
I Want You.

Those three words changed my life. The Words you wouldn't even think of telling someone you just personally met. Those three damn words changed everything in my life... 'I Want You.'

Rainbowluv2 · Realista
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3 Chs

Ch2 ~ Make It Right

...came to me and ran her pterodactyl hands down my chest "And who is this hotty?" The caked face girl asked. I stopped her hand before she went any lower "Someone who doesn't like too much Icing in their cakes." I retorted back and scoot closer to Agustin.

You may be wondering what the heck is happening? Well, let's rewind a little.

"Are we there yet?" I asked impatiently. "You'll know when we get there." He said calm just like the other times I asked him. As you can tell I am very impatient I don't like staying put in one area, unless it's my bed or couch, for too long it makes me feel anxious. "I'm the one I should love~ In this world~" I started humming the rest of the verse not knowing Korean.

I would catch him glimpsing over at me a few times. "When did you first meet me?" I asked starting up a conversation. "Three Years ago, you applied to work at my company. My secretary was the one who handled all the people who applied. I slept in late and rushed to work. No one believes I was the CEO of the company. I wouldn't eighter with the way I was dressed. back then I had very long hair some though I was a girl well, except you. You said "How pitifully cute you are. Follow me." You grabbed my hand pulling me to restroom and ''fixed" me up. For once in my life, I was treated as someone instead of something. You gave me a book called 'How to be a man for a man.' The title was strange yet it made me who I am." He said his eyes not leaving the road. "So you fell for me because I took pity on you and gave you a book?" I asked unsure of where his love lied in that story. "I fell in love with you because of who you are." He said with a wide grin.

"... I see. If you go out with a guy wouldn't it ruin your reputation?" I asked him. "You really don't know anything about me. Do you?" He asked. "Nope. I've only heard about you through my parents. Who by the way doesn't know I'm into guys. They are very judgmental." I tell him leaning against the window closing my eyes.

I hadn't realized I'd fallen asleep until I heard the car coming to a stop. " we are here." Agustin said turning the car off. "Here is?" I asked rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. "My house." I looked at him than outside the car "No way... It felt like a two-hour sleep there is no way you live all the way out here." I said in disbelief. "Babyboy, you were only sleeping for 20 minutes," Agustin said. "Then why are we in the middle of nowhere," I asked. He chuckles and gets out of the car as I do the same.

He takes my hand leading me into his house. "I know you dont like crowded places or fancy ones so I thought maybe this would do." He said as his eyes changes from the emerald green to a softer green. I grinned and ruffled his hair. " I can see we will become great friends." we ate and got to know a lot about each other. Turns out he's still a virgin, and he's never been in a relationship. "Oh right! what's your favorite Dessert?" I asked changing this heartbreaking conversation. "Chocolate Lava cake." He said. "Ooo~ Great choice. I like Strawberry Swiss Roll Cakes. Those are the boom." I said giving him thumbs up.

We finished eating and he pulled me to his living room. "What do you want to watch?" He asks picking up the remote turning on the TV. "Money Heist! I heard it was very good." I said sitting down on the couch. Halfway through the first episode the front door opened and in comes two girls and a guy. What the hell are hookups doing here? Does Agustin have a roommate? "Xavier what did I tell you about bringing your whore into my house." Agustin used a voice that can send you running away. "Would you look at that. You finally did it." The Xavier guy said looking at me. One of his Whores came to me and ran her pterodactyl hands down my chest "And who is this hotty?" The caked face girl asked. I stopped her hand before she went any lower "Someone who doesn't like too much Icing in their cakes." I retorted back and scoot closer to Agustin.

The girl pouted and flashed her flesh in my face "Sorry but I'm into flat-chested. I don't like too much fat it gets in the way." I said putting my hand up "I can't believe this asshole! Did you just fucking call me fat!" The girl replied offended. My phone ringed it was from my sister so I answered it. "Hello?" The line was silent then the phone turned off. "Ok... Weird." I should probably go check on her. "I need to go. Can you drive me back?" I asked Agustin. He nodded and we left.


I got home all the lights where off. I got out the car opening the front door which surprisingly wasn't locked. "Amelia? Are you here?" I called out for her turning the lights on. The house was the same. It was the same way it was when I left, Amelia is very OCD if things aren't in there correct order she will go off so this made me worry. "Amelia!" I yelled out running trough the house looking for her. "Nix! Over here!" Agustin said. I ran over to him and saw my sister crying on the floor with her phone tightly in her hand.

"Amelia, what happened?!" I hugged her tightly "I'm pregnant Nix, I didn't know. I don't know when we did it... He took advantage of me and I didn't know." She cried shaking "Who? Who was it?" I asked her. As much as I didn't want to push her. I have to know. "J-Jason. I didn't want to believe him, I didn't want to believe I lost my virginity to him. Ni-" I rubbed her back shushing her.


She soon fell asleep. I carried her to her room tucking her in bed before leaving. "Nix-" Agustin started as I cut him off "I can't believe him. He raped my sister and got her pregnant." I shook in anger. I took my phone out Unblocking Jason's number to call him.

He didn't answer. "Nix!" Agustin yelled out my name holding my hand. "You need to calm down. Okay. Think rationally, you can't lose control of yourself and leave your sister like this." He's right, we somehow have to let our parents know... And I know they won't be happy especially since it'll ruin everything our parents been expecting of us. It will be harder now to tell my parents I'm gay.

I rested my head on his shoulder. "What are we going to do?"

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