
I was supposed to be The Gamer but the author forgot it midway.

Death, such an arbitrary concept. What could it be? I wonder? Is it the death of the body or the death of the soul? "Sigh~..., Even after death, I cannot understand it." { Ding! Congratulations! You have been chosen to become a gamer! Do you accept? Y/N } Follow over MC as he becomes the strongest Gamer. --- Disclaimer: I own nothing but the OC characters. +++ This P a t r e o n is only for those who want to help me by donating money. I really appreciate it. p a t r e o n.com / meatball chan

meatball_san · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
54 Chs

I am her Husband!

"D-do I really have to do this? Don't you think that... it won't fit?"

"What!? Do you want something else for your punishment? Now stand still and let me put it... Fuck! It's tight!"

"W-wait! It hurts! Masato-san!"

"Shut up, Ishida, and bear with it! It is almost there!"


"Fuu~~! There, finally! It was really hard to do it, but it's finally there! But damn it's tight!"

"Of course, it would be! You should have checked the size at least," Ishida shouted with a blush on his face.

"But... you look ugly..." with a face as if eaten a lemon, Masato said and created some distance between himself and Ishida.

"..." Ishida didn't know what to say as he could only stand at his place, rooted while wearing a magical girl outfit.

Right now they were at Ishida's place, doing his punishment. Though Masato wanted to do more, he thought: If I punched him or beat him, the pain would only last for a while, I need something to extend the pain; something that would leave an everlasting mark on his dignity. And that's why they were here, as Masato made Ishida wear a magical girl outfit.

Seriously, if he was a little buffed like Tessai, Masato might have even started to call him Ishida-tan like a certain magical girl-boy... or whatever it would be called.

"Now Ishida... do the thing," Masato said as he brought a camera and set it, facing Ishida.

Ishida's temple twitched as he tried his best to not raise his voice since he was aware that Masato would really beat the shit out of him if he did. He still felt fear bubbling in his chest whenever he remembered those rainbow-colored eyes gazing at him as if dead meat.

"Do it already. I don't have time to waste here," Masato said in annoyance.

"I-" still reluctant, Ishida took a deep breath as he raised his right hand which was holding a staff, "Y-yahoo~!" he shouted 'cheerfully' and took a spin and winking towards the camera, "It is your magical girl, Ishida-tan~! I'll save the world from the darkness~! Wink~," giving a victory sign, he winked at the camera.

"... ugh..." Masato felt like he took some HP damage by just looking at it, but the camera in his hand still record it all, "... good... you can take those clothes off now."

"M-Masato-san," adjusting his glasses, Ishida asked, "What are you going to do with that footage? I hope-no, I wish that you don't show it to others... please..."

"That is for me to decide, now stop blabbing and change your clothes... this is nauseating," he said while tweaking with his camera.

Ishida wanted to complain that it was him who made him wear it, but he opted to stay quiet.

"Masato-san..." after some time, Ishida asked, "What was the bow that you used during the fight with Menos Grande?"

He was quite curious about the bow. It was anything but normal, even though it gave no special feelings, Ishida could feel that spiritual energy was way too comfortable around it. It was as if it felt solace around it; its only home.

"Hmmm." still doing something with his camera, Masato answered, "Well, it was a bow that had a part of my 'soul' or, to be more precise, my will in it."

Ishida looked at him with surprise, "Like a Zanpakuto?"

Finally leaving his camera, he looked at Ishida for some time and replied, "In a sense, yes. But not really, after all, it was a faulty product - a mere imitation of what I wanted to achieve."

"What you wanted to achieve?"

"Yeah," nodded Masato before he looked out of the window, "Do you know, Shinigami pours their spiritual energy into their swords, which are, in actuality, part of their souls? I wanted to create something like that."

'But I found out that I can't create something that has soul in it. After all, as a gamer character, I shouldn't have something like a soul. But I do, the only thing is that I can't interfere with it,' he thought, 'I wonder if Urahara can help me with it? Like bringing my soul out of my physical body.'

He looked back at the astonished Ishida, "And that bow was the result. Since I couldn't put a part of my soul in it, I put my will to 'control' - for your information, it is quite a firm will. I love the control over everything."

"Will, to control? What did you want to control?" he asked. He was startled, hearing that there was someone this reckless who would try to split a part of his soul to create a weapon. It was complete madness.

"To control the flow."


"Exactly. Everything around us works in a flow, no matter what it is, a flow is created for it to follow. You can call it anything - flow, rules, functions, programs, etc., whichever fits you right. While creating that bow, I thought of controlling such flow," Masato explained as he smirked, enjoying the astonished look on Ishida's face.

"I-is such a thing possible? Wouldn't that destroy the balance? Since everything works in a flow, so if you disturb a flow, wouldn't that make it unbalanced and uncertain?" he asked.

"Che, Che, Che!" moving his finger right and left, Masato smirked, "Unbalance happens when things go out of control; how can that happen when I am in the control? And even if I stop the control, every flow will go back to its original position. As I said before, everything around us is following a certain program, a rule of a sort. Even if you disturb it, after some time, it will go back to following the same pattern. You don't need to worry about something that will never happen."

Ishida becomes quiet. If what Masato said is right, and everything is following a certain pattern - it could open many possibilities during a fight.

'But... can I control these flows? Maybe... like my ancestors, I can control the spiritual energy in the air to an extent to make it mine?' he thought, 'Could it be!? Did they also found out about the 'flow' and controlled it? But connecting the flow of spiritual energy to the flow of the spiritual body, can one create an endless amount of spiritual energy to use?'

Many different possibilities entered Ishida's mind. He thought if what Masato has said is right, then, maybe, but maybe, he can reach the level of the father of Quincy? Ishida was smart, to begin with, and he could see many different scenarios of the flow.

He looked towards Masato who went back to play with his camera. Ishida could feel his back drenched with sweat, monster, was all he could think of Masato. To come up with such a thing, if it is used correctly, one could even reach a level where he could control an endless about of spiritual energy. He could exist as long as there was spiritual energy in the air.

And for Masato to come up with such a theory, Ishida was amazed and scared. This time he was a relief that he didn't make an enemy out of him, or who knows what might have happened to him.

"Well, I should get going then. It is almost time for the school," Masato said as he stood up, the camera vanishing from his hands, "Also... change already you degenerate... it's disgusting seeing a man wearing those clothes."

'Maybe I am wrong... I should fight with him to the death,' with his brow twitching, Ishida thought.

"Oh, yeah!" as he was about to leave from the window, Masato looked back as if remembering something, "You should become strong faster, Ishida. The future is uncertain, after all," saying, he vanished from the room.

"What?" confused, Ishida just stood at his place. He was wondering what Masato meant by that the future is uncertain, "Is something going to happen?"


Leaving the school, Masato walked in the direction of the park while thinking about his next step, 'With the appearance of Menos Grande, Soul Society should be sending someone to take Rukia soon. Now the question is, should I stop them and let them take her? Even if I can't fight Byakuya, running from him would not be impossible.'

'But... I also need to wait for Aizen to complete the Hogyuko so I can take it. For now, I should focus on training Tatsuki since Yoruichi will train Orihime.'

He was wondering if he could have Yoruichi teach Tatsuki since both were close-combat fighters. He also wanted to train his bow mastery and reach at least level 50 with it before Byakuya and Renji come.

'If I could also learn from Yoruichi... or more if she can create a skill book of her skill. All she needs to do is right the process of how it works, but will she do it?'

Shunkō - An advanced technique that combines Hakudo and Kido. This was the technique he wanted to learn that enhances the senses of the one using it twofold.

He knew that currently, the biggest thing he lacked between himself and Shinigami was the boost their Zanpakuto gave. Due to it, even if he reached the same base level as a Captain, the Zanpakuto boost would create a difference between them. Though he will get his Zanpakuto in the future, he still needs something before that.

And even if he had Zanpakuto, Yoruichi's technique is still something he would love to have. I mean, who would say no to a free power boost. To Masato, the world of Bleach was the tutorial world. A world where he is supposed to do some starting quest before moving to the main story line.

'And even if the system does not allow me to move from world to world, I can always upgrade my space magic to the point where I can breach the world barriers.'

"System, can I travel to the other worlds?" he asked, just to be sure. He didn't want to hear something like: You can't leave this world, that would suck a lot.


It depends on The Gamer. The system's job is to provide you assistance, how you play the game is nothing to do with the system. If you want to explore the 'unexplored maps', then please find a way to enter them on your own.


"Pretty much what I expected," he said.

He was not surprised since the system has never helped him much before except letting him learn things relatively fast - leaving its functions. Whenever he asked something about the system, it would say that it depends on him.

And it made sense, after all, he was playing a game as a gamer and not as the game master.

'But I wonder... if there is a game master? Like who created this system? This... person has to be someone from a higher existence for them to be able to create something like a system,' he shook his head, 'It doesn't matter. As long as they don't come in my way, I have nothing to worry about them.'


In a void, a person was sitting upon a simple throne. He had long black hair reaching up to his hip, a pristine face without any blemish. It felt like he was out of this world and nothing could reach or touch him, yet, he looked ordinary - such a contradictory existence he was.

He slowly opened his eyes that had an abstract pattern to them and gazed into the void, his gaze felt like nothing could be hidden from it.

"Ma~, people do get arrogant quite fast once they are given something that is nothing but a toy for higher beings," he said seemingly to no one.

But a smirk was still evident on his face signaling that he was not displeased in the least; in fact, he seems to be enjoying it all.

"Daddy~, look what I found!" just then, the silence of the place was broken when a girl ran in with a beast behind her. It looked like a tiger, but his height was anything but a normal tiger. Its fangs looked sharp enough to tear the very seams of reality. Its eyes glowed with a golden hue, enough to send shivers down the one gazing at them. But despite its appearance, it timidly walked behind the small girl that looked to be in her early tens.

The young man smiled, seeing the little girl. He gently opened his arms and let the girl land into his embrace, "Ye'er, how many times do I have to tell you to not enter someone's room without knocking?" the young man asked while gently caressing her hair.

"But I wanted to show little tiger to daddy!" she looked at him with upturned eyes and asked, "Is daddy angry with Ye'er?"

Giggling, the young man gently kissed her forehead, "Do you think that daddy will be angry at Ye'er?"

A smile bloom on the little girl's face as she stood up from his lap and ran to the tiger, "Look! A True Chaos Beast! I caught it with mother Shea and Tio!" excitedly jumping around the tiger, the girl happily said, "Mother Shea and Tio are so strong. They went sheuw, shuwa, bam! And the tiger was defeated!"

Smiling at his daughter's antics, the young man chuckled and asked, "Of course, they are. Whose wife do you think they are?"

"Of course, daddy is amazing!" Ye'er shouted and ran back to him and hugged his leg tightly.

The young man smiled gently and took her into his arms and started to walk outside of the room, "Let's go to your sisters and do a prank on Uncle Li Qiye," he said and left the room leaving the little tiger alone in the room.



A sound of an arrow splitting the air resounds in the silence dungeon as it penetrates the head of the Hollow some distance away. It didn't even get a chance to shout before it started to turn into particles and vanished.


Ding! Due to a specific action, a new skill has been created!

[Fire Arrow Level:1 MP: 500]

As a minister of Mana, you have to command it to distort the reality and let you create something that shouldn't be possible normally.

+100%STR Magic Damage.


"With this, I have arrows for all basic elements," Masato as he lowers the bow, "Now... should I use the summoning crystal?" rubbing his chin, he thought.

He was really excited about the summons as both the characters were his favorite, but, at the same time, he wondered if this was the right time to summon. After all, he was going to leave for the Soul Society soon. He didn't want to summon them and then send them to get themselves killed.

Both Shana and Miku, by no doubt, were strong girls. But if they were to put in front of a lieutenant or a captain, Masato wasn't sure how they would fare.

Whether they could use their powers was also a question. But he was sure that they could. One used the 'Power of Existence', while the other spirit or spiritual energy. Both of these powers existed all over the universe or omniverse.

Masato wondered if he could also learn 'Power of Existence'. It was such a fascinating power. He wouldn't have to care about who he kills or why, just erase their existence and they wouldn't even exist, to begin with.

If he had such power, he could go on a Captain slaying spree and would just erase their existence.

'But then again, would this work on Shinigamis? I mean, they are soul and have extensive knowledge about Souls.'

He was unsure about it. If we go with the theory, then it should be effective as they are also existences, whether soul or not. Since they also exist, then 'Power of Existence' should work on them. But whether spiritual energy could counter it or not was still something a mystery to him.

'There is no point in thinking about something that would happen in the future, for now, I should focus on becoming stronger. There is not much time and summer vacation is about to start. If I remember correctly, then Ichigo trained to fight against Soul Society in the summer vacation,' he thought before raising his bow.


[Bow of Moirai]

A bow was created by The Gamer by giving it his intense Will to Control the Flow of Things.

Only two Flows can be controlled at a time.

Affinities with Energies increases by 50% when equipped.

Durability: 86% (When not equipped, keep feeding it with Mana to restore its durability.)


'It really is a nice bow. I am really glad that I was able to create this. Even if I was not able to create a Zanpakuto, I think I can still copy someone else's Zanpakuto - not the spirit, but just the sword and its functions. But that itself is amazing,' he sighed while placing the bow at his back, 'But the amount of energy is enormous. Even with my Mana reserve, I can't create even a single Zanpakuto.'

He had tried before, to create Ichigo's and Rukia's Zanpakuto, but it would backlash every time he tried. It was not only for the Zanpakuto but more so for the things that didn't exist in this universe. The energy increased even more if he tried to create something from other universes.

But Masato found out that the energy usage decreased drastically if he created something completely new; something from his own brain, like this Bow of Moirai - the amount of energy it took for him to create it was about the same as his Mana reserve currently.

Due to this, he inclined more towards creating his own artifact, if they could be called one, rather than trying to copy an already existing one. Another thing was that only those weapons/artifacts that he knew were considered already existing artifacts. Mean, let's say, if he didn't know that such a thing as Excalibur existed, he would be able to create it relatively easy than the time when he already knows that it exists.

Though Excalibur exists literally in every universe so he could still create it, only that universe version in which he resides.

"Let's complete this Hard-Mode dungeon then," he said before running in the direction of the boss room.

After walking some time, Masato reached the old-looking door that is made of some kind of dark wood(?). It was craved exquisitely with different mystique designs.

A big black orb was etched at the center of it with a dragon-like golden slit in it. It felt like it was gazing at every intruder, trying to intimidate them.

Masato stood in front of the door, waiting for it to open. Suddenly, the eye in the center of it move and gazed at him.

'What the hell it is doing?' vigilantly, he stood there, examining it carefully.

After some time, as if examining him, the eye glowed and the door started to open slowly.

"Fuuu~," taking a deep breath, Masato entered the room. He had already completed the Normal Mode dungeon some time ago. Its boss didn't give him much except the 4 gacha tokens.

He didn't get much from the gachas, except some hardly-useful-for-HIM items.


[Soul Ring]

Consume 170 health to temporarily gain 150 mana. Lasts 10 seconds.

If the mana gained cannot fit in your mana pool, it creates a buffer of mana that will be used before your mana pool.

Health Cost: 170

Temporary Mana Bonus: 150

Duration: 10

[Tranquil Boots]

A pair of boots created by special wood.

+14 regeneration of HP

+70 dexterity

[Enchanted Mango]

Eat it and it will restore 100 mana.

[Dust of Appearance]

Slow down the target by 20%.

Item: Consumable

Range: 1050 meters.


All the above items had close to no use to him, but that didn't mean he can't give them to others. They are useless to him, to begin with.

But Masato wondered if he would be able to craft his own items or not, if he did, then these items may come useful as blueprints. Even though useless to him, he could use such items by giving to factions and gaining favor from them.

Walking forward, he enters the room, or was it a hall? Standing in the center of it, Masato didn't see anything until red orbs started to shine in his surroundings.

There were a total of eight orbs shining around him - circling him. A throne stood in front of him where a human-like Hollow sat. Its body was purple in color as if poisoned. Instead of a face, it had a Hollow mask on it - completely white.

Looking at Masato, it/his eyes glowed before it shouted in the air. Some intangible words left his mouth that Masato was not able to understand.

"An Adjuchas, huh. Then those must be..." looking at the glowing crimson orbs that started to move once the Adjuchas shouted, he was able to take in their forms.

A huge Hollow, at least 6-5 stories tall, came out of the shadows. They all had a white mask with an elongated tongue. A ring of white spikes around their neck (if it could be called one). Their whole body was hidden under a long black covering reminiscent of a cloak.

"Gillian, huh. Not surprising. But since the last boss of Hard Mode is an Adjuchas, then is Nightmare Mode's boss is a Vasto Lorde? I can easily see myself getting surrounded by Adjuchas and Gillians as normal mobs in Nightmare Mode dungeon," while saying that, he readied his bow and took his position.

Even if he was surrounded by Gillians, he didn't panic (he can't even normally) since they were slow and their massive size made them an easy target.

Masato looked towards the Adjuchas, 'As long as that dude doesn't enter the fight, I can fight against these Gillinas; otherwise, it is going to be a tough battle.'


Name: None

Race: Hollow - Menos Grande (Adjuchas)

Level: 1500

HP: 150000

MP: 15000

STR: 1652

VIT: 1684

DEX: 1752

INT: 0

WIS: 0

LUK: 0


Looking at the stats, Masato took a deep breath. He was a little stronger than he anticipated. But it was due to since he was the last boss of Hard Mode; no way real Adjuchas would have the same status as this one. He appreciated that this Adjuchas didn't have any intellect, or he might be asking for a beating.

'Let's get started then,' thinking, he raised his finger at the coming Gillian at his right. A small greenish-black ball of highly concentrated Mana started to form there. Small crackles resound from it.

Seeing that his acting has alerted the Hollows, Masato smirked, "[Cero]"

A huge greenish-black beam left his finger and traveled to the Hollow in no time, hitting directly at his face.

"Che! It is still too weak. Even though it looked so badass," he clicked his tongue and said.

The Gillian that was hit came out of the smoking area without much damage to it. His Cero only produces some small cracks around its mask and nothing more.

The Gillian looked at him before it opened its mouth and started to create a red orb of concentrated spiritual energy.

Without thinking much, Masato teleported from his place and appeared behind the Gillian. Still, in the air, he stretches the string of the bow, his eyes turning to rainbow-colored.

He was trying to control the released arrow and to have it cut the Line.

An arrow of wind started to form onto the bow before Masato released it. Cutting through the air, it reached the Gillian. Masato completely focused his brain is trying to diverge its direction but it was all in vain. The arrow did respond to him, but it was too small to make any change in its trajectory.


Before the arrow could hit the Gillian, a long white tongue intercepted it. After destroying the arrow, it changed its direction and went towards Masato.

Not wanting to get hit by it, he hit the air with his feet and vanished before appearing some distance away from Gillian A.

The tongue that was trying to hit him went back to Gillian B, who stood not far from Gillian A.

'It would have been easy if I was using a knife, but I want to max my bow mastery so I can focus on Swordsmanship before leaving for the Soul Society,' he thought.

If he was using a knife or a dagger, then Masato could have easily had the Gillians killed with the help of his eyes, but he wanted to master the bow completely before going to the Soul Society. And he loved using bows too.

Looking at the Gillians A, B, and C standing in front of him while Gillians D, E, and F standing behind him, Masato smirked, "Shall we get serious then?"

Gripping his bow and pointing it downwards, his other hand's finger on the string of it, Masato readied himself.

All of the Gillians had more HP than the one he had defeated previously in the real world. He has sure that it would take him, at least, three solid hits of his [Lightning Arrow] to completely kill it.

He would love to do that, but his Mana recovery didn't allow that. So, he could only slowly drown their HP.


The Gillian at his back shouted before its tongue made its way to Masato, who didn't look in its direction and let it hit him. He wanted to see how much damage can his Mana Shield take.

Was he being careless? He was. But he needed something to test it. Of course, many other methods were many times safer than this one, but he liked it this way. It was more valid than doing it himself. Since he was sure that these Hollows would not hold back.

In any case, he could create a great amount of [Mana Shield] if he wanted.

Within seconds, the tongue reached him and hit his shield, easily penetrating it. But he had more than 500 shields thinly covering him.

After penetrating the 356 shields, the tongue stopped.

'Hmm. Though the shield is a great help, it is too weak against the stronger opponents.'


Ding! Mana Shield has leveled up!

Mana Shield has met the upgrading requirement, evolving the skill [Mana Shield]!

[Absorption Shield Level: 1 MP: 50/min.]

An upgraded version of Mana Shield. It can absorb damage as long as the user's Mana is being supplied.

100% Mana to damage conversion with the ratio of 1:1.


'Upgraded version?' he thought as he dodged the Cero and released three consecutive Earth Arrows, killing a Gillian.

It was the first time he has seen a skill being upgraded. Mana Shield was the only skill on him that was stuck on level 99, so he did think that maybe he needed to upgrade it to level it up again, and not this notification made sense to him.

'But... how do I upgrade other skills? Will they upgrade themselves too if I meet a certain requirement?' he wondered.


A tongue passed him as he dodged and released arrows onto the Gillian who attacked him.

'But I do have the Aghanim's Shard that can upgrade one of my abilities if they reached the max level, and I am saving it for the Combat Teleport that is close to reaching the Max level.'

Stretching the string to its limit, he released an arrow of lightning that penetrated the mask of the Gillian as it leaves a trail at its behind.

Ignoring the leveling up notification and drops he had, he looked back at the Adjuchas, who after the death of the last Gillian stood up and roared at him.

'Hmm. Guess it is not a time to train my skill,' smiling wryly, feeling the pressure from the Ajuchas, he thought before taking his dagger out and gripping it.

Landing back onto the ground, he raised a wall of earth between him and Adjuchas. As the wall blocked the view of his and Adjuchas, he used [Sneak] and coating himself with the wind. He was using it to block all kinds of vibration and smell coming from him.


The Adjuchas broke the wall with his fist but became bewildered when he didn't find its prey on the other side of it.

Confused, it looked at his side but found nothing. If it was an intelligent lifeform, then there was a high chance that it would have been able to find him if he focused on Masato, but sadly it was not.

Currently, Masato was standing behind the Adjuchas, neither too far nor too close, just enough distance as to not alert it.

His eyes gleamed in rainbow hue as it stared at the Hollow. His mind focusing and capturing every single Line he sees, imprinting it in his mind. After some time of memorizing every single pattern of the Lines, Masato took a step forward and appeared some feet away from the Hollow.

Just as he appeared, the Hollow also found out about his presence. It roared and looked back, his eyes meeting with Masato's. It would have stunned for a second by seeing into his eyes, but it was just a lifeform created by the system, so it didn't have a thing called fear.

Without any delay in his motion, his eyes glowed eerily before it launched to Masato's direction.

Masato sneered since he could easily teleport at his back... is what he thought until he realized the disturbance in the space around him, stopping him from the teleportation.

'Shit...' was all he could think before he saw the Adjuchas hand shining in a red glow, coming in his direction. Without thinking, he activated his Absorption Shield and raised his hands in front of him in a cross.


Like a bullet, Masato was launched backward and hit the wall, breaking it in the process.


Coming out of the rumble, he coughed and looked at the Adjuchas, who was smugly looking in his direction.

"Fucking disfigured son of a bitch... I will make a literal Hollow out of you..." cursing, he checked his Mana and found that he has lost more than half of it.

"That hit harder than I thought," he said as he wiped the blood leaking his lips.

'It seems that due to the lower level of the Shield, it still cannot be used during normal combat to take damages,' he thought as he stared at the Adjuchas looking at him, 'This bastard... do it have the ability to distort the space around him? That is one troublesome ability...'

Not only would it hinder him from using [Combat Teleport] as the distortion of space would stop it, it will also slower his speed, making him feel like he is traversing in a quagmire.

'Long ranged attacks then?' he questioned himself.

It was the best solution currently as in close range, there are high chances of him getting attacked again.

Taking a Mana portion out, he opened the lid and gulped it down to his throat. His Mana started to regenerate at a faster rate. Storing his dagger back, he again took out his bow and readied himself.

'First, I need perfect ground for me to hide and play,' thinking, he used his Mana to raise different earth walls all around the surroundings. It blocked the vision of the Hollow at many points, also reducing his mobility due to many obstacles.

As his Mana hit his limit, he used sneak and vanished into the thin air. Using the water particles in the atmosphere, he created fog all around the stadium, reducing the vision even more.

Two pupils of rainbow-colored eyes, enough to send shivers down one spine, glowed in the mist. Standing far away from the Adjuchas, Masato gazed at him emotionlessly, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike at him.

'I guess I should become an Assassin or Hunter?' he joked inside before he started to gather oxygen around the Hollow at a slow pace. He didn't want to alert him due to his sudden movement.

Even with zero intelligence, the Hollow still had his instincts. It was like an animal who would fight for his death till the end without much fear, making it a deadly enemy.

Seeing as he has collected enough oxygen around the Hollow, Masato pulled the string. Its stretching voice resounds but was blocked by the wind barrier around him.

Mana started to gather and swirl onto the bow as it controlled the flow of direction. He just had an epiphany when he was trying to bend his arrows in the air: Can't he just control the Flow of Direction?

In this world, everything followed a certain pattern depending on the force applied to it. But whatever the force is, the direction of the object is predetermined exactly at the time it losses the supply of force. It would either go in a straight line or bend the mid-way.

A Flow; just as Masato had said before. Everything in this world follows a certain Flow or pattern. Disturbing such Flows was the same as changing the reality, and Mana does just that.

An arrow of fire was created on the bow as the fire spin ferociously around it, creating small fire rings all over it.

Aiming at the Hollow, his eyes glowed as he controls the Flow of Direction and made it follow the Line of Death. With his preparation ending, he stretched the string a little more before releasing it.


Tearing the air, it reached the Hollow at a breathtaking speed.

The Hollow also seems to find the incoming danger as it compressed the space in front of him, but it was useless. Even if space was bent to his liking, he was still not able to change the Flow of Things. All it did was create a wall in the Flow, but Masato had already predicted it.

So, when the arrow reached close to the Wall, it suddenly changed its direction. Taking a sharp turn, it bypassed the wall and reached Adjuchas, who didn't have time to dodge.

Seeing no possible running spot, he tried to counterattack it. But even before it moved, the arrow ignited the Oxygen around him.


A loud explosion occurred, taking nearly 6 meters of the ground around the Hollow. Hot winds traveled to Masato as he stared at the spot where the Hollow was. He still has not gotten a notification indicating the end of the Hollow.

Wondering if the Hollow has survived that, he created another arrow. This time, it was a Lightning Arrow, his strongest arrow so far. Sound of thousands of birds chirping produced in the hall.

His face glowing due to the arrow, Masato didn't wait to see the results. He could see the HP of it. Even though it was going down at a fast rate, it was still not enough. So, he released his second arrow.

Leaving a trail of white lightning at its behind, it stuck the Hollow. Another blast occurred but this time it was filled with the sound of the chirping of the birds.

The fire and oxygen burned even more vigorously, trying to engulf everything in it.


Ding! An Adjuchas has been slain!

You have leveled up! x5

+5 Gacha tokens.

Skill Book: [High Regeneration - Hollow]

Item: Adept's Brimstone Staff

Skill [Mystic Eyes of Death Perception] has reached the evolution requirement.

Evolution is beginning!


Seeing the prompt, his eyes widen before a stinging pain assaulted his senses, distorting his vision. His eyes have been stuck at 59 for some time now. He wondered if the XP needed for the next level is so big that it was taking him so much time.

He never thought that it needs time to evolve since it was not even at 100 or 99 yet, but who knew that it was stuck at 59 because it needed to be upgraded.

Mystic Eyes were one of his most powerful trump cards. With his use, he could kill anything-no! To be more precise, he could 'delete' anything.

He had thought about it before - some time ago, Masato had bisected a fork into two. After cutting it, he tried to mend it back. By melting both sides, he tried to attach them. But to his wonder, they again bisected into two and fell onto the ground.

This whole process didn't look like kill to him, since to kill, you need to be alive. It felt more like a delete of sequence to him.

For example, let's say, this whole world is just a giant program coded so we think it is a reality and that we are living in a simulation, then that means, everything around is coded.

Everything, from the smallest insect to the biggest planet, everything has a code on which it is created.

What Mystic Eyes did was delete these codes and rewrite a new one at its position i.e., it deleted the code of the existing fork and rewrite a code in which it is a fork that is bisected in two.

So no matter what he does, he would not be able to rejoin the fork again. Since it was not the fork that is bisected, but it was created such. The code created the fork as in two pieces. As long as he didn't find a way to alter the code and change it back to its previous state, the fork will remain bisected.

In short, Mystic Eyes alter the reality to make it look like he has killed someone, but he just deleted them.


Masato's scream filled the now empty dungeon. His painful scream would make anyone shiver, but no one was here to listen to it.

After what seemed like a passing eternity to him, the pain finally started to subside. There was blood leaving a trail on his face as if he has just shed the tears of blood.

Feelings all the energy leaving his body, he fell on his butt. A sigh left his mouth. Cleaning his face with his hands, he looked back at the system prompt.


Evolution of the Skill [Mystic Eyes of Death Perception] has been completed!

[Mystic Eyes of Death Perception Level: 60]

As someone who has understood the basic concept of Death, you have unlocked the power to 'perceive death'. While using these eyes, you can see the 'Lines of Death'. Cutting such lines will allow the user to kill the target in the true sense.

PS: The eyes have completely integrated with the user's body after the evolution. They have become user's eyes in a literal sense.

The user can toggle its SIGHT on and off. Mean, only its perception of Line can be turned off, but the eyes can't go back to normal.


Masato sighed, seeing it. He thought he would get something even more OP after its evolution, but not that they would become his passive eyes. He only needed to use 2 MP per second before maintaining it. With his Mana regeneration, it was not bad. It was kind of passive at that point too.

So, he was kinda disappointed that he didn't get anything else out of the pain he suffered.

Shaking his head, clearing it from the thoughts, he looked back at the drops. The skill book was evident from its name, so he didn't think much a learned it.


Skill [High Regeneration] has been learned!

[High Regeneration Level: 1]

A skill originated from the Hollows (Bleachverse). It provides the user with immense regenerative powers.

HP regen. x2


He smiled. HP and HP regen. was his lowest stat so far. He was thinking of ways to increase it, and this skill did just that.

Looking at the item, he clicked on it.


[Adept's Brimstone Staff]

A Tier 4 Fire Staff made of Pine Wood and Steal, with Adept's Burning Orb as its base.

It provides the user with the following spells;

Fire Bolt, Burning Field.

Ignite, Wall of Flames, Fire Wave, Fire Ball, and Fire Artillery

Passive Skills: Burn, Energetic, Aggressive Caster, and Furious.

Only four skills can be chosen during its use. Other skills with be rendered useless. A skill can only be changed after 24 hours have been passed after the previous one was chosen.


Masato's eyes widen seeing it. He does remember playing a game called Albion Online in his previous life, and he was sure that this staff was from that game.

He felt butterflies dancing in his stomach as he gazed at the skills. This staff was just way too OP, and it was only of Tier 4! He couldn't imagine what kind of Tier 8 staff will be like.

'Is this an indication of someone telling me to become a mage after all?' looking at the sky, he thought, 'Sigh... but it would have been more OP if it was a Healing Staff. Lots of my problems could have been solved.'

He didn't have any skill that he could use to heal others. The only skills he had, all worked on himself. He wondered if he learned every Demonic Art of the Soul Society, would there be a skill to heal others?

He was sure that there would be. Unohana uses healing Kida after all.

Talking about Unohana, she was one of Masato's targets to pursue. He really liked her when he watched bleach - there were others too, but that was the talk of another time.

'Now for the gachas.'


[Demi-Servant Card]

Can be used by a non-gamer to become a Demi-servant. The heroic spirit based on the capabilities of the two by default, though a catalyst can be used instead.


It's just a bicycle. What did you accept?

It is unbreakable.

[Glowing Ring]

Lights up in the dark. Let's the user see their surroundings.

[Fragarach (Fate)]

Consumable. Instant kill weapon. Must be used after the opponent unleashes their strongest attack. Alters time so it fires first, nullifying the enemy's attack.

Skill Book: Haki - Observation, Armament, Conquerer.

[The Mist (Fate)]

Creates a poisonous mist in a large area that grows more effective the longer a person is exposed. The mist can be controlled to have it only target enemies, leaving allies unharmed.

Many other features are left for the user to expose.

[Pale Ore]

A mysterious ore that is chill to touch.


Masato smiled, seeing his loot. Leaving some questionable loot aside, he did gain another trump card. Though it had some restrictions before being used, that still didn't diminish its value in Masato's eyes.

Both Noble Phantasm was great and very useful. He could think of a hundred possibilities where he could use them.

'Demi-Servant Card... hmm... I wonder if I can summon her? Hehehe~, she will be a perfect servant to get along with Okaa-san,' he had already thought of using it on Mamako. If there was a girl that he cared about the most in this world, then that would be Mamako.

That didn't mean that he didn't care about other girls. He loved them too. But Mamako had a special place in his heart. Maybe in the future, other girls will also take a place in his heart, same as Mamako.

'Also Haki... it solves my problem with Tatsuki's training I guess. Now only her weapon is left, and seeing that she is a close-combatant - I've also had it in my mind,' he thought, 'But before giving it to her, I need to try something with this Skill Book.'

He had thought before, but what if he created a copy of the skill book with his hands. Would he gain a skill for it? I mean, even if he didn't, he at least would be able to create a copy skill book.

Taking a mirror out of his inventory, he looked at his face. Seeing his eyes that have changed into rainbow-colored permanently, he sighed.

"Whatever. Not that I can change it or anything. Guess I'll have to live with these eyes from now on," he said, "It doesn't really bother me, but I wonder if I will induce fear in people passively from now on?"

Adjusting his glasses, he shook his head and stopped thinking about it. Raising his hand, he broke the ID and appeared in the real world.

Drip... drip...dripdripdripdripdrip*

As he left the ID, he was soaked by heavy rain. His pairs of rainbow eyes gazed up in the sky before looking down as some drop fell into his eyes.

"It was a clear sky before I entered. How much time has passed?" he questions himself - a bad habit of his.


Hearing the sound of a cat purring, he smiled before looking back. He always wondered how Yoruichi always found him when he exited his ID. It was as if she was always aware of where he would land.

'Is it related to her Zanpakuto?'

"GRRR~!" she growled at him before vanishing from her place and appearing some distance away. Her hair stood erect as she gazed into Masato's rainbow-colored eyes. A wave of terror rushes into her body as if she was staring at her death.

Looking at her reaction, Masato sighed, 'It seems that the fear effect has become passive too... it is going to be troubling. I should find a solution for it soon. I don't want my opponents to be alert when fighting me, a "harmless" boy.'

"I am sorry, Yoru. I didn't mean to scare you," with a gentle expression, he walked to her and gently picked her up. Her body was still tense as she cautiously looked at him, "Don't worry. My eyes have changed due to my abilities and I can't change them back due to some problems."

Hearing his explanation, and seeing his gentle expression with his soft caressing trying to calm her down, Yoruichi finally calmed down and nestled more into his hands.

Masato sighed, 'Gotta find a solution for it.'

Yoruichi still in his arms, Masato started to walk towards his home. He was not in a hurry as he liked the rain a lot. He liked the feeling of its droplets falling onto his skin and washing over him. It felt like it was taking all his burden and he could be free at this time and moment.

Silently walking in the street, with his steps not too fast nor too slow, Masato reached his home. But just as he was about to open the door, he felt a spike of Spiritual Energy in the air. Looking in a certain direction, Masato smiled, "It seems that it is going to be a hectic night, Yoru."

Yoruichi was also looking in the direction of Spiritual Energy. She knew whose Spiritual Energy it was as she was quite familiar with it.

'Guess that Byakuya brat was sent by Soul Society,' looking at Masato, she thought, 'Brat! Don't you go around poking your nose where you will definitely get beaten up!'

"Let's go and see if I can get some fun out of it," aware of what she was thinking, Masato smirked before started to walk in the direction of Spiritual Energy.

Yoruichi cursed, seeing his smirk, 'This brat... can he sense what I am thinking? Now that I think about it, why does he gives me an explanation of everything even though I am a cat?'

She didn't think much about it, but now it did seem weird to her. But then she shook her head. No one should be able to tell her transformed form.

'Maybe he just thinks that I am exceptionally intelligent for a cat?'

Still walking at the same pace, Masato soon reached the place. Standing above the building, he saw Ichigo fighting with Renji with Ishida laying on the ground some distance away.

His eyes tailed to Rukia, who had tears in her eyes as she tried to stop Ichigo. She didn't want to make a bystander die due to her mistake.

"Stop it, Ichigo! You can't fight with him! Just run away!" her desperate shout, trying to stop Ichigo, were all in vain as he ignored her as his sword kept slashing with Renji's. His eyes determined to save her, but it was all just a weak determination backed by nothing.

"Oi! What is the name of your Zanpakuto?" suddenly, the fight came to halt as the red-haired man asked him a question that he didn't understand.

"Name? Do you guys go around naming your swords?" he asked.

"Haah! So you don't know? Hahahaha! I get it. I mean, what did I expect from a fake!" Renji laughed loudly, making Ichigo frown.

"What do you mean? Why are you laughing bastard!" pointing his oversize sword at him, he asked.

"Heh! Remember this kid, every Zanpakuto has a name. Only by knowing the name can you be called a qualified Shinigami," with a look of disdain, he explained, "Here. I'll let you hear mine."

[Howl: Zabimaru]

Placing his two fingers close to the hilt, he slides them till the end while calling the name of his sword. A red glow covers it before his standard katana transforms into an even longer 6-part segmented blade; each segment was wider than the one preceding it from the hilt, with 2 pick-like protrusions on the front and back of each segment, with the ones on the front much longer than the ones on the back.

Ichigo looked in amazement at the sword, not understanding what happened.

"Wha-" as he was about to question, Renji slashed in his direction. His sword elongating in his direction in an arc. It looked more like a whip than a sword to Ichigo.

Seeing no alternative, he raised his sword in hope of blocking the incoming strike, but his eyes bulged out as blood gushed from his now torn shoulder as Zabimaru made it's way back to Renji.


Ichigo's sword fell onto the ground as he blankly stared at Renji with a surprised face.

"See? You are nothing but a fake, a mere imitation of the real thing," with a passive face, Renji said.

He started to walk in his direction, in order to execute his order of eliminating him. But he stopped in his track when he felt Ichigo's Spiritual Energy rising at a tremendous pace.

"Wh-what is this!?" he questions as he took a cautious step back.

"Oh~, he still has some fuel left it seems," still standing on the building, Masato commented. He didn't go out and help Rukia.


The answer was simple; he can't.

He was aware that he had a better chance of defeating Byakuya with how he has limiters placed on him. But he didn't want to take a risk. They could remove their limiters anytime they wished, after all.

But that didn't mean he was not going to interfere. He needed to greet his brother-in-law. He was just waiting for Ichigo's defeat so he can learn the difference between a real Shinigami and himself. His reckless character was a problem and a short-cut to his downfall.

Seeing Ichigo standing up, and counter-attacking Renji with great vigor, Masato shook his head. Ichigo was just too arrogant currently, thinking that he can defeat Renji just because he was able to push him back.

His gaze landing on Byakuya, he used to observe on him.


Name: Kuchiki Byakuya

Occupation: Shinigami/ Captain of 6th Division/ 28th Head of Kuchiki Clan

Level: 1898

HP: 6000

MP: 18980

CON: 5892

STR: 1921

VIT: 1500

DEX: 1921

INT: 985

WIS: 1859

LUK: 300

Affection: 0/100

Thoughts about you: Nothing.


'hmm. He is weaker than Yoruichi and Urahara,' looking at Renji's status, Masato sighed in relief, 'All stats are in-between 1000-1500, definitely something I can cope up with. So, if I were to fight with an all-powered lieutenant, I can still defeat them... I guess.'

As he watched, he saw Byakuya vanishing from his place and appearing behind Ichigo, who was about to deal a strike on Renji.

'He is fast, but not something I need to worry about. I am quite fast too after all.'

"You wait here Yoru, I'll go and meet brother-in-law. I need to inform him that I will be marrying his sister in the future!" he said as he placed Yoruichi back onto the ground, who looked at him with an incredulous expression.

'What the fuck is this brat thinking now!?' she knew that Masato had quite a playful nature to him, just like Urahara, he loved to mess with his enemies and people. So after hearing him, she didn't know what do to. Should she stop him or let him go? In the end, she decided to stay back and wait to see what he does.

'If things went south, I can always help him.'

Byakuya condescendingly looked at Ichigo as he holds half of his broken sword in his right hand.

"You are too slow," he said before throwing the half of Ichigo's sword at the side.

Looking at the falling Ichigo, Rukia closed her eyes with regret. It was obvious that he would die even if nothing was done since Byakuya destroyed his Shinigami powers, and also pierced his main organs.

He, if left alone, would die due to blood loss.

'At least, Masato didn't come,' she thought in her mind.

Looking down at Ichigo, Byakuya was about to finish him off when he heard a sound of a boy in his ear, "Say, Brother-In-Law, can't you leave him? I mean, he has already lost his powers."

Byakuya's eyes widen to the extreme as he didn't feel when someone was hugging him at his shoulders. His hands moving faster than a bullet to the hilt of his sword as he slashed at the boy.

"Ma~, aren't you rude, brother-in-law. How can you attack your sweet and adorable soon-to-be brother?" asked the voice in disbelief from his behind.

Gripping his sword, he slashes horizontally at his back just to feel his sword cutting the air only.

"Say, Rukia-chan, does brother-in-law hates me?" hugging Rukia from behind as his head rested on her shoulders with tears evident in his eyes, Masato asked.

"Ma-Masato!? What are you doing here, you fool!?" tears started to gather in her eyes as she looked at Masato. Her eyes showed pain, disbelief, reluctance, and most of it, happiness.

Even though she didn't want Masato to come and save her, she still held hope somewhere in her heart.

"Wh-what? You don't want to see me, Rukia? Your husband?" tears gathered in his eyes as if he was betrayed by his lover.


"F-fool! Who is your wife!?" hitting his head, Rukia shouted.

Byakuya looked at Masato as his grip tightens on his sword. His eyes scanning Masato with utmost seriousness as he looked at him, "Who are you?" he questioned.

Leaving the fuming and blushing Rukia, he looked back at Byakuya, who had his body tense, even more, when his eyes met with rainbow-colored eyes of Masato.

"Hello, hello~! It is your cute and adorable brother, brother-in-law!" he shouted while giving Byakuya a salute.

His eyes narrowed as he looked at him, "Brother?" his eyes landed on Rukia in question.

"He is lying! I've not married him yet!" she denied it, but her yet just destroyed her efforts to do so.

"That's right. We have not married yet, we will be in a relationship soon. So please take care of me, brother-in-law!" still with the same enthusiastic voice, he replied.

Byakuya frowned and looked at Rukia, who seems to understand the misunderstanding she has created. Her face turning red as she kicked at the happily smiling Masato, who blocked it with his Mana Shield, making her grip her leg in regret and tears.

"Can you leave that boy alone, Nii-sama? He is already dead even without you doing anything. You have also destroyed his powers, so I think your mission here is complete, no?" Masato said while pointing his finger at the lying Ichigo, who was looking at him. At the same time, he sends a part request to Rukia, who got startled while looking at the suddenly popped window. But thankfully, Masato had everyone's attention so they didn't see it.

Looking at Masato, who sent her message through his eyes, she accepted the invitation.

Byakuya becomes quiet for a second before he sheathed his sword and looked at Masato for some time. Walking to Rukia, he said, "Let's go. We are leaving."

"Have a safe trip, Nii-sama," waving his hands at them, Masato shouted, "I'll come to take her hand soon. Please wait for me, Rukia~!"

Byakuya stopped for a second before resuming his walk. Renji looked in his direction when his eyes met with the smiling eyes of Masato. A sudden chill crawled in his spine as he hurriedly averted his eyes, not daring to look in his direction.

Raising his sword, he inserted it into the void before twisting it. A door appeared in front of them as they entered it and vanished.

"What are you doing, Masato!? Do you not want to stop them!? They are going to execute her!" the weak and dying shout of Ichigo brought him back to look at him.

"Are you an idiot Ichigo? What can you do against someone you don't even know whether you can win or not? We can always go and save her. Right now we, or should I say you, are too weak," Masato said, "Even if, by any chance, I defeated Nii-sama, Soul Society would just send another force, even more, powerful than before, to get her. Do you think we can stop them?"

Ichigo gritted his teeth hearing him. He knew that Masato was right, but he still didn't want to let Rukia go. Renji said that they were here to take her for her execution, he needs to save her!

Those were his last thought before darkness took over his vision and he lost his consciousness.

"So? Are you taking him, messy hair?" he asked as he looked in the direction from where Urahara was coming with a parasol over his head.

"Hahaha! Masato-san. Don't mind me. I was just passing by and saw someone laying on the ground so thought of helping him," with the same sly grin on his face, Urahara said.

Masato looked at his eyes for some time before shaking his head, "I'll take my leave first. My mother is waiting for me," saying that, he teleported away, leaving Urahara, Ichigo, and Ishida alone.


Here comes another chappy~! I wouldn't say much since I don't have the brain enough to explain everything, so if you have any questions, either ask me in discord or just paragraph comment here. I'll try the best of my ability to explain them... maybe.

This chapter was kinda short as it is only 9791 words, smaller than my normal ones. I was busy this weak... with playing a game... don't say anything.


Btw this chapter is edited, if you see any problems please comment on that!