
I Was Trying To Tell Them That I'am Overpowered!

Shuu, a boy who was mainly trying to prove that he was being Overpowered But people won't listen to his only statement and won't prove it. Is he really that strong? Well people lost hope on him after a lot of them...can't see his magic aura at all, it's like he doesn't even born with magic in the first place, but his past says otherwise. He had gained so much chances to actually show off but things didn't goes his way every single time... Stay tune to see how this guy dominate this entire novel in order to show his true power and demolishe all the challenges he had to go through.

Fritzyy · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Stupid Dream

"Mother, Wake up Mother" a little boy sobbing can be heard in his sleep. He was sobbing over a dead body. Her mother died in front of his own eyes, the murderer came in and stab straight through the stomach. The sword was supposed to go to the boys heart but the mother made it in time. "*cough* run!" the woman said to her child but his feet couldn't move a single step. He was paralysed at the moment He saw the sword went through her mother. Using the last bit of her magic, she burned the man's hand and he dropped the sword cause of the heat. "Before its too late...run Shuu, please..." the woman dropped to her knees and blow out her last breath. Out of anger the boy ran and grabbed the sword and using his child strength he managed to swing the sword, slicing the man's body. The boy fell down after, his body was unbalanced but the man lost too much blood and died. "AARGHHTTT!!" The boy cried...


Suddenly Shuu appeared and grab the kid shirt and scream "Why would you do that, Why would you created me!?" The whole place turns black, at the moment he realised he was grabbing the air... And the boy said "It was you who created yourself...a murderer, the same as the one who killed Mother Ame..." His head starts to spin "No no no no This can't be it, If you didn't kill him we could have become better than this! OII YOU BASTARD!" ... "said that to yourself Shuu, Well, we're the same person after all..." the answer left him speechless. All went black and no sound was heard after.


"Shuu...Shuu...can you hear me?" a familiar voice was heard by him after a few moment of silence "Mother Ame?" His eyes opened and saw a blurry face similar too someone. Turns out it was Nana "Shuu are you okay? I was trying so hard to find you but then the other patrol squad said they found you lying in the woods, What happened?" asked Nana. Shuu thought that it is pointless to tell them that he handled the situation flawlessly and so "A man came to me and rescued me from that guy over there, he must've heard me cried a lot...haha" he lied. He woke up in a camp set up by the medical squad. He was treated very well they even changed his dirty clothes, and there's also the investigation squad whom responsible for handling Alphonse dead body and to identify his identity.


"How bizarre, a man this big got taken down by a single move! Who could even done such a beautiful execution and taken only half of this muscular man larynx out!" said one of the investigator. They still doesn't found any clue about this incident. It was out of anyone's mind, Who could've taken down this absolute beast? Shuu got up from bed, grab his clothes he worn earlier and went out "Where are you going, your wound hasn't healed yet?" Nana grab him by the hand. "Sorry senpai...I'm going home now." Shuu let go of his hand by force and keep walking home and wearing a pathetic look on his face. "He doesn't look good, I wonder what happened " Nana whispered to herself, She packed up and was about to leave the camp. "Nana-san over here" one of the investigator called her name. It wasn't caused of the incident that make Shuu that upset, It was his dream... "Stupid ass dream..." mumbles Shuu alone. He scratches his head and tried to forget all of it, but can he?