
I Want To See You

Aurora, a bad tempered girl who knows how to fight back. Problems seem to find her though she runs from them. All she wants is to lead a peaceful, happy life and become photographer but her family is forcing her to marry some rich man. After disagreeing with her family who despise her, they discipline Aurora by sending her to a military camp for a year. To rebel against her family, Aurora decides to cause as much trouble as she can. During this time she meets a nasty sergeant who scolds her at any possible moment. Making a lot of enemy's and friends, how will Aurora survive a whole year full of drama?

GrapeFairy · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

You're Drunk

The security guard looked around, and then said, "Don't call President Lou, I'll let you in." The eldest daughter of the Lou family has never been seen in public which made people think she didn't exist or she was just a mistress.

"That's more like it." Aurora walked inside and looked at Hana, "This is how you do it."

"Is it okay for us to lie?" Hana got nervous.

"Who cares! Let's enjoy ourselves." Aurora dragged Hana to the dance floor and started to bust them moves.

After a while of dancing Hana came up to Aurora, "Hey I'm thirsty, do you know where I can get a drink?"

"Wait here." Aurora went to the bar and order 2 drinks, after she received the drink, she went back to Hana. "Drink this."

Hana took a sip of the drink and than spat is out straight away, "Is this alcohol?!"

"Yeah, were you expecting juice?"

"This is my first time drinking alcohol."

"It's not that bad." Aurora tried convincing Hana.

"Okay..." Hana took another sip of the drink and tried not to spit it out.

"Don't worry you'll get used to it."

A few hours had passed and Aurora asked a guy for his phone. He thought she was trying to hit on him but she actually wanted to check the time.

"Hey baby, wanna leave this place?" He approached her.

"Sh*t, it's already 8." Aurora remembered that night duty was at 9.

"Me and my friends are going karaoke later, you should come." He tried to flirt with her.

Aurora leaned in like she was about to kiss him but then to his ear and whispered, "Do you actually think you can get me." Aurora handed the phone back to him and walked about, but he then grabbed her by the arm, "Are you sure you want to mess with me."

"You are a big baby" Aurora pushed his arm off. The guy was flustered and just stood there while Aurora went to find Hana.

"Let's go." Aurora took Hana by the arm.

"Where are we going?" Hana asked.

"To hell." Aurora slumped on Hana.

"How much did you drink?" Hana sounded worried.

"What? I didn't drink." Aurora said in a cute drunk voice. "I feel wronged, I didn't do anything, you drank it, you did, naughty girl."

"Okay, It's definitely time to head back."

Hana called for a taxi and one came, it took about 30 minutes to drive back to the camp.

"Wake up we're here." Hana shook Aurora.

"5 more minutes."

Hana then opened the door which was on Aurora's side and that made her fall out of the car.

"Oh no!"

"Dammed fly dares to fight me." Said Aurora was still laying on the floor.

Hana went out of the car and lifted Aurora up, "Let's go before they shut us out."

"Night duty." Aurora said quietly.

"What did you say?"

While they were walking Aurora quickly snapped, "NIGHT DUTY!"

"What's wrong?"

"I need to go... go."

"Where?" Hana was confused.

"Bye bye." Aurora laughed and ran off

"Uh okay?"

Aurora reached the office after throwing up in a bush and walking all over the place for 20 minutes.