
I Want To Get Isekai'd But The World Does Not Want Me To: Remastered

Hinata Tasuke is an ordinary Otaku, Shut-in NEET! But he has a dream of getting isekai'd someday. So he was waiting for the day it would come. So, he tried all varied methods to be able to get isekai'd, but he failed. But, one day girl named Clattanoia and a boy named Euclius appeared out of nowhere from a different world. They wanted to get back to their world as soon as possible. Sharing the same goals, Tasuke, Clattanoia and Euclius are going to team up to be able to get isekai'd.

Kamatis · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Isekai Notebooks

I need to hurry! The limited edition of the top-selling game is now on sale! SAO! Shield Art Online! I'll get sold out If I don't hurry!

The breezing cold wind is gently caressing my cheeks, even though I am still 5 centimeters away from my house. The cherry blossom is so beautiful in April.


Congratulations To Myself!! I bought a copy of the game! I think It is a good thing that I came 3 days early.

No time to waste! First, I have to sleep, I don't have any nights of sleep since 3 days ago. So I have to sleep now, or else it will ruin me and If It ruined me, I won't be able to play the game which is unacceptable

Now that I take a good look at it, there are so many people here at Akihabara.

Countless buildings can be seen here, the air feels smoky but that's understandable since that's a feature available to every city in the world.

But the real reason why people come here often is obviously because of the anime stuff, isn't It? Like, seriously though, let's just stop pretending. We came here for our degenerate needs, not for computers and technology

There's the Otaku who likes to play Eroge, the Otaku who likes to cosplay a black cat, and the typical Otaku Girl who is wearing spiral shades.

Yep, they come here for their hobby and that's the same for me... Well, some are just here because of their weird fetish but let's ignore that for now. I don't want kink-shaming after all

I forgot! I forgot to buy this week's Jump. I'm excited about the next chapter of Death Note, but... Death Note is already finished so I don't have any reason to buy Jump anymore.

It doesn't matter, Jump is only 250 yen so I can afford it

Before leaving the Akihabara completely, I've gone to the nearest convenience store first and bought a Shonen Jump issue. For those of you ignorant readers that don't know, Shonen Jump is a manga magazine.

Think of your favorite anime and there's a 56% chance that favorite anime of yours came from Shonen Jump.

I opened the new issue while still walking on the road and immediately burst out laughing when I am reading Gintama. It never fails to amaze me

"Well, I'll just read this at home"

Some people are already looking at me weirdly so I just stuffed the book inside my bag and continued to walk forward

Hey, what's that? I saw a familiar-looking black thin notebook. Hey, this is a joke, right? I mean, what is that all-powerful notebook doing besides the road...

I tried to look left and right, front and back to search for any hidden cameramen trying to prank me... But... there's nothing of that sort here...

If you're thinking that it's the Death Note, Yes, it is the Death Note. Should I pick it up, and try it at my house? I mean, if it's the real deal, it's going to be big trouble if a Light-wannabe came here and pick it up.

Don't get the wrong idea! I don't want to be the god of the new world and all those edgy bullcrap

Why am I making excuses? Looks like I am really in the Death Note plotline. I repeated what I did earlier, looked left and right, and snatched the notebook with a speed of light!

With all the power in my legs, I rushed home while shouting "YA-HAAAAAAAAAA" on the way


I got home and immediately took my pen and released the all-powerful notebook inside my bag but...

"What should I write? Is It Saito? The principal at my high school? or Hitler?"

After thinking about It for a while, maybe about 15 seconds, I concluded who should I write first and that's

"Cardo Dalisay!!!"

According to the Death Note rules, it should work at an exact 45 seconds.

After writing that, I reached out for my remote and watched the TV Show

Ang Probinsyano sure is stupid when It comes to handling plot armor, I honestly want to kill myself while watching even though It's just 45 seconds

I'm kind of shocked to see that Cardo Dalisay did not die! I have been scammed or maybe the power of Death Note isn't enough to kill him...

"Of course, it will not work in fictional characters, are you a moron?"

A voice of a girl can be heard probably coming from the ceiling. I instinctively turned my head looking for the source of the voice and there she is, clinging at the corner of the ceiling like a spider

She has coal-black hair and a sparkling dark and white outfit. Her upper clothes are white and her fluttery skirt are black, and did I mention that she is wearing black stockings, Yes, she is wearing black stockings.

Her porcelain skin looks so smooth, too bad I can't touch It but I hope I get the chance to do so

By normal standards, she would be the perfect girl any guy would dream of

"I am sorry, could you please help me get down here?"

But of course, there's a downside to every upside. She's in the corner of my ceiling like a ninja. She went up there, but don't know how to get down

"Say, who's the moron here now?"


"I am mostly thank you, but allow me to introduce myself. I am Clattanoia! The most powerful conjurer in my village!"

Her introduction reminds me of a certain arch wizard who only knows explosion but let's forget that for now.

"So you are Clattanoia huh? I don't which cosplay event you came from and I don't know why you trespassed here but you're cute so nice to meet you

We shook hands, then she suddenly said:

"So... Where am I?"

30 seconds of quietness enveloped my house. Both of us seem to don't know what to say. After at least 2 minutes, I can't bear the silence anymore and just decided to ask a random question

"Could you please tell me where you came from? And please tell me how did you end up here?"

"I am from a city called Neburisha, I was strolling for a walk then suddenly a small gate opened and I entered there, that's how I ended up here."

Wait... wait... wait... So this girl isn't a trespasser? But someone who came from another world, hmmm... I mean, I'm not that naive, there's no way what this girl is saying could be true but...

"Your smile is creepy, sir."

"Okay, I now get it, but first of all, what kind of conjurer power did you have?"

"I can only conjure notebooks."


"I'm serious sir, I am the one who made that Death Note. I just copied that notebook you had and since It's not useful to me anymore, I just used a portal and disposed of It, sir."

She can conjure notebooks, what kind of power is that?! I never heard of that before?! Even I can make a notebook If you just give me materials! But wait, she made the Death Note, right?!

"Clattanoia, does this Death Note work?"

"Yes, it is working... only on plants."

This is a very useless Death Note.

Wait, she said that she opened a portal... to dispose of It...

"Clattanoia, can you make a notebook that can open portals?"

"Yes, I can."

"Make it"

"But It'll take a while-"

"Just make It!"


I can't believe It... A portal to another world. My dream will finally get realized, I already pinched my cheek and slapped myself countless times already and I'm certain of It! This isn't a dream!

I can't wait anymore! Every second, minute, hour counts!


All right!!! Isekai, here we go!!!

"Hinata, I can only open the portal again for 3 hours so to be able to come back you need to wait another 3 hours."

"Got it!"

It's not like I want to come back anyway!

After that, I gave her a wave signaling a goodbye. Goodbye to my mother, father, brother, wait I don't have a brother but whatever! Goodbye, boring world! Hello, a world of fun!

I dived headfirst at the portal with my eyes closed, waiting for any kind of surprise waiting for me. Where did get dropped off? Grassland? The city? The Demon King's lair? Which Is It? Which Is It?

I finally opened my eyes and what I saw are males...

Yes, tattooed, and tough-looking males. With a beard as an addition... There are also bars behind me. From what I am seeing, I am in prison... WHY?!!!?!?!!!

"Boy, Never seen you in these parts, are you new here? Then, welcome to hell!"

What are you saying?! Don't raise a flag!! Why are you not surprised one bit when I suddenly appeared here!? Why?! I am supposed to stay for 3 hours here?! Don't make me laugh, I won't laugh an hour here! I just wanted to get isekai'd but how did I end up in the prison!?

Yes, This is the story of a young man, hoping to get isekai, but the world does not want him to.