
I will be feddd by mouth

Elsa kept on feeding me by mouth until I felt the energy between us kept dwindling and then she removed her mouth from mine. It made me sad so I kissed her again, then again, then again.

Elsa looked sleepy so I brought her inside our room and we slept hugging each other on our nest of a bed.

In the morning, I saw Elsa looking at me, 3 inches away from my face. She bit her forefinger and shoved it inside my mouth.

'This seems to be my breakfast.'

To my surprise, I evolved again, I feel revitalized and my skin seems to be turning bronze, muscles seemed to be developed under my skin and since I recovered my memory, I have been taking care of my hygiene and I can say that, I look healthy and clean and I seem to be less hungry, unlike the pale, thin, hungry and icky zombies.


I heard a whisper cutting off the wonderings of my mind.

"Elsa, you spoke!"

"Hyung, I cook"

"Yes, Elsa you cook and clean too, good girl"

"Elsa you can understand me now right? I want to bring my family here to live with us, can I do that?"

Elsa nodded.

"I also want to eat, porkchop with sweet and sour sauce and the garlic rice you saw on Youtube yesterday, can you do that?"

Elsa again nodded.

'This is great, I can now order food I want to eat.'

"Hyung, hug."

'What a lucky guy, I am. I might be a zombie but I am an evolved one, I have a beauty who cooks and cleans for me though she's an alien and I can eat whatever I want. I, even, get to hug and sleep with a beauty. I should stop gloating or bad luck might befall me.'


The next day, Elsa and Hyung hunted down Hyung's family and brought them inside the military compound. They placed the family in an enclosure first and will free them once Hyung makes them evolved.

"Elsa, why can't I eat nuclei?"

Elsa looked at Hyung. "Need to be like me."

"Are there other ways to fix my family other than your blood?"

Elsa nodded.


Elsa stood up and grabbed a petri dish with a small amount of nuclei and a chemical that I was experimenting then added salt water and heated it.

I brought the compound under a microscope and saw a different type of material. I created a bigger volume of the mixture and fed it to my uncle first as I did not really like him. Uncle evolved after drinking 5 gallons of the mixture and regained his memory, I made my family, mum, dad and sister evolve next.

The reunion was an emotional one and I showed them how they can make their food.

Will they evolve further if they eat more of the compound mixture?