

"I would like to stay alone for a while, Sean," Darian said as he had his back towards Sean, he didn't want to see anyone, even this simple sentence seemed to have been said with difficulty. As his eyes were red and filled with tears while he stared at the floor.

Zavian  didn't say anything and quietly left the room and soon as the door closed Darian collapsed on the floor, tears flew from his eyes non-stop. His shoulders were shaking and his insides clenched as he felt nauseated and destroyed what was supposed to be a happy night turned into a funeral and once again his world turned upside down in just a few hours.

He picked up a pillow and pressed it against his face before screaming his lungs out, he screamed till his lungs and chest ached. His face had gone as red as a tomato and a vein had popped out on his forehead as his body trembled.