
I will finally embark on the road of no return called hero

(hey this story isn't mine just translating) This is a time when gods did exist, yes this is ...... Greece! God wilfully squandered his rights, as long as good-looking men and women regardless. This is Greece!

sliver_203 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
85 Chs

chapter 56

Early morning sunlight streamed through the window, illuminating the bed. The beautiful wedding dress lay discarded in the corner like a rag, while the valiant female hunter donned her hunting clothes. With determination, she pulled out her bow and arrows from beneath the bed.

"Feels good," Atalanta muttered, testing the bowstring with satisfaction.

Atalanta burst through the door and descended the staircase with hurried strides, causing the maids she passed to look on in shock.

Last night, Cyd had left the banquet early. Some maids found his torn wedding attire, thinking that the heroic Cyd, overwhelmed by desire, had ripped off his clothes while seeking the bride. Naturally, they assumed the couple had spent the entire night together.

However, experienced maids noticed something unusual. "Wait, the princess hasn't appeared yet," one remarked. "Let's check her room."

When they entered Atalanta's room, they were stunned to find it unexpectedly neat, devoid of any suspicious smells, and lacking signs of chaos. The only disarray was the discarded wedding attire.

Where had the groom gone?

A maid promptly reported the situation to King Iasus, who was bewildered by the sudden influx of information.

"Cyd ran away!" he exclaimed. "When everyone thought he was doing what any man would envy, he ran!"

Meanwhile, Cyd sneezed as he dove into the ocean, the fish surrounding him like a living tide. Poseidon, as always, had his own worries.

"Atalanta!" Iasus roared, holding his forehead in frustration. "Where did she go? Why wasn't she stopped?"

"Princess took her bow and arrows and went out. We thought she was going hunting, so..." a maid explained nervously.

Despite being an irresponsible father, Iasus correctly guessed what Atalanta intended to do.

"She's really gone hunting," Iasus sighed, collapsing onto his throne. "She probably won't come back."

Living as a princess deeply in love with a hero or as a free hunter? The choice shouldn't be painful.

Atalanta herself was uncertain. Unable to choose between duty and love, she handed over control for the first time, but her heart inclined toward Cyd. She couldn't comply with the trial; if her feelings were strong enough, she would have left immediately. She didn't feel much affection for her neglectful parents, but she obeyed.

She chose her best speed, even risking death, to eliminate those who sought to manipulate her. She should have realized her speed wasn't the fastest; someone else had to surpass her. However, she still chose that specific speed, wanting to show her love to that person.

Knowing that Cyd disliked trouble, she publicly displayed her feelings, even relinquishing her bow for him.

Artemis, seeing Atalanta's pure yet contradictory love, intervened. Despite being the Virgin Goddess who despised marriage, she did not oppose love. She wanted Cyd to understand, even if it meant breaking her own rules.

But Cyd rejected her love and said, "Hunt me," deliberately creating trouble.

Who did he think he was? Laughable how punchable he is, yet why did she feel satisfied?

Atalanta leaned against a tree, clutching her chest. Her hunter instincts told her that Cyd had taken this route last night, walking straight ahead.

"He didn't even try to hide his trail. Are you serious?" Atalanta picked up a conspicuous white hair from the grass. "Well, I'm serious too. I will hunt you."

This is my love!

Atalanta tightened her grip on the hair, determination in her eyes.

"Hey! Something's wrong! My fine body hair is standing up! I'm definitely being watched!" Cyd shivered, dropping his grilled fish. "I need to run!"

This feeling of being hunted reminded him of a lion stalking its prey.

"Why?" Medusa tilted her head.

"Someone troublesome is after me," Cyd said, wiping grease from Medusa's mouth.

"It's Atalanta," Medusa guessed, pulling up her hood.

"Impossible," Cyd said firmly. "Sure, I threw her on the bed, escaped our wedding, and told her to hunt me for fun, but..."

Despite the black robe concealing her, Cyd could feel Medusa's intense gaze.

"Time to escape!"

Cyd grabbed Medusa and dove into the ocean