
I was reincarnated as 'Kenja no mago'.

A very ordinary young man suffers a tragic and embarrassing accident, at the moment he meets God he realizes that he can't go to heaven or hell, so God decides to reincarnate him in another world with some gifts. Join him in his journey to another world. In this story there is Harem, since many people apparently do not find the label that I have put, so I emphasize it. ------------ Important: I hope you enjoy this story, there may be many things that don't make sense, but it's normal since it's not a perfect story, it has several things that didn't have in the original story. The main character will generally follow the story, but he won't get carried away with it since he has his own issues. Sorry in advance if there is a grammatical error or something like that, English is not my first language. None of the characters belong to me, only the main character. New chapters will be uploaded every 2 or 3 days.

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
62 Chs

Academia I

Note: hello people, so long. Sorry if the chapters are taking longer to come out, but honestly I didn't do very well in the exams, so now I'm studying for the recovery exams and saving the subjects.

note 2: I don't know if you remember the girl to whom I lent a pencil that had a dinosaur head, well I saw her again and she asked me to borrow a pencil again, I had decided to lend it since I thought it would be very immature to ask her why my other pencil, but I discovered something sad, she didn't use the pencil, but lent it to someone I don't like, since it was very annoying before :(

apparently i have bad luck guys :(


"Well, umm... ahh... well, maybe I do," I hesitated. I decided to tell them about Yuri because it's always better to clarify these matters as soon as possible to avoid future surprises. As a great sage once said, 'It's better to be hit hard and feel the pain in the beginning than to prolong it and make the pain last.'

After I finished speaking, there was a brief silence. I tried to talk to the girls so they wouldn't think I'm so easily swayed, especially since there's only one additional person involved so far. I wanted to make it clear to them that all their future sisters will be talented and beautiful, so they shouldn't worry.

"Maria, Secily, I understand you might be angry and not want to talk to me, but I'm not lying when I say that both of you hold an important place in my heart. Furthermore, my commitment to both of you is serious. That's why I even gathered the courage to talk to your mothers. So, don't worry, even though there's someone else, you should know that I love you..."

I trailed off, grabbing their hands tightly where they wore their rings and looking directly into their eyes, causing them to blush.

"Hmm, it's not that easy to convince us," Maria said, with Secily nodding in agreement. Although they are in love with me, they need to assert themselves to be valued.

"I know you're concerned. Why don't you get to know her before passing judgment? Maybe you'll even like her," I said, trying to change the subject a bit.

"Hum!" They both huffed.

"A while ago, we arrived in the imperial city, and I found out that the guru and the magician had also arrived. I don't know if you knew," I continued.

When they heard this, their eyes lit up since they were big fans of them. Maria started excitedly talking about them. I noticed Shin almost choking on what he was drinking. I had never seen anyone as shameless as me, nor had I encountered such a fan of the grandparents. I looked at Shin, silently nodding my head to prevent her from delving further into the topic.

After that, when Shin was about to leave, I went to talk to him.

"Little brother, do me a favor and don't tell Grandma about this for now. I want to at least live until I complete the exam," I requested.

When Shin heard me, he stopped walking and looked at me with a vengeful smile.

"What? I can't hear you, big brother. Don't you want Grandma to know that you're a womanizer who has at least three girlfriends, if not more? But tell me, why should I listen to you? Hahaha," he spoke, and I could see little devil horns figuratively sprouting from his head. But as the older brother, I can't lose to him in terms of honor.

"So, if people were to find out that the youngest grandson of the Magi and the Guru wet the bed until a late age, I don't know what they would think of you. I even doubt if you'll be able to get a girlfriend in the future, and your new nickname would be 'the bed wetter'," I replied with the same wickedness.

"You... You wouldn't dare..." he said in panic.

"Oh, little brother, that depends on you," I said with a big smile on my face.

Finally, we made a brotherly pact, promising that neither of us would speak about today, so I can be less worried about the remaining days. Although I know Grandma will scold me, it's better to deal with it later than now. If she does it now with her bad mood, I don't know what she would do to me. "Let the future Ryu deal with that problem," I thought happily.

After that, I continued with the girls as we talked about various things, such as exam questions, what they've been doing these past two years, and what they plan to do in the future.

We arrived at a large square and sat down. While holding their hands, I closed my eyes and began to enjoy the pleasant atmosphere.

And so, when the new year began, a private New Year's party was held. Since Grandpa and the others came to the royal capital, many people wanted to visit them and establish a connection with Grandpa and Grandma.

However, Grandpa originally came to the capital for our social education, so everyone who came for a visit was asked to return home. In the end, the party was celebrated only with those who attended our birthday party the other day.

A funny fact is that, since the country's king also came, all the servants were super anxious. Even the Guard Division was on high alert.

Days passed until the day of the exam arrived.

"Do you have everything ready?" Grandma asked.

"Yes, Grandma, don't worry," I responded.

"I have everything, Grandma," said Shin.

After that, we set off for the school. I must say, upon arriving, I was surprised by how big it was. Although I remembered some things from the anime, I didn't recall many others. Its style was somewhat like a small castle but with a school vibe.

Not knowing where to go, we decided to split up and check the information boards in this place.

While I was searching, I heard a scream. When I turned around, I realized it was the same scene from the anime where Cart von Ritzburg, who will later become a demon, is punched by Shin for his arrogant behavior.

I decided not to get involved since it was his issue, but if he really messes with Secily in the future, he won't have a pleasant future. I'm not as nice as Shin; I'll make sure he truly suffers.

After Cart tried to use his father's position to intimidate, Dis's nephew's son appeared to put him in his place. I must admit, he has the aura of a king's son.

Seeing that the show was over, I approached again to join the conversation.

"Shin, didn't Grandma tell you not to get into trouble, hahaha?" I said.

When they heard me, they both turned around. August's expression changed suddenly upon seeing my face. He was probably scared since he didn't sense my presence nearby, but I decided to ignore it.

"It wasn't my fault. He approached me in a rude manner. And what about you? You just stood there watching the fun while your poor brother was in trouble. Oh, let me introduce you to August, Dis's nephew's son," Shin said.

"Pleasure to meet you, August," I greeted kindly. From what I saw in the anime, he doesn't seem like a bad person. Perhaps we'll be family in the future, kukuku.

"The pleasure is all mine," he replied.

After that, we chatted for a bit until it was almost time for the exams to begin, so he left.

Just as I was about to enter the academy to take the exam, I ran into Maria and Secily again. However, I noticed that Secily's expression seemed off, so I approached to see what was happening.

"Secily, what's wrong? I can see you're worried," I said.

When she heard my voice, she became very happy but hesitated to tell me.

"What's happening is that some time ago..." Maria started telling me a bit about the situation with Cart. Hearing about it made me a little angry, but I tried to control myself so as not to scare the girls.

"Secily, don't worry. You have me, and I won't let anyone harm you. As a man, I would never let anyone disrespect my wives," I said in a serious tone.

"Pfft, who are your wives? Besides, we'll talk about that after we meet that 'other person,'" Maria said blushing and annoyed, while Secily seemed a bit calmer.

"By the way, Ryu, why do you and your brother speak so familiarly to Prince August?" Secily asked curiously.

"You'll find out later," I smiled mysteriously and left.

After that, we entered the exam. The written part was extremely easy, and during the practice exam, I couldn't help but laugh and feel embarrassed watching them recite silly spells. They reminded me of those eighth-grade syndrome types.

When it was my turn, I simply pulverized that dummy and those around it, but I left no traces of burns in the surroundings. When your level of magic control reaches a high point, it's very easy to regulate the areas where you focus the 'attack.'