
I was Rifted, Homeworld Highschool D X D

Part of Crap I was Rifted series. Following a different User. No plot. Separation of Souls to other places. If you havent read the others, you wont know the way this one works.

FrozenTide · Outros
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37 Chs

Bleach Part 4 Depature for now Part 2 Failure is only the beginning

Years later-


At Urahara's shop the Shadow Squad Captain Kaien was there. He knew from Noir that today was important. Completely covered in a disguise he waited. Isshin kept giving him weird looks every now and then. But he didn't say a word. Karin and Yuzu were also there. Brought in by Yoruichi. Isshin was told it involved their health.

"Everyone is here, that is good." Noir walked over to Urahara. "Alright take out the body. I know you have it."

"Humph alright." Urahara looked at Noir with a glare. He passed a look towards the girls hesitating. "The old man said to follow whatever you said, hope he knows what he is doing."

*Ding!* From his fan, a bright light shined. The body of Misaki Kurasaki appeared.

"What the hell did you do?!" Isshin yelled. A few others glared at Urahara. "Answer me!"

"Haa she is not.. dead. Just.. in a coma. I found it out when I inspected her." Urahara said unbothered. "Her wounds healed slowly but I couldn't get her to wake. Her soul is somewhere far away. I do not know where. This should not be possible."

Noir pointed at the bracelet on her wrist. Yuzu and Karin wanted to walk over but stood in place. They stared at Noir blinking slowly.

"What is that bracelet anyway?" Isshin asked. "She had it when I met her and I couldn't remove it no matter what. She said she received it from a friend. I doubt that was you."

"Ouch, I would be hurt if I cared." Noir shrugged. Pulling Masaki soul from his Life Domain, he handed it over to Urahara. "You already know what this is. Yes?" He gave a nod but was scared to take it.

"Is that a Mod Soul?" Rukia asked. "Why is it so much bigger than normal?" It was about the size of a softball.

"It is but isn't." Kon said. He was in the summoned bird and landed on Yuzu's head. "The container might be like my own but it is covered in something else." He looked over to Noir. "Covered in your power." Noir smiled at him.

Seeing the time limit, Noir stopped waiting. It was now or never.

"Take the damn thing already!" Noir yelled at Urahara.

"Alright fine!" Taking it indignantly, Urahara places the bead in the body. "This better work."

*Woom, woom, woom!* Slowly spirit energy gathered and entered the body.

"Uggh, that hurt. Owee!" Misaki grumbled touching her hand causing even more pain. "Owww I am so sensitive all over!"

"Nerve attaching and shit like that." Noir said. "You two can come over now. Just don't touch her." Karin and Yuzu walked over slowly. Kon flew over to land on Rukia. Seeing their mother alive and in person, they started crying. "I kept my promise to you girls. Told you, you would see her again."

"Yeah, you did. Thank you." Karin said. The girls listened and didn't rush their mom. However, Masaski had different plans.

"Gotcha!" Once they were close she grabbed them. Her body was in pain but that didn't matter. "Worth it!" Tears of pain and joy caused her to cry.

"Mom!" They hugged her back.

"Hmmm now then. Isshin what will you do now?" Noir asked to see if he would return to Soul Society. He tried to get Urahara to talk him into it.

"I don't know... "

"Tsk, then pass over the mantle of the Shiba clan properly." Noir stood up from checking Masaki. "Hand it over to Ichigo at once! Or to another member!"

"Why are you adamant about it?" Ichigo asked. He kept looking at his sisters and mother every now and then. "Is it that important?"

"Yes. The Shiba clan has dropped significantly. This has led to the lower areas turning into shit. Old-school aristocracy has taken effect over the last few decades. Your cousin Kaien was doing ok with bringing it back but got himself killed." Noir laid it out as best as he could remember for certain things. Kaien lowered his head down at the memory. "You have a part of him inside you actually."

"Hmmm." Ichigo tapped his chest a little. "Ok..."

"I can only tell you so much before it starts to turn into an issue." Noir said. He turned back to Isshin. "Will you do it or not?"

"Why should I trust you?" Isshin asked shocking most of them. Yoruichi was about to say something before Tessei stopped her. He mouthed no to her.

"You kidding right?" Noir asked surprised at him.

"No, I am not. You have been around my family for awhile, getting involved with things. Making sure the girls and Ichigo keep living a decent life. For that I am grateful." Isshin said after tearing his eyes away. "But you had my wife, my kids mother spirit with you all this time. You have been zapping Yuzu of spirit energy as well."

"Yeah, your point?" Noir rebutted. "I could have let her die right then and there but I didn't. Yes, it served my purposes nicely but I still had to keep her alive. As for Yuzu's spirit energy, it is to keep her from being in pain. Instead of weeks where she suffers on the border of death, she suffers one day. The excess spirit energy has been going to Karin and Misaki to strengthen them."

"Isshin he is telling the truth." Masaki said. "If not for him, I would be dead and Ichigo might have been traumatized for a bit. But we worked through it. I was able to visit him in his dreams to make sure he was ok. I watched over the family as best I could."

"Why not tell me!?" Isshin asked angrily towards Noir. He didn't have it in him to yell at Masaki after she just returned to them.

"Again.. I should because why exactly?" Noir said coldly. His spirit energy was spiking along with his anger. "You did not tell them about their Soul Reaper heritage or Quincy one. Ryuken had to do so. The latter I am definitely happy about myself."

"This is my family, I do what I must to protect them!"

"Right.. and the Shiba clan is what to you exactly?" Noir got in the man's face. "Are you saying they don't deserve a leader to help them get through this? Well, talk runaway captain!"

"That is enough you two." Urahara said. He could see where the conversation was about to go. "It may be best to get this resolved another time. He watched as Noir removed his pocket watch. Seeing his agitated face, he felt bad about his next decision. "Noir he is right about his family. It is ultimately his decision.."

"Hey wait a second!" Ichigo wanted to through his two cents in. Standing there saying nothing was starting to bother him. Deep inside he felt something calling at him.

*Tick tock!* The pocket watch ticked away loudly. A sense of dread passed in the area.

"Hmmm." Misaki raised her hand up. The bracelet changed and released a bead. The pocket watch took it in. The bracelet fixed itself to Masaki creating a Fullbring for her. 'So much information. Why do I feel like something bad is about to happen though?'

"You.." Noir stopped as he felt his heart tear open. "Ughh." Almost crushing his pocket watch he turned away. "You will regret this. That I promise you!" A tear opened as he was pulled through. Hands of bone grabbed him roughly.

"Grrrooo!" A sickening Hollow growl came from the inside. Its bone chilling cry causes them to freeze in terror. The only ones unaffected were Masaki and Kaien. She made sure her daughters were shielded from it.

"What the hell was that?" Shinji asked. He felt his Hollow stir inside him. The others feel the same way.


-Hueco Mundo-


"Just stop already!" Noir was frantically trying to stop the watch from moving. It started spinning in weird directions. Unlike anything, he has seen before. "Come on already!" It didn't work. "Kuk!" He coughed up black spiritual blood. It dripped onto his clothes and spread across his body.

System: Restoration of the Shiba Clan Failed. Failure result, destroying Fullbring abilities, destroying Quincy abilities, Destroying Soul... error detected. Power of Vasto Lordes has consumed other spiritual aspects. Upgrading and deducting points. Operator points reduced by 2,345,435. World shard detected.

Noir selected and used it. He felt his Soul Reaper powers return. However, his original sword was sealed away inside him completely. A new one formed from his soul and the changes that transpired from him constantly going to Hell to pass judgment on Souls.

*Babump!* Babump!* Noir's two hearts, beat once and stopped.

*Bwooom!* A dark spiritual release passed through Hueco Mundo. Several hollows ran away. A few strong ones moved towards him. As if called to his side.

"Aaaaaaahhh!" Noir screamed in pain as his face ripped off. The flesh then turned to spirit particles that reentered his bones. "Raaaah!" He let out a beastly howl as his sword reappeared on his side. The hilt forming right after sealing the sword up. "Guuh!" Gurgling up more spirit energy, the process continued. Horns grew by the sides of his temples.

The bead was the essence of White. Its power was cannibalized to keep Noir from losing one of his Hollow abilities. It all went towards his ability to make Visoreds.

A Vasto Lordes had been reborn. This signaled a great change in Hueco Mundo. As Hollows everywhere felt a stirring inside them. Something akin to human emotions returning. Some embraced it, others went slightly insane.

The pocket watch was completely restored. A black metal with a hollow mask in the center shining silver. A sword underneath. His Fullbring had disappeared from all the others from the other slots. The pins on the side disappeared as the watch changed even further. There was nothing else available. He was now a Human Soul Reaper/Hollow. There was no turning back anymore. The others were locked off completely. He could use both powers in human form without any issue.

"Ahhhhhh!" Noir screamed in frustration. The sound vibrations kicked up a dust storm. "Dammit!" He smashed his hands on the ground as a list appeared on what he lost.

System: Can not create Bounts, Pure Soul Reapers, Pure Hollows, Pure Quincys.

Several figures made it to Noir. Vasto Lordes that heard his call of anguish. He turned to them and offered them a place at his side. Feeling the desire he had to kill but also his presence as an Emperor made them trust him. The power he exudes makes them respect him. The power of a Conqueror removed the last bit of doubt for some of them.

"Join me, and I will give you a better World than this. This I swear." Noir said in a dual-tone. "Or one day we become enemies. Not now but one day."

System: Persuasion Check Auto Pass

Coyote Starrk & Lilynette Gingerbuck, Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck, Tier Harribel, Emilou Apacci, Franceska Mila Rose, Cyan Sung-Sun, Ulquiorra Cifer, Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, Pesche Guatiche Dondochakka Birstanne

Noir opened a Rift and beckoned them inside. They were heading to DXD. Noir left a part of his soul behind in his current body. It hollowfied and went huntingto vent it's pain and frustration.


-Soul Palace-


The Soul King's consciousness stirred a little. A plan he set in motion coming true finally. With a simple thought, Noir gained another ability in his sword. The Soul King, one of the Grand Pillars of the World received a boost in his power. It went to his adopted son in Soul Society. Boosting him up a little and removing some of the pain. Yhwch received nothing.

In front of the Soul King, Genryusai watched sighing. Seeing Noir failed was not the problem. The problem was Isshin causing the downfall of the Shiba clan. He made the decision right then and there to make sure the clan survived no matter what it took. Out of respect for his User Noir, and the respect for the Shiba clan.

*Ding!* Genryusai was bathed in light as the Soul King passed a World Shard over to him. It was the one that represented Soul Reapers. With it, Genryusai was able to learn deeper secrets of his powers. And teach others more. He knew just who to teach.

Health 285 Level 20/5 Ac 16 Proficiency Bonus: 6

Age: 1,104 Cantrips Known: 10 Domain Spells:10

Spell Slots: 1st Slot X 2nd V 3rd III 4th III 5th III 6th III 7th III 8th II 9th II

Spell Save: 19 Spell Attack 11 Initiative 5(5 )

Strength:18 Dexterity: 20 Constitution: 20

Intelligence:20 Wisdom: 20 Charisma: 20

Athletics: 4 Acrobatics: 5 Sleight of Hand: 5

Stealth: 5 Arcana: 5 History: 5 Investigation: 5*

Nature: 5* Religion:5* Deception:5* Intimidation:4*

Performance:5* Insight:5* Medicine:5* Persuasion:5*

Titles: Emperor of Underdark II, Lamenting Soul, Broken Dreamer VII, Twisted, Widow 9x, God Slayer, Devil Slayer, Mercy Killer, Devil-God, Conqueror VIII, Saint/Dark Saint, Resident Evil Survivor, Visored Maker

Features: Spellcasting, Divine Domain IV, Destroy Undead IV, Channel Divinity III, Divine Intervention, Alert, Actor, Keen Mind, Firearm Specialist

Traits: Alter User, Vas Lordes II, Master to the House of Mystery

Class Features: Disciple of Life, Channel Divinity Preserve Life, Blessed Healer, Divine Strike, Supreme Healing, Fighting Style-Defense, Second Wind, Action Surge, Martial Archetype-Champion

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