
I will devour you ( discontinued )

the world is filled with zombie like monsters they have no humanity and are vicious creatures, their origin is unknown to the world, those who died rose up from their grave and the people they bit or scratched will either die or turn into something like them. the humans lost all their hope, they thought that what is happening was the heavens judgement, there are people who already accepted fate and didn't fight of the monsters, others prayed to their gods for salvation, and some use their skill and will to survive. *ding - because of your strong will to live you are chosen as a pioneer - - do you accept - - yes - - no - but a strange thing happened, some people received some kind of message, when they accepted it they gained a system that makes them stronger over a short period of time and gain abilities to fight against the zombie like monsters they started to call eclipse, since they bring darkness to this world. " yes " - you are now a pioneer - - check your status for further information - - I wish you good luck and become the light that will bring hope to the whole humanity - from then on the humans gained the strength to oppose the eclipses, and the humans who became pioneers are hailed as heroes.

VIZCO · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 3: Assessment

" fifty five, fifty six, fifty seven, fifty eight, fifty nine, sixty, whooooo! " Ali just finished doing push ups.

[ Quest ]

[ physical training ]

[ Description: after eating you have to burn the fats and use the energy you gained from the food. ]

Push ups - 60 repetitions ( completed )

Jogging - 10 kilometers ( completed )

Curl ups - 50 repetitions ( completed )

Rewards: 5,000 exp.

Specialization ( of your choice )

*ding *ding

[ you level up ]

[ you level up ]

" I level up twice hahahaha "

[ you receive a chance to choose a specialization ]

[ which specialization do you want to learn ]

After the notification from the system a list of specialization suited to his attribute appeared.

[ swords master]

[ spear master ]

[ saber master ]

[ bow master ]

[ axe master ]

[ dagger master ]

[ brawl master ]

[ staff master ]

[ beast master ]

Most of the choices given to him are specialization about weapons, other than the beast master. There are other types of specialization like crafting master, blacksmith master, alchemy master, element master, poison master, spell master etc.

The specialization of every pioneer depends on their attribute, if a pioneer possess a fire attribute he can choose any of the weapon specialization and the element specialization, of a fire attribute pioneer chose a weapon specialization his or her attacks will contain the effects of the fire element, if they slash an opponent their attacks may also cause burn, but if he or she choose the element specialization his or her attacks will be pure fire element, similar to a fire mage in videogames.

Ali is torn with all the choices in front of him he don't know which specialization to choose.

" the sword master specialization will look cool, but so is the spear and saber! Aaahhhhhhhhh! "

He's rubbing his hair fiercely because of frustration.

" huh?, what this beast master? " he immediately check the information about beast master.

[ beast master]

[ description: they can tame any monster( eclipse)to fight for them, the pioneer can choose whether he or his tamed monster will absorb the energy from the killed enemy. If the tamed monster(eclipse) will absorb the energy the monster will receive 80% while the beast master will receive the remaining 20%]

" eh!? Won't that make the monster become stronger faster than me?, what's the use then? "

Ali said dissatisfied by the beast master specialization.

" but what if I have an army of monster?, if I can absorb 20% of energy from like a thousand of eclipses at the same time won't I grow stronger just by watching from the side?"

He just realized the greatness of the beast master specialization. But he didn't immediately choose a specialization.

After determining the pros and cons of every specialization he came up with a decision.

" I decided, I choose he beast master specialization "

[ congratulations you are the first to become a beast master ]

[ you receive a permanent increase in stats as a bonus ]

" yes! Just as I thought being a beast master is really worth it "

" status"

- Name: Ali Castro

- age: 22

- job: pioneer

- level: 5 novice ( 3000 exp to level up )

- specialization: Beast Master

-attribute: Devour

- stats:

Strength: 12(10)

Speed: 8(10)

Agility: 6(10)

Defense: 6(10)

Intelligence: 13(10)

- skills: stab, absorb, tame, summon

- passive : persistence, dominance

" a permanent increase in stats that's broken, I got new skills too, because of my new specialization "

" open specialization "

[ Specialization: beginner beast master ]

[ number of tamed monster( 0/5 ) ]

" so I can tame five savage beast at the moment, I believe I will be able to tame more in the future, but what if others mistaken my tamed monsters as an enemy and kill it? What if they mistook me as the one who makes eclipses and kill me? No that won't do. " Ali said in a panicked and scared voice.

" hey system I don't want to be a beast master anymore take it back! " Ali called out the system.

[ sorry but once a pioneer chose a specialization he or she can't change it ]

" damn it what should I do? "

The system didn't answer Ali anymore.

He stopped pestering the system and started to calm down.

" I'll just have to deal with the things that will come my way, I will stop worrying about it for now "

He closed his status page and went home.


Three days later in front of a tall building.

" so this is the Pioneer Association, I've seen it on TV before but seeing it in person, What a great building "

He walked towards the door there are two guards wearing tuxedo on both sides of the door.

" what is your business here? " asked by one of the guards.

" I would like to take an assessment, you see I am a newly promoted pioneer " Ali answered.

" I see, welcome to pioneer association, just go to the information desk over there " the guard pointed at the direction of the information desk.

Ali stepped closer to the door and it automatically opens, he stepped inside, and head straight to the information desk.

" I would like to take an assessment "

" oh here is a form, fill it up and give it back to me after you finish it, and if you have any answers about the form you can ask me " said by the woman on the information desk.

" okay, thank you " Ali took the form and went to the left side of the information desk where tables and chairs dedicate for people answering their form s and waiting for their assessment.

There are other people filling up forms and waiting for their assessment.

Ali sat down and started to fill up his form, it just need some basic information about the applicant.

After he finished filling up the form he gave it back to the woman on the information desk and told him to wait for his turn, but Ali didn't want to wait any longer, he suddenly remembered that Greg gave him a card.

He took out a black card and passed it over to the lady in the information desk.

" um miss, here "

" eh!?" The lady was shock, it looked a Kali for a few moment

" so you're a friend of sir Greg, follow me " the lady said to Ali.

He followed the lady to a corridor leading to a room, there is hand scanner like thing in the middle of the room.

" please come here sir " said by another personnel, Ali followed him and stood in front of the machine.

" please put your hand on the scanner "

" okay " Ali put his hands on the scanner and a blue light scanned his hands, and list of i information appeared on the big screen in front of them.

- Name: Ali Castro

- age: 22

- job: pioneer

- level: 5 novice ( 3000 exp to level up )

- specialization: Beast Master

-attribute: Devour

- stats:

Strength: 12(10)

Speed: 8(10)

Agility: 6(10)

Defense: 6(10)

Intelligence: 13(10)

- skills: stab, absorb, tame, summon

- passive : persistence, dominance

" a permanent increase in stats that's broken, I got new skills too, because of my new specialization "

" open specialization "

[ Specialization: beginner beast master ]

[ number of tamed monster( 0/5 ) ]

The status page of Ali appeared on the big screen, the staff of the association saw his status, his status is not crazy high but what caught their attention is Ali's attribute and specialization.

"you have a unique attribute and specialization!"

One of the staff shouted. His shout reverberated inside the room, all the people inside looked at him.

" sorry it's just that up to date there are only a few recorded pioneers with unique attribute and specialization "

" then what should I do then? " Ali asked the staffs though he's shocked about him having a unique attribute and specialization, he still remains calm.

" wait a moment we will report to our superior first "

Ali followed one of the staff to a special waiting area.

After a few moments an old but vigorous man walked inside the room with two people following him, one of them is Greg who saved Ali from the train attack and gave him a black card.

" good day mister Castro " said by the old man and offered his hand for a handshake.

" good day to you too sir " Ali said and received the old man's handshake.

" please sit " said the old man.

Ali sat down facing the old man, with Greg and another person behind him.

" I would like to congratulate you first for becoming a pioneer "

" thank you sir "

" I am here today to make a proposal, I would like you to work for the association, you will have a high status and huge salary, we will also help you in your training to develop your strength and skills, what do you say? "

The old man list down the benefits of being a member of the association, Ali is dumfounded because of the old man's generosity.

" wait a moment sir, I don't know why you're doing this but I'm just a newly promoted pioneer " Ali said

" you still don't understand, you have a unique attribute and specialization, do you know how many pioneer has a unique attribute and specialization here in our country?" Asked the old man

" no, why? " Ali asked the old man.

" three, there are only three and they all are the leader of the top three guilds in our country, I am giving you a generous offer because although we are the organization that assess and manage newly promoted pioneers and their rights, we have a weak authority, the top three guilds can ignore our decisions if they want to but if we have you in our ranks, we can contend with their strength " the old man revealed the association's current state.

" this I cannot give you an answer for now, give me a few days and I will give you my answer " Ali said to the old man.

" I see, I'm sorry for rushing into things, it is rude of me" the old man apologized to Ali.

Ali already has an idea about the old man's identity, it is most likely that he is the president of the association.

This story is for the writing prompt contest I hope you guys support this story by voting with your power stones, thank you

Happy reading.

VIZCOcreators' thoughts