
I was reincarnated as a Crow? (DROPPED)

A man dies and comes back as a crow in the MCU. How thrilling! But then dies again and comes back as a crow (again)? What the heck? It has a bit of a rocky start up mostly because I wasn't taking it seriously, but I promise it balances it out later in the story.

Banchii · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Might is Right.

"Ragna, why does your bird form have a tail?" Hemera asked as she laid on my back. We were currently flying around Planet Dusk and she was on my back.

"I genuinely have no idea," I flew higher until Planet Dusk was nothing but a small point of light, it was then that I stopped and appreciated the beauty of the universe. I reverted back to my "human" form and looked at the distant stars, galaxies, and other celestial bodies, seemingly enamored by them.

"The stars are so pretty, when I die, I wanna become a star," Hemera said with a small smile. I ruffled her hair and didn't respond. As we stared into the void of space, a frown grew on my face as I felt a distant magic signature getting closer.

"Hemera, we're going home. It looks like I have some pest control to take care of," I said as I swiped my hand and we teleported back home using [Devoured Space]. Hemera was confused but didn't ask any questions, probably due to the serious expression on my face. I flew to a flat plain of grass on my home planet and eventually a rainbow colored beam came crashing down.

The people who came out of that beam were Thor, Ironman, Captain America, Bruce Banner, Black Widow, and Hawkeye.

"I'll allow you all to go back to Earth, right now, or I'll have to exercise lethal force," I said as a warning but it seems they knew the dangers of coming to face me head on. It looks like the Avengers won't be fighting Thanos, at least not all of them.

Thor immediately threw his hammer and Ironman fired repulsor beams at me, along with the other Avengers coming to engage me in close combat. I felt a small smile creep onto my face.

I kicked Mjolnir into the sky and dodged Ironman's repulsor beams. I then stepped forward, leaving a crack in the ground, and I appeared in front of Captain America with my fist raised. He tried blocking my fist with his shield, but this was no ordinary punch. I used Half Moon, and a lethal shockwave went through his body, instantly taking him out of commission.

I flipped backwards, avoiding Black Widows attack and once I was behind her, I used Burst Pressure very lightly, I heard several bones break and she was also out of commission. Thor recovered his hammer and sent a bolt of lightning at me.

I didn't feel a need to use anything but my martial arts and I dispersed the lightning with Burst Pressure, while also doing a bit of damage to him. I saw Banner turn into the Hulk and he leaped into the air. He came crashing down, trying to crush me with his fists but I simply caught his attack, shocking him.

I smiled and punched him in the stomach with Half Moon, causing him to stagger. I finished my attack with a kick to the skull, knocking him out or killing him, I don't really care.

"Are these really Earth's mightiest heroes? I'm severely disappointed," I seriously meant that. No wonder they needed two tries and an entire army to beat Thanos. I'm whooping their ass and I haven't even used my vast arsenal of skills.

Unexpectedly, Ironman didn't have anything witty to say and fired a bunch of missiles at me. I vanished from my position and appeared with my hand around his neck. I slammed him down with enough force to create a small crater and he was out of commission as well.

Thor, the last fighter, raised his hammer and had a wry smile on his face. He leaped forward with Mjolnir above his head and lightning crackling through it. Once he got close, I grabbed his wrist and pulled him into an arm bar before slamming him with the same force that attack was going to hit me with, creating a huge crater.

Surprisingly, he wasn't knocked out and kicked me away. I flipped in the air and landed on my feet, soon dodging another bolt of lightning. I could hear Captain America, Ironman, and Hulk slowly getting up and my smile only widened.

"Goddamn he hits really hard," Steve said as he wiped the blood off his lips, "I did say this mission wasn't going to be easy," Thor laughed.

"Hm, maybe I was wrong, though you are weak you are very tenacious. I hope you can survive round two," I smiled widely and vanished from their sight. I appeared in front of Ironman, who's sensors could only now react to me but I was too close. I hit Ironman in the stomach with a half powered Half Moon. The shockwave was so powerful that it destroyed the back of his suit and he was sent flying through the ground, creating a long gash in the ground.

"Oops, he might've died from that," I shrugged and the surviving Avengers were shocked at my sheer speed. Captain America threw his shield but I caught it, and used it to deflect Thor's hammer before throwing it at Hulk, stunning him.

It was then that I noticed they were missing a person, Hawkeye. I looked over to where the palace was and used [Eyes of the Moon] to zoom in. I saw Hawkeye fighting Hemera and it seems she slightly had the upper hand, bet they didn't expect whatever hostage they were going to take to be so strong.

Turning my attention back to my fight, I weaved Captain America's punch and grabbed his wrist. I flipped him over my shoulder and slammed him into the ground with extreme force, creating another large crater and Captain America was in the middle of it with a broken arm.

I kicked him into the air and used a half powered Burst Pressure to severely injure him, he was done fighting for right now. I looked up and saw Hulk coming to crash down on me again. I dodged it, and for the brief moment he stopped to look for me I was already in front of him with my fist over his heart.

"Half Moon," I used a localized shockwave, greatly increasing the lethality. I could hear his heart burst into pieces and he fell down as he died. Thor was angry at the death of his friend and his eyes became filled with lightning.

He swung Mjolnir and a thick lightning bolt ripped through the ground and tried to reach me. I dodged the lightning bolt and used my wings to increase my speed and I appeared in front of an angry Thor. I decided to take this fight a bit more serious because before he was S+ and now he's SS- and slowly rising.

Thor reacted to me and knew that I was to close for him to dodge so he put his arms up to block, not knowing I wasn't going to use my fist. I maneuvered to his right side and used a full powered Crescent Kick, holding back right now will be detrimental.

The sheer amount of force that coursed through Thor's body was something he's never felt before. Every bone on his right side was shattered and his body bent around my leg before he was sent flying and stopped once he reached a large boulder.

I looked at the ruined grass plain and sighed. I watched over Hemera's fight and it seems it came to and end and she was victorious.

"Earth's mightiest heroes? Hardly..." I left the battered Avengers on the grass plain and returned to my palace. Maybe that'll show Earth to leave me alone.