
I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so

I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so I’ll Become an Aristocrat! *** After waking up, it appeared that I had been reincarnated into the body of an eight-year-old boy. At first, I was filled with excitement. However, my elation was short-lived when I realized I had been reborn as a commoner in a place with no proper bathroom or bath, and the food was terrible. Ahh! I longed to return to Japan, but that was impossible. I was stuck in this new reality. I decided to set a goal for myself: to have a comfortable life. But it seemed like an unattainable dream. Until someone mentioned that aristocrats had access to baths, proper toilets, and even full bathrooms! That’s when I made up my mind to become an aristocrat. This is the story of a boy who aspired to live a life of luxury by becoming a noble. However, he would end up saving the world without even realizing it.

_NCS_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
84 Chs

Chapter 57 Part 2

Chapter 57: Homecoming and Souvenirs

Today is the day to return to the royal capital. We had a meaningful time, visiting the port city, practicing magic with Lucien, and experimenting with various fertilizers made from scallop shells. I hope this attention brings prosperity to the port town and leads to an abundance of seafood. With the ice maker ready, transportation shouldn't be an issue.

We woke up early, finished our preparations, and gathered in front of the carriage. Lucien seems to be saying farewell.

"Father, Mother, I'm off."

"Yes, give it your all. We look forward to seeing your growth when you visit the royal capital."


"Lucien, be considerate of everyone. Take care of yourself and do your best."

"I understand, Mother."

Ugh... leaving my parents behind at this age... It's bound to be lonely and sad. I could cry...

As I thought that, tears welled up in my eyes, and everyone looked at me with puzzled expressions.

Huh? What's this?

"Leon, why do you have tears in your eyes? Did something get in your eye? If so, you should wash it off quickly."

Lucien said that. No, it's not that, but I was tearing up at the sight of my family whom I'll have to live apart from! Huh? Isn't everyone supposed to cry?

Isn't this a tearful farewell scene?

"Um... Lucien-sama, aren't you feeling lonely?"

"What about?"

What do you mean, what about? There's nothing else but feeling lonely about leaving Christoph-sama and Sofia-sama, right?

"Aren't you feeling lonely about parting with Christoph-sama and Sofia-sama?"

"Hmm? I don't really feel lonely. Isn't that obvious? Leon, what are you talking about? Besides, both Father and Mother are coming to the royal capital soon for the Spring Moon celebration."

Huh? Is that so!? I won't be separated for long, then? Also, what's this Spring Moon?

"More than anything, I'm excited! I might make a lot of friends at the Royal Academy, and I'm really looking forward to it. I haven't had much chance to talk to kids my age at parties."

Ah... I see...

Give me back my tears!! And tell me what Spring Moon is!

"...Indeed, it's something to look forward to. By the way, what is Spring Moon?"

When I said that, Lucien looked quite surprised.

"Don't you know?"

"Yes. It's the first time I've heard of it."

It's probably something like a calendar, but I don't know about the calendar in this world. No one talks about it, and I've never heard of it before, so I just came without asking. I even thought there might not be a calendar.

"Spring Moon, Summer Moon, Autumn Moon, Winter Moon – it's a year made up of those four months, and it repeats like that, right?"

"That's right. So, how many days is Spring Moon?"

"It's eighteen weeks, ninety days, isn't it obvious? You really don't know?"

"Yes. It's not widely known among commoners."

"...I see. It's not worth making a royal academy exam out of it, and it seems you wouldn't know unless you try to learn..."

Lucien said that with a bewildered expression. Sorry for bringing this up during our farewell? Well, if I can see you again soon, it's okay.

While thinking that, I gazed at Lucien's face. Then Richard-sama called out to me.

"What are you talking about? Shouldn't we be leaving soon? Get on the carriage."

"...Yes, Grandfather."

Lucien got on the carriage, still in a state of shock. I followed him onto the carriage.

And so, the carriage left the capital of the duchy and headed towards the royal capital.

"Grandfather, Leon doesn't know about the calendar..."

"...Is that so? Hm, I guess it's only natural not to know if you haven't tried to learn..."

"It hasn't come up in conversation until now, and I just learned about it earlier."

"Let me teach you here."

Richard-sama taught me, explaining that a year consists of four months from Spring Moon to Winter Moon, each month has eighteen weeks and ninety days. A year is three hundred and sixty days. The new year starts with the first week of Spring Moon.

However, this country doesn't emphasize the change of the year that much, and it seems that commoners don't celebrate the new year. The calendar isn't widely known.

Because of this, I didn't know until now. Other people just talked about the end of winter or the beginning of spring.

I hadn't realized, but the end of winter refers to the eighteenth week of Winter Moon, and the beginning of spring refers to the first week of Spring Moon. There's no way I could have known.

As I absorbed this new knowledge, the carriage continued its journey. However, the return trip was the same path as before, so there wasn't much new to see.

The only difference from the journey here was that Morgan wasn't around anymore, and my guest room was prepared.

Not much time had passed since I spoke to Richard-sama, but they had already taken care of it, which surprised me a little.

Well, I could sleep comfortably in my room without any hostile glances, so there was no problem. In fact, I was grateful for the quick response. Staying in this town was a bit gloomy for me.

And so, without any particular incidents, the carriage arrived at the Duke's mansion in the royal capital. Since it was already late at night, I decided to spend the night at the mansion and return home the next day.

And the next morning. Lucian came to see me off. It seems that everyone else is busy with work and couldn't make it for the send-off.

"Leon, will I see you next on the day of the exam?"

"Well, I think so, but maybe the exam venue will be different?"

"But, on the day of the exam, you'll go from the Duke's house to the venue, right?"

Indeed...! I hadn't thought about it at all, but it's possible that it's too far from my house to the exam location and I might not make it on time.

"True, that makes sense. Can I come to the Duke's house the day before the exam?"

"Of course, that makes sense! I'll let my grandfather know."

"Thank you, Lucian. Well, see you later then."

"Yeah, looking forward to the day of the exam."

And so, I rode in the carriage with Roger and returned home. I'm looking forward to seeing Lucian again. It's nice that we've become friends.

As the carriage swayed towards home, I absentmindedly gazed at the town, feeling really at ease when I returned to familiar places. Going to unfamiliar lands was fun, but it seems tiring. And being with the Duke's family all the time is quite nerve-wracking.

As I looked out into the distance, lost in thought, we arrived near my house.

"Then, Leon-sama, I will come to pick you up in a carriage the afternoon before the exam day. Please be ready and waiting."

"Got it. Roger, thanks for the journey. Let's keep working well together from now on."

"It's my duty, after all. When you come to the Duke's residence again, I'll be at your service to the best of my abilities."

"Sure. Well then, see you when I go to the Duke's residence."

And so, I got off the carriage and entered the house.

"I'm home!"

As I entered the house saying so, Marie and Ian were in the dining room.

"Marie, Ian-kun, I'm back."

"Big brother! Welcome back!"

"Leon-kun, welcome back."

Marie jumped up with joy. Marie, were you really that lonely? Ugh... I'm glad to know that you were that sad, big brother is happy.

Thinking that, I was about to hug Marie, but she came running towards me. Is she coming to hug me!? I was so happy, I opened my arms wide, but Marie didn't come at all. Huh? What's wrong?

"Big brother! What's inside that wooden box? Is it a souvenir by any chance?"

Marie looked at the wooden box I was holding, her eyes sparkling.

Ugh... Marie is more interested in the souvenir than big brother. She's even learned to tease by lifting and dropping things... ugh, Marie is being mean! It's sad!

As I was having this exchange with Marie, my mother and father came out from the kitchen.

"Welcome back, Leon. Did you get hurt? Are you feeling alright?"

"Leon, welcome back. Did you have fun?"

"I'm home! Mom, you worry too much. I'm not hurt anywhere and I'm perfectly fine. Plus, I had a lot of fun!"

As I said that, both of them smiled in relief. They were worried about me. Having people who worry about you unconditionally is a good thing...

Although I won't be able to live together with them from now on, I'll do my best so we can live together again someday!

"So, what's in that wooden box? Looks like there are two of them."

"These are souvenirs for everyone! They're really delicious. I'll make dinner and treat everyone. Oh, but are we doing evening service today?"

"Since Leon has returned, we'll take a break today."

"That's right."

"Thank you! In that case, after the lunch service is over, I'll cook."

Let's work hard and make some great food! I brought back seafood and other delicacies from the sea, like fish and clams, and froze them.

I also bought oil and other necessary things in the central district, so everything is perfect.

"Big brother's cooking is so delicious, I'm looking forward to it!"

"I want to eat it too! Can I have some even if I'm working?"

Marie seemed so happy, and seeing that, Ian-kun, who was with her, looked really envious.

"Of course, Ian-kun can have some too. We have plenty of ingredients, so it's okay!"

"Really!? Thanks, Leon-kun!"

Ian-kun was overjoyed and did a little victory pose.

"But, you've never eaten seafood, have you? And yet, you're so eager to eat it?"

"It's obvious! I'll definitely never have the chance to eat seafood again. I want to try something rare!"

Well, I guess that's true.

"Well, let's wrap up this conversation for now. Lunch service is about to start soon."

"You're right! Well then, I'll go change too. I'll help out at the shop after a long time."

"Alright, then Leon, go change, and Marie and Ian, continue with the preparations."


And so, I placed the wooden box in a corner of the dining room and hurried upstairs to change my clothes.

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