
I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so

I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so I’ll Become an Aristocrat! *** After waking up, it appeared that I had been reincarnated into the body of an eight-year-old boy. At first, I was filled with excitement. However, my elation was short-lived when I realized I had been reborn as a commoner in a place with no proper bathroom or bath, and the food was terrible. Ahh! I longed to return to Japan, but that was impossible. I was stuck in this new reality. I decided to set a goal for myself: to have a comfortable life. But it seemed like an unattainable dream. Until someone mentioned that aristocrats had access to baths, proper toilets, and even full bathrooms! That’s when I made up my mind to become an aristocrat. This is the story of a boy who aspired to live a life of luxury by becoming a noble. However, he would end up saving the world without even realizing it.

_NCS_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
84 Chs

Chapter 43

Chapter 43: Life in Japan

"Leon, what were you doing in the previous world? Were you working?"

"No, I was still a student. In the previous world, many people studied until they were twenty-two years old."

Upon hearing this, Martine looked very surprised and stunned. In this world, people study until a maximum of fifteen years old. Moreover, becoming an adult at fifteen and studying until twenty-two would indeed be astonishing.

"Studying until twenty-two... that's incredible. But if you were able to study until that age, does it mean you were a noble, Leon?"

"No, there were no nobles in the previous world. There was no clear caste system."

"That's... difficult for me to imagine... It truly is a different world. I wonder if the food and everything else were different too?"

"Yes, I think the development was more advanced in that world. But it seems like this world is rapidly developing too, so maybe it will catch up eventually."

Japan was quite advanced in terms of its culinary culture... There were so many delicious things. I loved ramen, curry, and sushi. Also, sweet treats like cakes, cookies, and ice cream... I'm getting nostalgic just thinking about it.

Feeling nostalgic, I inadvertently let my thoughts drift back to Japan, and Martine-sama seemed somewhat sad.

"Did I make you sad by bringing up something sad?"

"No! I just felt a wave of nostalgia, that's all. Remembering it makes me want to eat those foods again."

"What kind of food is it? If you tell me how to make it, I'll have the palace chef prepare it for you!"

Martine suddenly became very excited and asked eagerly.

Let's see... I vaguely know how to make some dishes, but I wonder if there's something I can make in this world.

Maybe stew or pasta? Are they available in this world?

"For example, do you have stew? It's like a heavier version of milk soup. Oh... I guess we can't bring milk here during this season."

"I've never heard of stew before. I personally like milk soup during winter! I'd love to try it. Don't worry, Leon, I can have you use the ice-making machine you created, so we can have milk."

Right, with that machine, it should be fine. I wonder if it's been put into practical use? Well, being a princess, she can use it as much as she wants... She's a true royalty.

"Alright, then it's settled for one dish, stew. As for the other one, do you have pasta in this world?"

"Pasta... you say? I've never heard of that before. It's such a peculiar pronunciation you've used since earlier."

I guess stew and pasta don't exist in this world, so they won't be translated with the same pronunciation in Japanese.

"Pasta doesn't exist in this world yet. But I think we can easily get the ingredients and make it."

"Really!? Then let's have the head chef prepare these two dishes next time. The next tea party will be a food tasting event!"

With a bright smile, Martine said joyfully, "We're having another tea party... Well, if it makes you happy, I don't mind."

I couldn't help but smile too.

"That sounds fun," I replied.

"Then, Leon, could you write down the recipe? It's better not to disclose who came up with it. I'll just give the recipe to the head chef without revealing the creator," Martine said.

"And no one will investigate who came up with it?"

"No worries. I am the First Princess, after all," she said with a hint of pride.

She's been adorable since earlier! Calm down, me.

My mental state is that of an adult. Even if my emotions are swayed, I'm an adult.

"Alright, I'll write the recipe," I said.

I received the paper and pen that Martine had asked one of the guards to bring and began writing the recipe.

Let's see, I think stew in this world should be made by adding flour to milk soup. Fry the vegetables, sprinkle in the flour, and then add milk or water as usual. Season it, and it should be fine.

As for the pasta, first, it's about the noodles. You just need to mix flour with oil, eggs, and salt. I made it once with my mother, but I don't remember the exact proportions...

Flour, hmm... let's make about four servings worth, taking it with both hands. Oil should be slightly less than half of that. One egg, and a pinch of salt. Can I really make it with such approximate measurements?

...I'll write, "Please adjust the measurements through trial and error."

Anyway, I just need to mix these ingredients together and knead until it solidifies. Once it forms into a single piece, dust it with flour and let it rest for about ten minutes. After resting, use a round wooden stick to roll it out to about two millimeters, then fold it in three, dust it with flour again, and cut it into thin strips. About two millimeters in thickness, I guess?

Then, just boil it! I have no idea about the cooking time, though. Maybe five minutes? Let's write that the optimal cooking time varies depending on the type of pasta.

Alright! Now for the sauce, what pasta would be good? With this, it should be a slightly thicker, chewy, fresh pasta. In that case, tomato sauce might go better than something salty. Cream could work too.

Hmm, let's go with tomato! That's my absolute favorite. Plus, tomatoes should be available this time of year.

I should probably include how to make the tomato sauce as well, right? But we have pizza, so there should be tomato sauce available, right?

In that case, I'll ask for a sauce made with tomato sauce and added bacon or chicken for the pasta. And then toss the pasta with that sauce to complete it.

Done! It's all a bit vague, but a professional chef should be able to figure it out.

"Martine, I've finished writing it," I said.

"Thank you, Leon! Next up is the tasting party combined with the tea party! I'm looking forward to it," Martine said excitedly.

"I'm looking forward to it too!"

Martine looked so happy that I gave a wry smile and said:

"Well then, shall we call it a day for today?"

"Yes, let's meet again in the next class."

"Yes, I will inform you about the date for the tea party during the next class."

And thus, the tea party on that day came to an end.

Today, almost two weeks have passed since then. The second private tea party for just the two of us is being held.

I am now seated in the same pavilion as the last time. Already, dishes are arranged before me. They seem to be freshly made as a little steam rises, making them look very delicious.

"Martine-sama, they look very delicious."

"Leon, since it's just the two of us now, drop the honorifics!"

That's right... We've never been alone together since then, so I completely forgot.

"Sorry... I forgot."

"Jeez! Forgetting is so mean!"

Martine pouts slightly, looking sideways in apparent anger. She's angry, but it's adorable.

"I'm really sorry. But more importantly, they look very well-made."

"Yes, right!?"

As I focus on the meal, it seems her anger has disappeared. That's good.

"The head chef was very enthusiastic about creating a new recipe. It seems the result turned out to be satisfying. I will be trying it for the first time today too!"

"Is it your first time trying it too, Martine?"

"Yes, I told them not to serve me until this tea party. Since it's a special occasion, I wanted to share the surprise with you, Leon..."

As Martine says that, she blushes a little, and her voice becomes smaller.

Adorable...! I've already run out of words, but she's just adorable! That's all I can say.

While I'm feeling excited inside, I try not to show it on the surface and give Martine a gentle smile.

"That makes me happy. Thank you."

"I-It's not for you or anything... It's for myself!"

Martine is trying her best to pretend, but it's so obvious. Still, I won't point it out. I'm an adult, after all.

"Yeah, sure. But let's eat quickly before it gets cold."

"Yes! I've been so hungry since earlier; it smells so good."

"Alright, let's dig in."

"Bon appétit!"

First, I take a bite of the tomato pasta. Mmm! It's delicious! It's a little different from Japanese flavors, but it's still very tasty. The head chef is amazing. I feel so happy...

When I glance at Martine, she had a surprised expression at first, but her face relaxed, which means she likes it. I'm glad she enjoyed it.

"Leon, this is so delicious!"

"I'm glad you like it. The chefs here are skilled. The taste is quite similar to what I remember."

"Really? So, I'm actually eating a dish from your previous world now. It makes me happy!"

Martine is such a sweet girl. How does she grow up like this? Maybe it's because of the royal education...

Well, let's focus on the meal for now.

Alright, let's try the stew too. I scooped a spoonful of stew and tasted it.

Oh! The taste of the stew, it's reassuring. I tore a piece of the bread on the side and dipped it into the stew before eating.

Mmm, happiness!

While I was savoring the stew, it seemed Martine had started eating it too.

"I thought it might be too thick and not that delicious, but it's even better than I expected. It goes well with the bread!"

I'm glad she likes it.

We then immersed ourselves in the meal for a while, occasionally chatting. Finally, both Martine and I had a satisfying meal.

"Leon, your recipes are fantastic! Do you have more?"

"Well, there are quite a few, but most of the dishes I remember are challenging to make in this world, as they require ingredients like soy sauce, miso, or noodle sauce, which don't seem to exist here."

"Is that so? Then, Leon, let's try to recall the recipes!"

It's quite a challenge. Without soy sauce, miso, or other seasonings, it's difficult to recreate those flavors.

Wait? But I've never asked any nobles if they have soy sauce or miso. Maybe, just maybe, it exists but is rare and expensive!

Excitedly, I asked Martine.

"Martine, do they have soy sauce or miso in this world? They are seasonings!"

"M-my, you're quite enthusiastic... but I haven't heard of them. I will ask the chefs and my father to be sure. Soy sauce and miso, you say?"

Martine struggled a bit with the pronunciation.

"Yeah, they are made from soybeans, I think."

"I'll inquire about it."

"Thank you!"

Completely oblivious to Martine's slight bewilderment at my enthusiasm, I was too thrilled at the thought of having so many dishes to eat if we could find soy sauce and miso!

"Well, we'll let you know the results in the next class."

"Sure! Looking forward to it."

And that tea party ended that day.

I eagerly awaited the next class, and when I finally arrived at the palace, I was told, "No one seems to know about soy sauce or miso as seasonings."

I felt quite down. I had some hope, but now I felt even more disappointed.

How am I supposed to make soy sauce and miso without knowing their recipes? What should I do now?

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