sometimes you just need to relax," I replied, leaning against the edge and letting the water soothe my muscles.

As we settled into the pool, enjoying the cool water, Eryn suddenly climbed out and, with a mischievous grin, shouted, "Cannonball!" He leapt into the air and landed in the water with a huge splash, drenching Kai and me.

I laughed, shaking the water from my hair. "Nice one, Eryn!"

We all swam around, chatting and relaxing. After a while, Kai suddenly splashed water at me. "Hey!" I shouted, splashing him back.

Eryn joined in, and soon we were in the middle of an all-out water fight. "Take this!" I yelled, sending a huge wave at them both.

Kai retaliated, using water magic to create a small whirlpool that sent water spiraling everywhere. "Oh, it's on now!" I said, tapping into my own powers to create a series of mini water jets, spraying everyone.

Eryn wasn't one to be left out, summoning a gentle but powerful current that made waves splash over our heads. We laughed and shouted, the water glistening around us with every movement.

The fight continued for several minutes, each of us using our magic to keep the fun going. Finally, we were all out of breath, leaning against the pool's edge, still laughing.

"This was awesome," Eryn said, catching his breath.

"Yeah, we needed this," Kai agreed, his eyes sparkling with joy. "Sometimes you just have to let loose."

I nodded, feeling the warmth of camaraderie and the relief of having a good time. "Absolutely."

Later that night, after everyone had settled in, I headed out to the backyard to practice my abilities. The night air was cool, and the stars were bright. I started with my golden flames, watching them dance and flicker in the darkness. Next, I worked on my elemental magic control, summoning water, earth, fire, and air, molding them into different shapes.

I shifted to light and dark magic, creating orbs of pure light and shadows that seemed to absorb the night itself. After a while, I wiped the sweat from my brow and took a deep breath. "Well, I've got these abilities down," I muttered.

"AVA," I called out, "what other cool abilities do I have? Didn't you say I have over three hundred?"

AVA's voice chimed in, calm and precise. "Indeed, Mark. Here are ten abilities you might find interesting: Spatial Manipulation, Time Dilation, Ethereal Weaponry, Soul Bonding, Elemental Fusion, Astral Projection, Reality Shifting, Arcane Forging, Cosmic Insight, and Divine Shielding."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the list. "Nice. I guess I've got a lot to work with."

"Mark," AVA interjected, "while you understand the basics of golden flames, you have not yet realized their full potential. Patience and practice are required to master their true power."

I smirked. "Alright, alright, I get it. I'll take my time." I couldn't help but feel a bit excited. Having so many abilities at my disposal was both overwhelming and thrilling.

I decided to dive into Spatial Manipulation first. "Alright, AVA, let's see what Spatial Manipulation can do."

"Spatial Manipulation allows you to control and alter the space around you," AVA explained. "You can create storage systems, distort space, or even manipulate objects at a distance."

I started small, focusing on creating an infinite storage system. I imagined a small pocket of space where I could store items. I held out my hand, and a tiny, shimmering portal appeared. I tossed a rock into it and watched as it vanished. I pulled the rock back out, grinning. "Cool, I can make my own personal storage."

"Correct," AVA said. "Next, try distorting the space around you. This can be useful for defense or moving objects without touching them."

I concentrated, envisioning the space in front of me bending and warping. The air shimmered, and I felt a slight resistance. I moved my hand, and the distortion followed, creating a ripple effect. "This could definitely come in handy," I said, impressed by the potential.

Feeling confident, I moved on to portal creation. Unlike Spatial Manipulation, this power was about connecting two points in space. I imagined a portal leading to the other side of the backyard. A swirling, dark gateway formed in front of me, and I could see the distant end through it. I stepped through, feeling a slight tingle as I emerged on the other side. "Teleportation without the hassle," I joked.

"Remember, Mark," AVA said, "each ability requires practice and understanding. Do not rush the process."

I nodded, appreciating the reminder. "Got it, AVA. I'll keep working on it."

As the night stretched on, I continued experimenting with Spatial Manipulation, creating small distortions, infinite storage spaces, and even practicing with portals. Ava's guidance was invaluable, providing tips and corrections whenever I needed them.

"Alright, AVA," I said after a while, "let's take a break. I've got a lot to think about."

"Understood, Mark," AVA responded. "Rest well. Tomorrow is another day for growth and discovery."

Side Narrative

Away from the peaceful backyard where Mark was honing his abilities, the scene shifted to the grand royal capital, Altheria. It was the heart of the kingdom, known for its towering castle, bustling markets, and a sense of grandeur that radiated throughout the land. Despite the late hour, the king remained awake, sitting on his ornate throne, his mind preoccupied with the affairs of the kingdom.

King Alaric was a wise and seasoned ruler, known for his strength and fairness. His long silver hair and piercing blue eyes gave him a commanding presence. The throne room was dimly lit, the flickering candlelight casting long shadows on the walls adorned with rich tapestries.

As the king contemplated the latest reports of bandit activity near the eastern borders, a figure entered the throne room—a messenger, dressed in the royal livery, bearing urgent news. The king straightened in his seat, sensing the gravity of the message.

"Your Majesty," the messenger began, bowing deeply, "I bring news of great significance. There have been sightings and reports circulating for weeks about a young hero. This boy not only possesses the ability to teleport effortlessly but has also accomplished the feat of scoring S-rank in various guilds."

King Alaric's eyes narrowed with interest. "A young hero, you say? Tell me more."

The messenger nodded, continuing, "He is said to be incredibly powerful, demonstrating abilities that far surpass those of seasoned adventurers. His actions have caused quite a stir, Your Majesty. The guilds are abuzz with tales of his exploits, and many believe he could be a force for great change."

At this moment, Princess Elara, the king's daughter, who had been silently observing from the shadows, stepped forward. She was a striking figure, with her father's piercing blue eyes and a determined expression. "Father, if these reports are true, this young hero could be of great importance to our kingdom. We must learn more about him."

King Alaric nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed, Elara. We cannot ignore such a potential ally or threat. We must find this boy and ascertain his intentions."

The messenger bowed again. "Your Majesty, I have more. It is said that he recently defeated a fearsome five-headed Chimera, a feat that many believed to be impossible. This has only added to his growing legend."

The king leaned back in his throne, a look of contemplation on his face. "A Chimera, you say? This boy is indeed remarkable. We must act swiftly. Send scouts to gather more information about him and his companions. We need to understand his capabilities and his motivations."

Princess Elara stepped closer, her eyes filled with determination. "I will lead the search, Father. This young hero intrigues me, and I believe I can persuade him to aid our kingdom."

King Alaric regarded his daughter with pride. "Very well, Elara. But be cautious. We do not know his true nature or intentions. Take a contingent of our best knights and gather as much information as you can."

The princess nodded, her resolve unwavering. "I will not fail you, Father."

As the messenger departed to carry out the king's orders, the throne room fell silent once more. The king's mind was awhirl with possibilities and potential threats. Meanwhile, in the quiet of the night, the royal capital began to buzz with the unfolding of this new and intriguing development. Little did Mark know that his actions were drawing the attention of powerful figures, setting the stage for challenges and alliances that would shape his journey in ways he had yet to imagine.