

Callum was relaxed because according to him he had erased all the evidence of the bandits.

But his relief didn't last long because while he was getting ready, a guard came running to him, "Duke! Jasper is not in the prison."


Anxiety invaded his nerves, throwing out all the relief he had felt. "But how? And when?"

"We don't know, but he is not in the prison."

"I will go and meet Santos."

"Duke lord Santos has not returned yet."

Callum's heart sank. What was going on?

"Duke it's time to go," Amias spoke.

Callum calmed himself and took a breath. Everything will be okay, everything will be fine. He gulped, it will be okay.

With that thought, he went to the royal court with a heavy heart and anxiety.

When he reached the court, he was met with Dennis, "Duke, is everything okay? Have you taken care of the bandits?"