
I Want To Get Isekai'd But The World Does Not Want Me To: Remastered

Hinata Tasuke is an ordinary Otaku, Shut-in NEET! But he has a dream of getting isekai'd someday. So he was waiting for the day it would come. So, he tried all varied methods to be able to get isekai'd, but he failed. But, one day girl named Clattanoia and a boy named Euclius appeared out of nowhere from a different world. They wanted to get back to their world as soon as possible. Sharing the same goals, Tasuke, Clattanoia and Euclius are going to team up to be able to get isekai'd.

Kamatis · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Isekai Neburisha

Clattanoia's POV

"Wait... where am I?"

From what I can remember, Hinata got dragged by a weird portal and I grabbed his leg so...

"Wait, this is-"

I'm familiar with this place. How could I forget? Just breathing the polluted air of this place makes me want to puke. The blood, the ruins, the broken magic wands, the burns at each establishment...

"This is Neburisha"


Wait, where's Hinata?! I came here with him, where is he? Please, be safe! Hinata! I immediately stood up from where I'm lying and tried to search for him

Not even a minute has passed and I already recognized that mediocre black hair and height, It's Hinata! He's just behind a nearby house! Good thing you're safe did something happen to you-

"I'm finally in another world!! I can't believe It"


"Oh? Clattanoia, you're awake already!"

What is this idiot spouting? He actually has the time to get excited?!

"I actually can't believe It! This medieval-styled houses and broken castles, there's no way they can fool my eyes! This is a different world"

Well, I guess, this is the normal him. His eyes sparkle so much that I could compare him to a child going to a picnic. His long-time wish finally came true, he's now here.

"Clattanoia, is this your world? Then, this is Neburisha?"

"Yes, but... It's strange, no one is here right now."

There should be some soldiers guarding this place to see If there's still someone alive. Actually, where are the dead bodies here?

From what I can remember, there are dead bodies all over the place, dried blood and guts are scattered on the ground. But where is It?!

This place is strange. This is not Neburisha. The atmosphere here is different, It just looks like one but It's too different.

"Hinata, maybe It's better If we get out of here-"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Hinata? There's something strange at what he just said to me, his voice became cold and distant all of a sudden. What's happening here?

"Hinata this, Hinata that, Hinata there. Don't you know any other names to call?"

"Hinata, you're really acting strange"

There's definitely something wrong with him, did he hit his head while on the way here. That's possible, that's just like him.

"Clattanoia, what do you mean? I'm not Hinata, at all. Actually, who's Hinata? I just extracted some guy from your memory and this stupid man came out"

Hinata's face that I've grown so used to by now, suddenly shapeshifted. It's gross but... the face that is slowly forming is someone I knew well. I knew her so well I'm disgusted by that fact

"What are you doing here, sister...?"

That overly dark long hair, the slender body, and the tight bodysuit she always uses to fight. And the round big eyes that are supposed to indicate kindness. Last but not the least, the annoying slow-motion way she speaks

That's definitely my sister, Paranoia!

"Long time no see, Clattanoia..."


That annoying smile of hers sure didn't change, I want to punch that smile for some reason, and your irritating illusions are still there, no doubt.

Wait, Hinata is not here?! I remember him being dragged at the portal? Why am I the only one who's here? I don't understand.

"Anyway, Clattanoia. Let's leave everything to the army and just go home!"

Leave everything to the army?! What? What is this bitch saying? I looked at him with a confused face so more than anyone in this world, she should know what I mean

"You don't remember? You were sent to another world to scout the place If our current military power can conquer It. You see, the war hasn't been stopping at all, It's extending even. That's why they need more people."

What?! Wait, seriously? I don't remember any of that shit! So right now, the army is going to Hinata's world. So the reason that portal opened was not for Hinata, It was for me! Its purpose is to take me back since my mission is considered over!



"You talk weird."

"What do you mean?"

"You're saying all weird stuff on your head. Like shit, damn, fuck, and bitch. What's that supposed to mean?"

Ahhh, I forgot... She can read minds... Part of the reason why I'm annoyed by her is because of her ability. She can read minds and also create illusions. It's too troublesome to deal with her. Yep, my childhood is hell when I'm with her.

"I learned that from a certain someone. A friend."

"Friends? Do you have those? Oh..."

She just released an unimpressed sigh and retracted her look from me. I don't know what you meant by that but I don't have much time to deal with you.

"I'm going to try going back to that world"

"Insane, aren't we? You're not a magician, and your portals just randomly pop anywhere."

Yeah, I know. But I need to try at the very least, or else, I might be too late! If this didn't work, I could also ask for help from a real magician.

"Stupidity at It's finest, only royal magicians can open a portal from another world"

See? I hate her ability


I slowly stretched my hands out and started to make a Notebook that can open portals. Probably, the problem with my portals is the mana is too scattered in the air, allowing for It to be a waste. I should try to concentrate on all of It...

Focus... focus... focus... focus...

"Uttering Focus nonstop won't actually make you focus"

"Oh shut up!"

Before I knew It, the notebook portal is finally completed! Please work! Please work!

"Clattanoia, why do you still want to go back though? Is that world really impressive?"

"Yeah, I could say It blew my mind how beautiful that world is."

That's my honest opinion. Everything I never knew I needed was there, I want to go back. I want to experience those feelings again.

Paranoia is staring at me for quite a while now. Is she trying to read my mind or what?

"I see. Then, maybe I should come with you? I'm curious too, who's this Hinata guy you keep uttering and the beautiful world, you're talking about"

"Yeah, you'll be surprised how beautiful that world is. It's different from this hell"

Anyway, I'll try to open the notebook now. I slowly reached my hands for the newly created notebook for the portal to open, and the moment I did, an insurmountable amount of power came out of It. There's even air pressure included, If I don't take a step back, I'll run out of air.

Just concentrating on the mana at once brought forth this much?! Amazing...

After some time, the air pressure finally stopped and now, we can see what happened.

"The heck?!"

"What's that?"

I can't believe this... I'm supposed to make a portal, why did this happen?! Why is Hinata's parent's house here?!

"Parent's House? Wait, so that's a house?! It's made of wood but It's a house? But It seems so weak, I don't understand."

I guess there are still some things a mind reader will be confused with. But why?! I still don't understand why this house is here. I just hope Hinata's parents weren't included in the transportation.

"Dear, please reconsider letting back Hina at our family. I know what he did is wrong but..."

"I'll try to think about It-"



And both of them are here!!! OH MY GOD!!! Not just one, but two! Both Father and Mother are here in this world! Seems like they finally noticed that they're not at their usual place.

The old couple looked left and right, back and front, and also across all distances to check their surroundings. After a while, Father finally spoke and the first words that came out is...

"Where are we?"