
I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so

I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so I’ll Become an Aristocrat! *** After waking up, it appeared that I had been reincarnated into the body of an eight-year-old boy. At first, I was filled with excitement. However, my elation was short-lived when I realized I had been reborn as a commoner in a place with no proper bathroom or bath, and the food was terrible. Ahh! I longed to return to Japan, but that was impossible. I was stuck in this new reality. I decided to set a goal for myself: to have a comfortable life. But it seemed like an unattainable dream. Until someone mentioned that aristocrats had access to baths, proper toilets, and even full bathrooms! That’s when I made up my mind to become an aristocrat. This is the story of a boy who aspired to live a life of luxury by becoming a noble. However, he would end up saving the world without even realizing it.

_NCS_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
84 Chs

Chapter 76

Chapter 76: Special Dining and Research Society

The conversation was lively, but we arrived at the Duke's mansion, so we decided to stop talking for now and enter the mansion.

It was an unexpected situation that Stefan and Martine were coming, but it seemed that they had arranged various things while we waited in the carriage for a few minutes. The Duke's servants are truly outstanding.

We entered the most luxurious reception room in the mansion. They prepared tea for us, and the servants and guards stepped back, leaving only four of us in the room.

"So, earlier, we got off track, but would it be alright if we occasionally have a meal together as an invitation for lunch?"

Stefan-sama brought it up.

"I... I'll endure meals with others if it means having lunch with Leon and Lucien."

"In that case, let's have lunch together from time to time, in the form of inviting the offspring of high-ranking nobles to the royal special dining room."

What about me in that case? Can I, a commoner, enter the royal special dining room?

"Stefan, I'm a commoner, can I enter the royal special dining room? Can commoners be invited?"

"Ah, Leon is under the Duke's guardianship, so it should be fine to invite him along with Lucien. Besides, it's up to the household that's borrowing the special dining room to decide who to invite. We're royalty, so we just need to be a little cautious."

Is that so? Well, that's a relief. I didn't want to be left out in this situation.

"Good, I'm glad I can join."

"Then it's settled. To summarize, the royal family and the Duke's family will separately rent the special dining room, and Leon will usually have his meals in the Duke's special dining room. The royal family will occasionally invite the offspring of high-ranking nobles for lunch, and that's when we'll dine together. Is this acceptable?"

"Yes, I think it's fine."

"I have no issues with it."

"Yes, it's fine with me too."

"Alright, it's decided then. Let's prepare the notices when we return."

It's amazing how things are decided so casually through conversation. Truly fitting for royalty.

With the discussion concluded, we drank tea and enjoyed a moment of relaxation. Our throats were parched from talking continuously until now.

Alright, for now, this topic is closed. I wanted to ask about the research society. Can I ask about it now?

"For now, can we put the lunch discussion aside? I have something I wanted to ask everyone about the research society. Is it okay to talk about it now?"

"Sure, what's your question?"

"It's about the research society, but it was only briefly mentioned, so I'm not entirely sure. Do you all have more information about it?"

My current impression is that it's something like a university club activity, but is that accurate?

Lucien answered my question. "The research society is like a student association that assists teachers in their research. The teachers at the Royal Academy are also researchers in their respective fields. Students with a particular interest in those fields gather in the teachers' rooms, and that's how it started. Now it's called a research society, and they even have dedicated buildings."

That's somewhat different from what I had in mind. It's more like a university seminar activity, and it's teacher-led research.

"I have a rough idea now. So, if you have the teacher's permission, you can join, right? Do all of you belong to the research society?"

"No, only a few students belong to the research society, so I hadn't really considered it. Leon, do you want to join?"

"Yes, I'm interested. I'm particularly interested in the Magic Device Research Society."

I'm curious about what kind of research they do! Are they developing new magical devices, or are they improving existing ones? In this world, magical devices are quite inconvenient without a switch function. If that could be improved, magical devices would become much more practical. I'd like to focus on research in that area.

While I may not be able to develop entirely new magical devices, I can certainly work on improving existing ones. Plus, if I ensure they don't separate all attributes, I could create a magical device with healing properties!

"Oh, if you're joining, then count me in too."

"Huh? Are you sure? If the timing for returning doesn't match up, I don't mind walking home."

"No, it's not about that. It's just that being around you seems interesting."

What's with that reason? Lucien, do you think I'm some kind of amusing person?

"In that case, I'll also join the Magic Device Research Society."

"I'll join as well."

Huh!? Can you decide so easily like that?

"Everyone, you don't have to worry about me, okay?"

"We're not worried. We just thought it would be interesting to be around Leon. After all, you've probably developed a lot of magical devices, right? We were curious about the process."

"That's right. Being around Leon will provide plenty of learning opportunities."

Is it okay for me to be happy about this? Well, if everyone can join together, it seems like it will be fun.

But the teachers and seniors will be surprised... Suddenly, the eldest son of the Duke's family, the Crown Prince, and the Crown Princess are coming.

I'm sorry... to the teachers and seniors.

I offered my apologies in advance to people I haven't even met yet. Somehow, it seems like I've caused quite a commotion.

"So, let's all join the Magic Device Research Society together. How do we go about joining?"

"It's better to join sooner rather than later. Let's meet up after school tomorrow and go to the teacher in charge of the Magic Device Research Society."

"In that case, should we come to pick you up, Leon?"

No, please don't!!

"Martine, that's too conspicuous. Can't we meet in the first-floor entrance hall?"

"Well, that's fine."

"Then, let's meet in the entrance hall after school tomorrow."

Stefan summarized it like that. Tomorrow is going to be tough...

First of all, there's a high chance of attracting attention as soon as I enter the classroom tomorrow. Then I have to explain things to Ronnie, and I don't know how Salim will react. The more I think about it, the more gloomy I become.

No, I can't! Let's think about something fun!

I'm looking forward to class after such a long time, and I'm also curious about the research club. Exciting. Yeah, it's exciting!

"I'm looking forward to it from tomorrow."

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it even more now that I'll be with Leon. It seems like I won't get bored with him. It would have been even better if we were in the same class."

"I agree. I wish we could still get Leon into the same class."

Please don't even consider that! It's absolutely impossible for a commoner to be in a high-ranking noble's class!

Actually, can that even be done? Can it be done with the authority of the royal family?

"That's probably impossible, right...?"

"Well, it's probably impossible. If it were possible, it would have already been done."

Good, it's impossible... Phew!

"I'm already fitting in with my current class, so I'm fine as it is."

"Is that so? But didn't you have a disagreement on the first day?"

Lucian said something unnecessary. I told him to forget about it!

His face looks a bit amused. Lucian can be so mean!

"Indeed, judging by today's situation, I don't think I can say that I've fit in with the class..."

Stefan said with a little laugh. Everyone, I told you to forget about it!

"It's okay! It was more like a misunderstanding... Maybe we'll become friends by tomorrow!"

Surface-level reconciliation should be possible. They should have realized that I have the backing of the Townshend Ducal Family, so they won't openly confront me or do anything.

Unless they're idiots... They're not idiots, right? I'm starting to worry.

"If that's the case, it's fine."

"Yeah, it's okay. And I had some friends I got along with."

"Is that so? Then please introduce me when we have a joint class next time."

Introduce... I'll probably faint from nervousness when I introduce Ronnie. But will it be okay once I get used to it a bit?

"His name is Ronnie, but he was really nervous today, so it might be better to wait until he's more comfortable."

"In that case, introduce Ronnie at Leon's discretion."

"Got it."

"I'd like you to introduce me too."

"Of course."

I'm sorry, Ronnie, but it looks like I'll have to introduce you to three people. I silently apologized to Ronnie.

"Martine, it's about time to go home."

"Has it gotten that late? That's true. Fun times really fly by."

When I looked at the clock, quite some time had passed already. We left the reception room and went to the entrance hall.

"Then, see you tomorrow."

"Let's meet again tomorrow."

Stefan and Martine said that and walked toward the royal family's carriage.

"Yes. Please take care on your way home."

"I'd be happy to see you again tomorrow."

We said the same and saw the two of them off. It was quite a long day.

Phew, I'm tired for some reason. I let out a yawn and was about to head back to the mansion when I suddenly remembered. Come to think of it, there was something I was curious about, but I forgot to ask amid all the events today. It might be something trivial, but it's bothering me.

I stopped Lucian, who was about to walk back to the mansion, and asked quietly,

"Lucian, what are the desks and chairs like in Class A's classroom?"

"Desks and chairs? Why are you asking about that?"

"No, I was just curious if there were differences between classes."

"Come to think of it... Indeed, the desks and chairs in Leon's class were different from those in my class. Leon's chairs didn't have cushions, right? And the decorations were more extravagant."

I see, as expected... Even though they say there's no distinction in status, there clearly is. Well, they did mention it's just a formality. Besides, the classes are divided by status. If it were truly equal, they'd assign classes without considering status.

I guess I'll have to get used to this since it seems to be common at the Royal Academy.

"Thanks for telling me, Lucian."

"Oh, did you really want to know about something like this?"


"Well, if that's what you're curious about..."

Lucian looked puzzled. It's clear he doesn't question the differences in facilities based on status. This is just the norm in this world.

"I'm tired, so let's head back to the mansion."


Hmm, I'm really tired, so I should go to bed early today. It's going to be tough from tomorrow onward.

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