
Why Are You Running?

None the wiser of his current situation, the young and (currently) stupid goblin just went along his day as he tried to figure out what the words in front of his face meant.

[Arthur Branch (Boomboom)'s Status: ]

[Name: Arthur Branch]

[Level: 1 (0%)]

[Race: Cave Goblin (Toddler)]



[Unwilling!]: On the face of death, your will can affect the impossible.]

[Inferior Dagger Mastery]: You are as good with daggers as a man with no hands.

[Basic Butchering]: You have the makings of a mediocre butcher. But you are barely even that.


As Arthur looked at the words on the screen, he looked at his feet and hands before a thought came upto him.

'If me get skills? Then do me get magic?' He thought, with the utmost effort he can.

[You have attempted to comprehend a thought above your intelligence. You have received +1 to Intelligence!]

[Intelligence: 3]

Arthur frowned at the messages, 'Me did not think too hard. Stop mocking me!'

Regardless of if his golden finger was messing with him or not, it was time to take the next logical step.

'Can me evolve as well?'

[You have attempted to comprehend a thought above your intelligence. You have received +1 to Intelligence!]

[You have consecutively comprehended thoughts above you intelligence. Your a genius among your species! You have received +2 to Intelligence!]

[Intelligence: 6]

Arthur twitched at the new notifications.

'This is pissing me off,' Arthur groaned. His teeth, gnashing as he took deep breaths.

Before coming to this new world he was as smart as they came. Sure he didn't always act smart, but he was always top of his class. He knew stuff about niche subjects that nobody even knew. His memory was so good that he could-

Before he could continue rambling on, his eyes widened as he got an actual epiphany, 'Wait, I can remember? My head is clearer...' he thought.

His mind was a cloudy jumble of mess. It was as if all of his ideas and intelligence was locked behind a gate that he couldn't access.

He had some access, but it wasn't complete.

'I'm not complete,' Arthur thought solemnly as he sat on a rock.

[Arthur Branch (Boomboom)'s Status: ]

[Name: Arthur Branch]

[Level: 1 (0%)]

[Race: Cave Goblin (Toddler)]



Health: 10

Mana: Insignificant

Strength: 1

Endurance: 1

Dexterity: 1

Agility: 1

Intelligence: 6

Charisma: 1


'I need to find a way to fix my stats!' Arthur thought as he realised what kind of situation he was in.

His mind was neutered as long as his intelligence was that low. He needed to get out of this rut as soon as possible!

He was also coming to a realization that his stats are the absolute weakest they could be. How had he even survived being born? Let alone figuring out a way to level up.

'There's a level bar? I need to level up!' Arthur thought with his limited intelligence before receiving a new notification.

[You have realised how to grow all on your own. You have received +1 Intelligence!]

[Intelligence: 7]

Arthur paused as he read the new message.

'Wait, this is weird, why am I receiving [Intelligence] this quickly?' Arthur realised.

He frowned as he looked at his status screen with a new mind, 'Wait a minute. Bonus Effects?'

[Arthur Branch (Boomboom)'s Status: ]

[Name: Arthur Branch]


Bonus Effects:

Reincarnator's First Time: You will develop skills at a faster rate than most in this world.

Newborn: You can learn skills and knowledge at a fast pace. (Warning! This effect will disappear once you have fully matured.)

Weakness: You are currently in a state of weakness. Develop your body to get rid of this effect or drink some elixir to impart strength!


'It must be because of the Bonus Effects...' Arthur thought as he made some basic calculations in his mind.

[You have discovered Arithmetic! You have recieved a new skill]

[You have attempted to solve a maths problem above your Intelligence. You have received +1 Intelligence!]

[You have earned the skill: Inferior Arithmetic]

'Oh you have to be kidd- wait. I can milk this!' Arthur thought as his mind was slowly coming back to him.

'Rainbows is the combination of light refracts of scattered raindrops into a person's eye.'

[You have discovered knowledge that your species does not posses. You have received +1 Intelligence!]

'The sun is made from super hot gasses called plasma!'

[You have discovered knowledge your species does not posses. You have received +1 Intelligence!]

[Your Intelligence stat has reached 10! Your skills have been upgraded!]

[You have upgraded: Inferior Arithmetic -> Basic Arithmetic]

Arthur smirked at the message. He knew exactly what he was going to do for the next few hours.


[You have discovered knowledge that greatly surpasses your species. You have received +2 Intelligence!]

[Intelligence: 20]

[Your Intelligence stat has reached 20! Your skills have been upgraded!]

[You have upgraded: Basic Arithmetic -> Adept Arithmetic]

'Yes!' Arthur pumped his arm in excitement.

[You have accomplished feats no one in this time has. You have receieved a new title!]

[You have earned the title: Scientist]

[Scientist: You have discovered knowledge ahead of your time. You will more often stumble upon Eureka! moments when researching new scientific knowledge.]

[You have earned the title: Genius!]

[Genius: You have repeatedly shown that what is difficult for most, is as easy as breathing for you. You can comprehend things at a greater capacity than most.]

In shock, Arthur froze as he looked at the messages.

'I'm... a Genius now?' Arthur thought bewildered.

He brought his fists to his face in excitement.

'If Mom and Dad were here, they'd be proud,' Arthur wiped a tear from his eye.

But this moment of bliss didn't last for long once he remembered what situation he was in.

He shook his head, with his long ears following, 'Now that I think of it, I can ponder more clearly,' Arthur thought as he looked at the nearby goblins.

He looked at one of them piss on a sleeping brethren. Arthur curled his lip in disgust.

'I'm one of... them,' Arthur thought as his rage intensified at the green mobs around him.

[Level: 1 (0%)]

'Maybe if I kill a couple of them...' He glared at one of the weak ones.

'No, no. Don't be stupid. You're stats are as low as they come. Also, you can barely walk, what do you think you can do?' He shook his head as he quickly put the goblin slaughter plan on the backburner.

He couldn't kill them now. He was simply too weak. Even with an [Intelligence] stat of over 20, what can he do when he can barely walk with his meager strength?

But that was now. What about the future? If it was anything like the video games and novels back home, killing was probably the easiest way to level up.

'It might even be the only way. Though I'm not sure if that's even the case.

Maybe killing doesn't even give any exp. After all, the world would be filled with war of that was the case...' Arthur thought as he pondered on the leveling system of this world.

Well... that was until a man in a black cloak walked into the cave with a crooked grin.

His head bleeding, and his smile frenzied, he whispered.

"Heh, there's my precious experience..."

He looked at the nearest goblin that was pissing on another and enveloped him in black mist.

And it screamed in agony…


Arthur's ears ringed from the scream as panics enveloped his soul.

'Are you kidding me!?' He thought before he immediately sprinted to the back of the cave.

He remembered the goblins usually kept some corpses at the back for 'storage' during the winter. Well, it was just strewn about rotting, but what did he expect from the mentally impotent species.

Though, he would eat the rotting meat if it would save his life.

'Nope! Nope! Killing is definitely the way to level. If that psycho gave any indication!' He thought with panic as he tried his best to run. Sprinting as fast as his little chubs legs could possibly go.

But soon, he tripped over a rock. Sliding him across the floor flat on his face.

[-3 HP!]

'Ow! Why did that hurt so much!?' Arthur thought both in pain and surprise.

That was before he felt a sting of pain come from his ankle.

It was twisted in the wrong way, and it hurt like a bitch.

'Fuck!' Arthur swore.

And that's when he heard a scream behind him.

"Where are you running to my precious Experience!?"