
I Want To Get Isekai'd But The World Does Not Want Me To: Remastered

Hinata Tasuke is an ordinary Otaku, Shut-in NEET! But he has a dream of getting isekai'd someday. So he was waiting for the day it would come. So, he tried all varied methods to be able to get isekai'd, but he failed. But, one day girl named Clattanoia and a boy named Euclius appeared out of nowhere from a different world. They wanted to get back to their world as soon as possible. Sharing the same goals, Tasuke, Clattanoia and Euclius are going to team up to be able to get isekai'd.

Kamatis · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Isekai Dragon War

This is a real dragon! There are so many casualties already. So many people are wounded and countless buildings are destroyed...

This is beyond disastrous...

"Euclius! You mentioned levels and all those LitRPG stuff, right?! What's the average level of a dragon?!

"The average level of a dragon is 81 to the MAX Level, making It the strongest animal to live in our world"

What? There's no way we can defeat that! Euclius is only Level 45 and Clattanoia is Level 15. Much worse, I don't even know my level.

I don't want the world to be destroyed because of this stupid lizard! Even If this is such a boring world that I can't even bear to stay here, this is still my world!!!

First, we have to stall it. I asked Euclius to distract the dragon while Clattanoia is making a healing notebook for healing the injured civilians while I am the one helping the civilians. From past experiences, making notebooks takes time so Euclius!

"I'm counting on you, don't you dare lose!"

I don't have any mana like Euclius said so all I can do is to help the civilians.

With that, Euclius did a long jump from where he's standing. I estimate It to be 25 yards, just to reach the dragon. The moment he reached the peak of his jump, he slashed the dragon's chest.

"I, Euclius von Peroroncino, will definitely kill this dragon! You're going to be my first kill, prepare foul beast!"

"Wow, Euclius! He looks so reliable right this moment! Maybe, he can defeat him!"

The moment my line of thought reached that, he immediately came flying down like a meteor crashing down on Earth...

"I shouldn't have said that! I should not have said that!"

From the looks of It, Euclius was already defeated. He didn't even last 8 seconds back there. He's bleeding too much from his head and he can't even stand up

"I need... to stand up... I only reduced his HP to 94... It's not... enough...

Wait, Euclius, you still want to fight?! Seriously?! need to stop Euclius from fighting but if he stops, the attention of the dragon will turn in the civilians again.

Think! I'm not powerful but I have the ability to think! Think of a good strategy, Is there anything I can do?

I saw Euclius flew into a building earlier and because of the dragon's attack power the building collapsed and its fragments came crushing down to the dragon.

That's it!

"Clattanoia! Make a notebook of destruction!"

"Okay! My remaining mana should be enough for that one"

"Euclius, please stand up again and fight the dragon!"

"I'm already thinking of that, there's no way I'll just let this dragon roam around"


It's been exactly 9 minutes since we started, Euclius looks so tired now. He's sweating bullets and he can't even stand straight, but against all odds, he's still holding his long sword.

"Hinata, I'm finished with the notebook!"

"Destroy the buildings around the dragon, quick, Clattanoia!"

Wait, aren't I forgetting something? Wait a minute... I forgot Euclius, so the collapsed building crushed Euclius and the dragon.

I will pray for Euclius, I will cherish the two weeks we spent together. Rest in peace, my isekai friend. May It be heaven or hell, I will always pray for you.

"I'm still alive! Don't pray! Although my HP is only 10% now, I'm sad to say this but I can't fight anymore."

Euclius looks so frustrated, his hands are shaking and the strength to look straight has already disappeared from him. He's a Dragon Slayer yet he can't even take down a dragon, even now.

But that's not what matters, for now, I will be curious about his problems in the future because there's a more troublesome problem here!

I asked Clattanoia to continue wrecking the base of buildings. The dragon is taking damage until according to Euclius, his HP should be less than 50% now!

After some time, the dragon's attacks became weaker. Everyone can see that, even me.

The moment his HP reached 40, It suddenly did some strange movements.

"Wait, what's he doing? Euclius, what the hell is he doing?"

"I don't know, he's probably dancing"

"Maybe It was getting ready for another fire attack"

Following Clattanoia's suggestion, e figured that It's a fire so we took a step back.

But the dragon spits an object. It was colored white It's really just white. There's nothing on It, just a white color... Isn't those gloves?!

It's a standard-sized pair of gloves you can see everywhere! And the most important detail is the It is now covered in saliva. Ewwww! Disgusting! What the fuck?! It even reeks!

All of a sudden, Euclius grasped and reacted to the weird gloves

"That's the Elunola Gloves! Now it explains why the dragon seems weakened from the start!"

What? It's weakened! You call that dragon weakened from the start!?

Are your eyes have some deficiency? We almost risked our life fighting a weakened dragon!? Dude, what the fuck?!

My thoughts are full of whines right now but I kept my cool and asked Euclius for some explanation.

"That's the Elunola Gloves, I already explained to you that the Elunola Gloves has the ability to absorb the mana of another living being. The dragon has accidentally eaten it and because of It, the dragon's strength has been sapped and got transported here along with It."

So that explains it. The good news is we achieved the Elunola Gloves and because only without mana can use it, I'm the only one who can use it! This is my weapon! The bad news is... the dragon is now much stronger than before.

"Looks I'll have to fight too, huh?"

A roar enveloped the whole city. Looks like the dragon is ready to good now. Its HP is still 40% but you can see from its raging eyes that it's different from before.

I quickly rushed towards the direction of the gloves and... threw it away again! Ewwww!

It reeks of saliva, gross! I have to wear this disgusting thing?! Fuck that, no way!!!

"Clattanoia, make a notebook that can clean things!"

"I don't have any mana left, It'll take a while to recover!"

So be it! I have to wear it! I slowly put the gloves inside my hands. The cold saliva in the shield is already reaching my wrist. Ahhhh! I hate this!

Suddenly, the dragon spits a fireball and it's directed in front of me. I instinctively defended myself by raising my arms. It hit me and flew backward because of the impact.

It's so powerful! Can I defeat that? If my gloves haven't absorbed that, I would've been dead right now! But damn, these gloves can even eat that kind of fire, maybe I can still turn this around.

I landed and immediately positioned myself. Does this thing still have other abilities? Wait, It was sapping mana a while ago.

"Hinata, fireball!!!"


I said that word and raised my arm... The gloves began emitting white light and the fireball is slowly vanishing. I did it! I absorbed the fireball! I inhaled and shouted:


A second after I said it, the fireball came rushing to the dragon and hit it. Oh shit, this is so cool! It's like I'm Roy Mustang!

"Hinata, you don't need to shout Release! You just have to raise your arms!"

"Shaddup! I'm having the coolest moment of my life here!"

The dragon's HP is down to 10%! We can win! The dragon released another fireball and I absorbed it and released it again but... it didn't hit the dragon.


"Hinata, you just wasted a chance!"

The fireball missed so miserably, I still have to work on my control of this thing. Wait, the fireball I released just hit a building! The collapsed building came crashing down the dragon. The next thing I knew, It's not even breathing anymore...

"Just as planned!"

"Lies! There's no way you could have planned that!"

And then the dragon was defeated by us! After approximately 5 hours, while everyone is still taking pictures of the defeated dragon.

I asked Clattanoia to make a brainwashing notebook. We need to brainwash them, and made them think that an earthquake just came.

I also made Clattanoia a levitation portal, to throw the dragon corpse into the ocean. I hope environmentalists won't kill me for this. We can't have It just going anywhere so we didn't make a transportation portal

But the question is... how come these fantasy-like characters are coming here? Clattanoia, Euclius, and even that dragon. I hope that I can find the answers to these questions someday.

Clattanoia said that she just found a small portal, and Euclius don't even know how he came here. So the only clue I have is Clattanoia's small portal hint

But still, my first dragon fight is here in this boring world, I can't believe it. It's probably great to keep these gloves, for now, I'll just have to clean Them properly...

Yes, This is the story of a young man, hoping to get isekai, but the world does not want him to.