
I Will Be Popular After Being In A Coma

Alan Bennet was what you would call a regular teen. He had no redeeming qualities. Neither handsome nor ugly. Neither talented nor untalented. Neither fat nor slim. Neither good nor bad grades. Alan Bennet was always in the middle, and he was used to it.     Second of three siblings, he was used to being ignored the most. He got the less amount of gifts on Christmas or his own birthday. His parents had even forgotten to pick him up from school once, after which he began to walk back on his own.      To make things even worse he had, after two exhausting years, gathered enough courage to confess to his only friend. Of course, he was rejected.  "Why would I date someone who doesn't even try to better himself?"      Those words were played over and over on his mind as he walked the long way to his house. He didn't want to reach it, at least not so soon. He preferred to stay outside with nature and animals, which were the only two living things that seemed to pay any attention to him. The stinging words resounded in his head once more, but they were mixed with something akin to a truck's horn.  *HONK*     His sight, which had been lost looking at nothing, was suddenly filled with a white titan of 600 hp. That was the last thing he saw before his consciousness was lost. When he woke up the next time, everything would've changed.  *     For Convenience's Sake, you may just refer to this story as "iCOMA".  

WorkingAuthor · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Alice x Utaha x Transfer

The next morning I felt like I was born anew. My mind felt clearer than ever before and I knew exactly what I wanted to do for the rest of the day. The weekend had arrived so I had no classes, which gave me more than enough free time to do what I had planned.

Going down to get myself breakfast, I arrived at the kitchen of the mansion. It looked almost like those seen in restaurants, so much so that I barely managed to find the fridge. Then something caught my attention. It was a smell that made me hungry. Deciding to investigate who was cooking something that produced such an alluring smell, I went towards the stove that was around a corner.

"Good morning to you, miss. But can I know what you're doing in my kitchen?"

Those were the words that came to my mind as soon as I saw who was cooking, but upon closer inspection, I had to hold my jaw from falling straight to the ground. White hair, pale skin and deep red eyes that looked straight through your soul, combined with a perfect face and body that could cause a war if left unchecked. Nakiri Alice.

"Oh, Lord Bennet, I am Nakiri Alice, hired to be the head chef for your mansion"

I looked her over again. I even went as far as grabbing her face and turning her to both sides, just to make sure of a simple fact. And I saw that I was indeed right.

"Not meaning to be rude, but aren't you too young to be hired as head chef?"

"Aren't you too young to be a Lord?"


Not wanting to argue with Alice, who I knew could get intense when she didn't get what she wanted, I simply began walking towards the table prepared at the lounge. Before walking outside of the kitchen, I turned around and looked at her one more time, before saying a few words.

"Don't overwork yourself. Also, if you need something, just tell Shizuka I said it should be provided to you"

Once that was said, I was greeted by Megan and Shizuka, who had also gotten up from bed. Shizuka was staying in one of the rooms that were on the ground floor, since she could give orders quicker to the staff from there.

"Good morning Al!" / "Good morning my Lord"

"Good morning Megan, Shizuka"

Breakfast was peaceful and enjoyable. I had no option but to congratulate Alice on her skill, since the simple English breakfast she had prepared had a taste of royalty. Once we were done eating, Shizuka informed me that the meeting with the Kirijo group had been arranged for the following Sunday. I asked her to pick a suit for me to attend the meeting and, once Megan finished preparing everything, we left for school together with Alice. This time Shizuka wasn't the driver though, since she seemed to have already hired someone.


Arriving at the Kindredville High, what greeted us was a rather disgusting scene. A girl around our age, with long purple hair, scarlet red eyes and a slim but alluring body was being harassed by a kid no older than us. Looking at the girl attentively, I recognized her as Kasumigaoka Utaha, one of the main characters of Saekano.

The guy that was harassing her had a red and black uniform that I had seen many times before on a series so twisted that I kind of liked it: Kakegurui. Hyakkaou Private Academy was a twisted school were everything was solved through gambling, and if you couldn't pay taxes to the student council you became a pet. If there was one thing that I was sure about, was that that school would be a thousand times more interesting than Kindredville High.

Still, I didn't like a man that forced a girl to be with him. It was the least manly thing that one could do, and as such, I decided to intervene. And it was just in time, since he was about to slap her.

"I wouldn't hit her if I was you" I said as I caught his hand before it reached her face. Utaha, who was expecting the slap with her eyes closed tightly in fear, opened her face in surprise when she heard me talking. As it would've been expected, Mob Character A's reaction was just like that of a rich young master in novels.

"How dare you stop me from punishing my woman, plebeian?! Who do you think you are?!"

I completely ignored him and, looking at Utaha, gave her a reassuring smile. I wouldn't allow a man to treat a woman who had done nothing wrong like that, as hypocritical as it sounded with me having killed Khione and all.

"Are you his "woman"?" I asked her calmly while still gripping his wrist tightly. I could see he was in pain, but I couldn't care less at that moment. Utaha denied quickly, which enraged Mob Character A even more. But his screams were no longer of rage, but pain.

I didn't know what had gotten over me, or why this scene made me so man, but I had broken his arm. He was wailing like a hurt pig while rolling in the floor, grabbing his arm from the pain. A lot of people were recording this scene, but no one was looking at me with fear. The expression in their faces was, to my surprise, one of respect.

"AAAH! I will have my revenge on you! You will regret hurting me!"

Looking at Mob Character A with disgust as he ran away from the place, I couldn't help but want to turn him into an ice statue. Alas, I had to hold myself back on that, since I didn't plan on using my powers on regular humans unless they had done something worthy of a death sentence.

Utaha, who was still shocked by what had happened, wasn't showing her bad-mouthed and self-centred side. She looked quite cute, holding to my shirt tightly while sobbing. I knew I had invited new trouble, but for some reason I didn't find it troublesome. It actually seemed to be quite fun, and as such I had already decided on my next set of actions. It was time to leave Kindredville-high.