
I Will Redeem The Plot

' So the effects of insomnia were real after all ...........'. Our character, a bookworm and late night reader experiences the effects of insomnia ( according to him ) when he gets transmigratted into the world of ( era of magick ) , the last novel he read. 'As the generous person that I am, I will help thus world's system rearrange the plot as it should be.. ....... ' -his thoughts. But even though he already knows the plot of the story, there is a little hitch - he knows nothing about the body he is currently residing in. Well, who cares about who this body's previous owner is though? As long as I can do whatever I want with it , I'm cool - his thoughts. But what he doesn't know is that the previous owner , Axl Lightfall , is not an ordinary man. instead, Axl is a man whose head everybody wants. From members of his family to an estranged lover, an unknown cult , Axl is wanted. Will the revelations of the future be too much for him to handle even as he plans to redeem the plot?. Will he get swept away by the despair of the previous owner actions.? What will he do when the plot starts twisting........?. Find out. ********************** A/N: Four chapters per week and weekly bonuses if I get positive reviews. Please spare me your power stones and votes for I am a lowly peasant in need of it. N.B: The picture on the cover is not mine. If it belongs to you and you want me to take it down, feel free to lemme know. Also the novel has harem in it but would be slowly and patiently built. Lastly, if you're looking for an all straight hero , then I'm sorry but this is not for you as our protagonist t ransverses between the good , the bad and the ugly.

Anoneemos_Tify · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

I Will Redeem The Plot


The effects.....real?. Who woulda thought?. Such a tragic surprise for some other people. As for me..... ( exhale ).

I tried to open my eyes but a sharp and piercing pain shots through my head.

Arrrrrgh.....F*ck, this is what my mother warned me about insomnia ( exhale ). Too bad I didn't take her advice.

The pain which felt as though my brain was being devoured by a thousand monsters _ literally _ began to subside.

I managed to open my eyes after a little while even as I rubbed my head frantically to release some of the outstanding pain.

" Time to continue that bo....", I whispered to myself but immediately cut myself short when I observed my surroundings.

The hell! this was not my room. ...

I rubbed my eyes with the back of my palm and observed against.

Where the f*ck am I now?.

The room or wherever I was, was filled with various statues, paintings and sculptures and art of different kind . It looked like some kind of museum.

I hear someone groan painfully beside me. Then another moan of pain from another person. Then another and another and then the next thing I knew, the entire room was filled with groans and moans.

I struggled amidst the banging pain in my head to look around. I see a bunch of people dressed in funny outfits struggling to rise from a previous apparent slumber.

Yo. Who the fuck are all these people and what the hell I'm I doing here.

I just wanted to complete my book in peace but what in craps name is happening? . And that crappy mechanical voice that sounded in my head before I passed out. What was it ?.

I had little time to think about this because I hear footsteps approaching.

" This is the hand work of the infamous occult group who call themselves the. ...".

' Illumination '.

Whoever it was did not need to complete the statement because I completed it myself inwardly.

Those words!. I had heard them somewhere before. No , not heard , I had actually read those words.

Wait. Those words were from that crazy book I was reading before I passed out. I was able to remember them because they had stuck to my head like glue.

I have retentive memory and sorts. Not trying to brag or anything but I'm pretty smart.

Wait! . If this is exactly as it seems, then I should be able to recite the next person's words.

" What were they thinking? ".

'What were they thinking? '.

Oh my f.... The insomnia, the loss of consciousness, the mechanical voice. ...It is officially confirmed. I am in the crazy book - The era of magick.

" ....Endangering the lives of innocent people ", the second person continued.

" We have used our own spells to undo theirs but there are still traces of dark magic around ", the first voice reported. " We presume one of the Museumguests might have something to do with it , we'd have to conduct a roll search before letting them off I'm afraid ".

" Is that ideal? ",second voice asked.

"it is for their own good and safety ".

I pinched myself hard. It felt real. It was real.

I had been transmigratted into the novel. Speaking of crazy bookmarks. Sigh.

I am not surprised . No. Infact I have always been a strong believer in the the arts of the transmigration and reincarnation and just kind of believed that all this shit exists.

I am just pretty lucky that im not floating in some random space right now as a ball of air or as a crazy life form or worse still, a plant.

Like who the hell wants to be reincarnated as a carnivorous plant - No jabs intended to be thrown here.

Two men step into the room. They must be the owners of the voices I heard earlier.

One was a tall man with broad shoulders and blonde hair plastered across his face. He was wearing a silver armour that reflected a dim light. The armour had the inscriptions of a dragon drawn on the chest plate.

The other man was opposite. He was short and frail , an old man with grey hairs on his head . He was wearing a long blue robe with gold patterns around it.

According to the description of the book , the tall man was Sir Busquetes , a royal knight, slayer of a hundred dragons, while the short man was Elder Rochan , the eldest keeper of the museum we were in.

Now the gist according to the novel is : A bunch of weird social nerds were on some kind of excursion in this royal museum of arcana. While they are on it , the illumination, a dangerous group of the occult attacks the museum on their search for some mystical gem called the ' Eyes of Hecate'. Which by the way , is never found at this museum.

Infact this whole incident is the pivot that spins the wheels of future events in the story.

A thought crosses my mind and I smile mischievously.

Remember how badly I wanted to complete this novel im currently in?, Well how better to do so than while inside the story.

Even that mechanical voice had told me to complete the plot.

But come to also think of it....This story had not been a cracking all time favourite for me. Why ?. Because there were some parts and arcs that disgusted me.

And as the generous person that I am, I will help the world system arrange the plot exactly as it should be. I do not wish to become like those protagonists who gets transmigratted into a novel and decide to lay low.

Nope. I am going to switch the story the way I want even as I struggle to complete it.

After all, I am not the first to change a story 's plot while in that same story and I'm not sure I'm gonna be the last...

P.s. Don't call me the protagonist or hero of this story. Nope. Rather, think of me as a guide, someone ready to do what the original plot author is not ready to do.

I.....will redeem the plot.