
I will finally embark on the road of no return called hero

(hey this story isn't mine just translating) This is a time when gods did exist, yes this is ...... Greece! God wilfully squandered his rights, as long as good-looking men and women regardless. This is Greece!

sliver_203 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
85 Chs

chapter 3 ( edited)

Before me stood a robust wild boar. If I could catch it, today's meal would be secured. If only I could sneak up quietly...

Cyd gripped his only dagger and slowly crawled through the grass toward the boar, which was rooting around with its snout.


The boar suddenly lifted its head and charged into a nearby tree with a thunderous crash, splitting the tree as thick as a man's arm.

"Yeah nope, I'm out!"

Originally planning to slit the boar's throat stealthily, Cyd retreated even faster.

"What kind of wild boar is this?!" Cyd thought while running back to the horse. "I'm going to go catch some rabbits instead."

The white horse, nibbling on grass, glanced curiously at Cyd, who was panting and clutching his dagger.

"It's alright, White Horse, keep eating," Cyd forced a smile.

If only he could eat grass too.

Cyd leaned against a tree, idly stabbing the ground with his dagger, drawing meaningless patterns. It had been three days since he left the island. The initial seafood had long been consumed, and he had a habit of offering daily sacrifices to the gods, leaving him embarrassingly low on food. The bandits who had attacked him earlier had plenty of money, but no dried food.

"If only there was magic to turn money into food," Cyd muttered, eyeing the bulging pouch at his waist, filled with coins. But...

You can't eat coins!

Maybe he should try eating grass like the horse?

Feeling dizzy from hunger, Cyd looked at the patch of grass the white horse was chewing on.

Should he eat it?

The horse blinked, kindly stepping aside to offer a lush patch of grass.

Cyd swallowed hard. When you're truly starving, even grass looks appetizing.

Just as Cyd shakily reached for the grass, a loud noise erupted behind him. He jerked up, gripping his dagger tightly, scanning the surroundings, while the white horse nonchalantly continued grazing.


The boar from before charged out of the bushes, heading straight for Cyd.

"Damn!" Cyd yelped, rolling to the side to avoid the boar's suicidal charge.

The white horse calmly raised a hoof and stomped down on the boar's head.

The boar, capable of felling trees, had its head easily crushed into the ground by the horse's hoof. Its legs twitched, suggesting it wasn't dead yet... probably.

"Not sure what just happened, but good job, horse!" Cyd gave a thumbs up to the white horse.

The horse shook its head and kicked the boar towards Cyd before resuming its grazing.

You deal with it... was its message.

Cyd approached the twitching boar cautiously, prodding its tail with the tip of his boot. Confirming it was no longer a threat, he sighed in relief.

Then he noticed something else.

An arrow was lodged in the boar's neck, precisely hitting a major artery. The boar's rampage was likely due to this.


Cyd tightened his grip on the dagger.

There was an experienced hunter nearby, probably watching him claim their prey.

"Cough, cough, I know you're there. I'm not here to steal your kill. How about we talk?" Cyd called out to a nearby tree, preferring a diplomatic approach with someone skilled enough to hit an artery with precision.

"But you did take my prey."

A clear but deliberately softened voice sounded behind him. To correct his mistake, an arrow thudded into the ground by Cyd's feet.

"I didn't do anything. Maybe you should discuss it with the one responsible," Cyd shrugged, gesturing to the white horse with a sigh, and pointing to the matching arrows in the boar and the ground.


She gripped her bow tightly, annoyed but realizing Cyd's point. He had merely dodged the boar, and the horse had taken it down.

"So, can you return my prey?"

She hesitated but jumped down from the tree, cautiously watching the white-haired and pale-skinned boy standing before her.

"About that... ah..." Cyd shrugged and turned to face her, freezing at the sight of her.

Brown hair flowed in the wind, and sharp, beast-like eyes peered at him from beneath green bangs. She grew more wary of him upon seeing his stunned expression.

"I've had a change of heart~" Cyd squinted.

"Please, reconsider."

"Relax, I'll pay you," Cyd said, shaking the pouch at his waist, filled with coins.

The huntress's eyes grew colder.

"Hey, don't look at me like that. I only want the boar's meat," Cyd explained, nudging the now-dead boar with his foot.

"Uh... sorry, I misunderstood," she said, embarrassed, looking away.

Often harassed because of her looks, she had instinctively lumped Cyd in with the other men, but it seemed she was wrong.

"Rest assured, I have no designs on you," Cyd's tone was serious and unwavering.

Greek Myth Survival Rule Number One: Never, ever get involved with beautiful women!

No, avoid any beautiful things!

Even someone not well-versed in Greek mythology knew that many Greek heroes fell because of beautiful women. Wars were waged over them too.

Most importantly...

This was a world with Zeus!

The super-stallion god who would bed any beautiful being without hesitation, fathering most Greek demigods. If Cyd ended up with a beautiful wife, he'd live in constant fear of a god falling from the sky. And given Zeus's infallible aim, he might even end up raising a demigod hero! Being a demigod hero's foster father was a high-risk job!

Seeing Euryale, Stheno, and Medusa's sisters confirmed it: this was the Nasuverse. The huntress before him, with her bow, green bangs, and prowess, was likely Atalanta from Greek mythology.

A beautiful woman linked to Artemis, the goddess of the hunt and moon, was highly dangerous!