

"I am telling you, the bandits are going after the upper-class. Now they are going to come after our children."

Atticus's father tried to warn everybody, but no one took him seriously. And why would they, they were earning such a good amount through the bandits? Why would anyone want to let them go?

"I understand that you have lost your son, Will, but that does not mean that you should discourage us." A lady said 

"Yes, Will, and I suggest not to step back from this business. Bandits bring us slaves and we sell those slaves and valuable things stolen from their villages. It's a business with huge profits," another lord said.

Nobody listened to him, and no one wanted to fight with him to give his child justice. Atticus's father has never felt so helpless in his life before.

And at the same time, the news that the duke of north Yug was also attacked by the bandits had spread in the empire.

People were shocked to hear that.