
Chapter 2

<A few months later>

A few months has passed as I settled into my new life. I set up stall to sell ambrosia as a miracle cure. A man with a missing arm had a severe infection and needed medicine to treat it. I gave him ambrosia and he watched with amazement as the infection cleared instantly. He asked if I could regrow his arm to and I gave him a [High potion] to regrow it and charged him 3 silvers. He gave me coin and months like this passed by as my magic helped judge criminals and protect against winter. It came time for the show to begin and I was asked to come to the Earls Hall. "Hello Siggy and Earl Haraldson" June said as she was in front of the earl and his wife. "Hello June, we have called you here to have you present during the thing to use your magic to judge criminals and to bless the arm rings again," said the Earl. She nodded as Siggy spoke up. "Hey June, can you give some more medicine for us please" asked Siggy and I gave her two vials of ambrosia. I then went my stall as I pull out artifacts, I enchanted with the abilities of Aiko from Arifureta.

I started selling medicine as my farming tools sold well. Business was going well, and I finished my business until 2 days passed and the thing began. I had the 2 Arm Bands in a ritualistic box enchanted with various defense abilities and the skill self-regeneration. I was standing beside Siggy as the thing began and I saw Ragnar, the future earl. I watched him with his brother Rollo and his son Bjorn sitting down at seats for the thing. The accused was standing in front on a magic formula I designed using the abilities of Azusa Aizawa<<Magic creation>>. "Let the thing begin" said Haraldson as I stepped forward. I had a staff with me and touched the circle. The circle glowed red with mixture of black. The formula was known as Odins brand, a formula to make sure someone tells the truth. "You have been accused of murdering someone in cold blood, how do you plead" June asked. "I only killed him in self-defense," said the man. I check a silver plate which had red letters spelling truth upon it. "Even so why did you not report this at the first house you came across?" asked Haraldson.

"I thought his family was living their" said the man as the plate showed truth. "Even then you can only pass 2 houses and never a third" said Svein. The thing was brought to a phase where I would render a verdict depending on the plate's words. "Seider June what is your verdict" asked Haraldson. "I have to say not guilty, according to the feedback from the formula" June said. He accepted this and the man was pardoned. We went through the thing as it was timed to do the arm ring ceremony. He gave the rings, and they were given a kiss by Siggy and they went to me. I squatted down and gently kissed them on the head and blessed them with luck and fortune beyond the gods using dark fey maleficent magic. They were astonished and they went to their parents as the thing ended.

I went out to my stall to start selling new products as well as my successful ambrosia. I then Ragnar along with Rollo and Bjorn come up to me. "Hey lady what you did in there was cool, how did you do it?" asked Bjorn. "Well, what I did was I casted powerful magic and formulas" I said to him. "So the rumors were true, you are a mage," said Ragnar. "Well, she still is just a servant to the earl, nothing special" said Rollo as Ragnar glared at him. "May I ask why you are at my stall?" June asked them. "We came to buy some equipment and medicine from you," said Ragnar. I of course gave Ambrosia, and the Aiko farming tools for a gold piece, and they went somewhere else. 2 days passed and I see Ragnar come up to me. "Hey, I want you to come with me for a raid, I got permission from the Earl" said Ragnar, clearly lying to my face. "Of course, I will be happy to lend my services" she said as I switch to battle armor and we went to the boat which was small. So I expanded it using magic but still quickly moveable using magic. "Wow how and why did you do that?" asked Ragnar. "Well how I did it was I used magic to expand its size and have it move automatically on its own at fast speeds with the passengers not feeling the effects while being controlled easily by this slate. I did it because it seemed too small" she said to him. They got in and they set off. It took days of sailing until we reached England.

"What is this place" asked Ragnar. "We are in a place known as England" she said. They went to the building, a monastery. We opened up to scared priests and I could feel powerful holy protective magic. 'Probably the work of god, not an impure sorcerer' June thought to herself. They started to kill but I stopped them. "Wait we can use them as slaves or free labor, no need to kill in a holy sanctuary" June said in perfect English which surprised the priests. "Who are you, why do you do this" said the head priests as I said the same message to the Vikings. They looked at me strangely as they finally looked at the cross. "Is this their god. How can it help them, he is dead unlike Thor or Frey" said a raider whose name was Jorvik? "He helps them in another way" June said as we bounded the priests and took them away. It took us more days until we arrived back in Kattegat.

"What language did you speak back their June?" asked Ragnar as we slipped back into Old Norse. "I spoke English, their native tongue" I said back to him answering his questions as I was producing more ambrosia. Ambrosia can be said to revolutionize the medicines of the time. It can be said to be a panacea of this world. I then felt a curious stare by one of the priest directed back at me. He was Athelstan I remembered as his face came into view, his arms clutching the large gospel of John. The gospel itself was cloaked in holy magic, though it was the work of a mortal but still powerful. "Hey priest" I called to him. He was rooted to the spot but then again he could not understand me as I was speaking old Norse.

I immediately switch to English. "Hey priest" I called again yet in English. He looked at me, still shocked I knew English. He was still for a moment until Jorvik got him to move. He had blackish hair, brown eyes and had monastic robes on. He had a look of fear on his eyes and a solemn feeling. I looked over and noticed his friend was pale, his heart not beating. I grabbed a potion, my 'Panacea' and dripped it into his mouth. His complexion was back to normal, his heart beating again as a slight dim glow emanated from his body, dim but noticeable if you were paying attention. Athlestan was amazed as he witnessed what he thought was a holy miracle. "You are a saint!" he said with glee and amazement. Saints were patrons of many people and can be said to have divine powers from God.

The other priests heard him, scoffing at his claim as they tuned them out. "Well priest you are gonna be my apprentice" I told him, stating this clearly as people from our city knew that what I thought was mine was not to be touched. We finally arrived at the docks as the stiff sailors were getting off the boat as a procession neared towards us. I saw the earl in his royal clothes, Siggy in a nice purple dress and his daughter in a blue one. It looked like he was about to summon us to the thing, and before he spoke I made my intentions clear. "I will be going earl and see you at the thing, but this priest is mine" I said as he nodded with respect as I left.