
I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so

I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so I’ll Become an Aristocrat! *** After waking up, it appeared that I had been reincarnated into the body of an eight-year-old boy. At first, I was filled with excitement. However, my elation was short-lived when I realized I had been reborn as a commoner in a place with no proper bathroom or bath, and the food was terrible. Ahh! I longed to return to Japan, but that was impossible. I was stuck in this new reality. I decided to set a goal for myself: to have a comfortable life. But it seemed like an unattainable dream. Until someone mentioned that aristocrats had access to baths, proper toilets, and even full bathrooms! That’s when I made up my mind to become an aristocrat. This is the story of a boy who aspired to live a life of luxury by becoming a noble. However, he would end up saving the world without even realizing it.

_NCS_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
84 Chs

Chapter 30

Chapter 30: Grandparents' House

After enduring a cold and harsh winter, warm spring arrived. I would be living here for one more year since I will take the entrance exam for the Royal School next winter and start in the spring.

I feel a little lonely, but the excitement of it not being a permanent farewell outweighs that feeling.

And so, it has been one year since I was reincarnated. It went by in the blink of an eye. I still have memories of Japan, but the feeling of being Leon has become stronger.

It's sad to let go of Japan, but it might be necessary to live in this world.

Well, there are some things that I can't forget, like the comfortable and convenient lifestyle, Japanese flavors like soy sauce, miso, and rice, entertainment items like TV, smartphones, games, manga, and so on. I definitely can't forget them!!

The more I try to recall them, the more I want them... For now, I'll strive to obtain a comfortable lifestyle! And then, I want to get soy sauce, miso, and rice. I don't know how to do it, though...

But let's not give up!

One morning in such a spring day, my mother and father suddenly said to me and Marie.

"Leon, Marie, starting from tomorrow, we'll be going to your grandparents' house for a week."

I was shocked to hear those words. Come to think of it, it's only natural to have grandparents...

I hadn't thought of it because I've been desperately living until now. Besides, I haven't met them even once this year.

In Leon's memories... I might have met them when I was very little. But those memories are from when I was too young, so they're vague and hard to remember.

"Grandpa and grandma?"

Marie tilted her head and asked. If we've only met when I don't remember, then Marie wouldn't remember either.

"Yes. My mom and dad, and Jean's mom and dad. Since we haven't visited them since Marie was born, I thought we should go this year."

"I think everyone would be very happy to see Leon and Marie."

If we haven't visited at all, it means they don't live nearby, right? They're not in the capital?

"Grandpa and grandma don't live in the capital?"

"They do live in the capital, but Dad's parents are farmers, and Roana's parents are involved in animal husbandry, so they live in the outskirts of the capital. Our families' houses are next to each other."

So they're in the agricultural fields that we see when we go to the forest! If their houses are next to each other, that means the two are childhood friends. I guess in this world, it's common for parents to arrange marriages and such?

Or rather, why didn't my father and mother continue with agriculture and livestock farming?

"Why didn't you continue the family business?"

"Because your father is the second son. My older brother took over."

"Your mother's family also had her older brother taking over."

I see, so they got married and came to the city, opening a shop.

...So that means they bought this house after getting married, right? I think this house is pretty nice, but did they buy it? If they did, it seems expensive...

My house has a courtyard and a well. At first, I thought it was normal for each house to have a well, but it seems to be a luxury. Most houses in the area apparently share one well.

"Did you move to this house after you got married?"

"Yes. At first, we rented a small room and planned to find work at some workshop. But the merchant who used to come to our hometown to buy supplies introduced us to this house. It seems the wealthy merchant had built this house for his second son, who wanted to run a restaurant. However, that son couldn't have children, and there was no one to take over the restaurant, so they approached us."

"It was really lucky that we could buy this house cheaply. We get to stay together with Lorna too."


The two of them exchanged glances, creating a lovey-dovey atmosphere. It's awkward... I need to change the subject.

"Um, so, how far is it to our grandparents' house?"

"Well... It wouldn't take that long if we had a carriage, but since we'll be walking, it's quite far. We leave in the morning and arrive around evening, I suppose?"

Huh!? It's that far? And we're going to walk!?

"Don't they have carriages available? Like shared carriages?"

"They don't have shared carriages going to the farmland. If we're lucky, we might get a ride on a merchant's carriage, but they usually carry goods to sell in the city on the way back. So, there aren't many merchants who can accommodate extra passengers."

I see, we have to walk...

Well, I've been training, and I can use body enhancement magic, so it shouldn't be too hard.

Since I can use magic, I need to show the spirit of carrying everyone's luggage as well.

"In that case, we have no choice but to walk. I'll do my best walking! I'll carry the luggage too!"

"Oh, thank you. Then, I'll prepare for tomorrow today. We'll be closed for business starting today."

"Yeah! What should I bring?"

If we're walking, we can't carry a lot of luggage. I wonder if there aren't many things we really need.

"Leon and Marie, please prepare a basket with your clothes. Additionally, make sure to include a bell and a knife for self-defense."


"Me too!"

That's easy to carry. Should I bring some souvenirs?

"Mom, can I bring some souvenirs or something?"

"I think they would be very happy with that."

"What do you think would be good?"

"Well, both sets of parents work outside, so they might be happy with things that can be used to avoid the sun or hand towels."

"Got it! Can I go and check out the souvenirs then?"

"Sure. Be careful."


As I was about to leave, I suddenly thought about something. Come to think of it, besides Grandpa and Grandma, there are also my parents' brother and his wife and their children, right?

"Hey, Mom, there are Uncle and Aunt and their kids too, right?"

"Yes, they are here."

"Should we bring more souvenirs then?"

"They would be happy if you have them, but I think it's fine even if you don't. We usually don't bring souvenirs. When we arrive there, just play together and help with the work."

"I see... Well, I'll think of something! I'm off!"

I left home and headed towards the street with many shops while thinking. What would be good? Let's first look for stores that sell clothes or fabrics.

I arrived at a shop selling fabric products that seemed to have the best selection in this area.

"Welcome. What are you looking for?"

The shopkeeper was a plump lady. I answered without using polite language so as not to sound unnatural.

"I want to buy presents for my grandparents. Do you have hand towels or something?"

"We do. They are over here."

Most of the hand towels there were plain, but there were a few with colors dyed on them.

"How much is the colored one?"

"It's five small copper coins each. The plain ones are two small copper coins."

Five hundred yen and two hundred yen. Well, it's not that expensive.

I think I'll go with the colored ones since they're presents.

"I'll take two blue ones and two red ones."

"Sure, that will be twenty small copper coins."

"Is it okay if I pay with two copper coins?"

"That's fine."

"Okay, then."

"Thank you!"

I bought two blue hand towels and two red hand towels. I thought it would be nice to have different colors for Grandpa and Grandma.

Alright, what should I do next? It might be difficult to find souvenirs since there aren't many things in this world.

I was walking down a street, unsure of what to buy as souvenirs for the others, when I found a shop selling wooden tableware. Tableware can break and be replaced, so it might be a good souvenir.

With that thought in mind, I entered the shop. The shop owner was a sturdy middle-aged man.

"Welcome! Are you on an errand, young monk? What are you looking for?"

"I'm not on an errand. I'm actually looking for souvenirs because I'll be meeting some older gentlemen soon. Do you have anything good?"

"If that's the case, I have just the thing! This is a bamboo water container. It used to be the mainstream choice, but for some reason, leather bags became popular at one point. Lately, the bamboo ones are making a comeback. I've tried using both, and this one is definitely more convenient. I don't know why leather bags became trendy."

There's bamboo too! Come to think of it, the forest I often visit might have it... I haven't paid much attention, so I didn't notice.

The bamboo water container is definitely easier to use! Leather bags are so difficult to drink from. I wonder why leather bags became popular...

Well, I don't know what will become trendy, but it feels somewhat artificial...

"Young monk, are you buying this?"

"How much is one of these?"

"It costs one copper coin. It's not that expensive, right? Can't you afford it, young monk?"

It's cheap... Maybe because the raw materials are readily available everywhere.

But more importantly, this might be a good souvenir! If you work outside, hydration is essential, and it has a hemp rope so you can hang it around your neck or tie it to your waist. It's convenient.

I want one for myself, and I'll buy some for my family too.

"Then, please give me eight of these."

"Eight?! Do you have that much money? It'll be a total of eight copper coins."

"I just have enough. Here, can I pay with silver coins?"

"Oh, I see. If you have them, it's fine. Wait a moment. Since you bought a lot, I'll put them in a hemp bag as a service. It would be difficult to carry them home."

"Thank you, sir!"

"It's fine. Here you go. Two copper coins for change and eight bamboo water containers."

"Thank you!"

"Alright, if anything happens, come visit again."


Alright, I made a good purchase. Now it will be more convenient for me to go to the forest! Technically, I don't need a water container because I can use water magic, but I'm categorized as a healing type, so I can't use water magic openly. I want to become capable of using it anytime...

As for the children, I'm not sure what they need. We still have some sugar left, so maybe I can make them some sweets and take them along.

With those thoughts in mind, I headed back home.