
I Want To Get Isekai'd But The World Does Not Want Me To: Remastered

Hinata Tasuke is an ordinary Otaku, Shut-in NEET! But he has a dream of getting isekai'd someday. So he was waiting for the day it would come. So, he tried all varied methods to be able to get isekai'd, but he failed. But, one day girl named Clattanoia and a boy named Euclius appeared out of nowhere from a different world. They wanted to get back to their world as soon as possible. Sharing the same goals, Tasuke, Clattanoia and Euclius are going to team up to be able to get isekai'd.

Kamatis · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Isekai Dragon Slayer

Looks like I really ended up in a prison. It's okay, I just have to wait here for 3 hours then everything will be fine. Also, I'm too quick to judge... It doesn't mean that they're tattooed, tough-looking individuals, they're violent.

"Hey, take responsibility for my broken shoulder you, nitwit!"

"Huh?! We just bumped at each other!! If you broke your shoulder just because of that then no doubt and you're fucking weak!"

I wonder if everything will really be fine


1 hour has passed since then but... everything is now different. For some reason, I can feel the Fist Of The North Star vibe from here. The tough-looking guys are now wearing a mohawk and are now licking different kinds of knives, waiting for each other to attack...

Where did they get those knives anyway?!

All-out war has been happening between these two prisoners, what're the guards doing in this kind of situation?!

If I am Kenshiro, I already stripped my shirt out and gave those prisoners the Hokuto Ujo Mosho Ha!!!

"Oi! Are you on their side?!

Before I knew It, my so-called "punch" has landed already on one of the boss prisoners. Some weak-ass Hokuto Punch this is.

I was just imagining a punch then suddenly... that punch became real. Looks like I still have the habit of doing what my brain tells.

"Heya boy, That's pretty brave of you to punch me in the face! You guys started this shit!!!


"Looks like you want to challenge me, boy, then I'll fulfill your wish! Let's du-du-du-du-du-DUEL!!!"

Out of misunderstanding, he tried to punch me, but I evaded it by doing sidesteps. Oi oi oi, there's no way I can beat this tough-looking guy! No way! No way! No way!

He tried to punch me again, but now his target is my stomach!

I have no way to evade this one, I'm finished! Goodbye, world!

Just when the prisoner boss is about to punch me, the wall suddenly broke down. As a result, fragments of cement are scattered on the floor.

When I looked at the cavity created by the broken wall, what I saw is a huge lizard with wings that are blowing elemental powers. If you're thinking that it's a dragon, Yes, It is a dragon.

For some reason, I'm not surprised by a dragon suddenly appearing in front of me. I'm more surprised by the fact that the tough-looking guys are now hiding inside their beds. Maybe they thought It's an earthquake

Once again, I looked at the huge hole made by the flying lizard. What I saw is a man with a one-handed sword, a black robe, and has a violet hair. He's handsome too to be a prank. He kind of reminds me of my face, don't you dare disagree

With all his strength he said some kind of incantation and jumped out high! High enough to reach the dragon in the air. He's like a protagonist in a fairytale, he slew the dragon with all his might!


Wait, something is wrong here. Why is that man here? Why is a dragon here? Is that a virtual reality made by scientists?! Why are the civilians not panicked when a dragon is here? Also, why are the tough-looking guys acting like scaredy-cats now?!

Asking those questions in my mind and thinking about It for a while, I came to the conclusion that

"It's none of my business"

Even If that's a dragon, It's probably just a virtual reality made by Mysterio anyway.

So I turned my back against them and noticed a black hole in front of me. So It's been 3 hours already, I should go back and probably try again

But before that, I gave one final look at the man and wait, what?

"Wait, where's the dragon? Why did It disappear? Did they take down the virtual already?"

"Because it never existed in the first place."

Oh my god! Behind me was the man who killed the dragon! He suddenly appeared here behind me, how did he do that? Also, are you a cosplayer too? If you are, your costume sucks

"I used my magic spell called 'Illusion'. I formed a dragon image into my head, to practice slaying dragons."

"Wait, you only formed a dragon image on your head?"


That's not magic, that's called imagination.

Wait, If I can see his imagination, does that mean... I have something that can be called "Mystic Eyes" or "Geass Eyes" or possibly "Eye Of Truth!" I'm proud of myself ain't I?

"I think you can see my 'Illusion' because of the lack of mana in your body, you see, everyone has mana, no matter how small or big, they still have mana, but..."

He stared at me for approximately 10 seconds then he continued.

"I never saw a human without mana like you, that's pretty rare."

Are you a fortune-teller? Well, there's no harm in doing so maybe I'll try humoring him

"Is being a lack of mana, bad or good?

"It is half-good and half-bad, because of your lack of mana you can see through magic and made them flow to your body, but the half-bad is... you can't use your own magic."

So I can only absorb mana? Your fortune telling looks so bullshit, you scammer!

"But to be able to absorb mana, you needed a weapon called Elunula Gloves. They can be used to absorb mana, and can only be used by people who lack mana, but you can only acquire it if your level is past Level 10."

Level 10? What? Level 10 in what?

"Mr. Dragon Slayer"

"Wait, don't call me that, I have a name, It's Euclius von Peroroncino."

"Now that you think of it, I still haven't introduced myself to you, My name is Hinata Tasuke, Nice to meet you."


He seems surprised by my surname, his name is Euclius von Peroroncino, right?

According to his story and his name, he seems to be a foreigner. Wait, he suddenly appeared beside me earlier... Is that Teleportation?! Then, If this guy doesn't have any mental problems he also came from another world!

Then he can help me go there too! What a lucky day! I met two people who came from another world in just one day! Normally, I won't believe them and just straight-up call the Mental Hospital Hotline but I'm too desperate now!

Wait, why is he not bothered by the fact he's here. He suddenly got here yet he's acting so calmly about It. I kind of has my suspicions though. Okay, let's try It

"Euclius, could you please turn off your so-called 'Illusion', I just want to check something."

"I don't know what's your aim by doing this but If that's what you want."

Euclius slowly closed his eyes first and some green light enveloped his head, and after 5 seconds it vanished. After he opened his eyes, he panicked and shouted

"What is this Place?!"

I knew It because of his so-called 'Illusion' he's not conscious about what's happening around his surroundings and can only see the surrounding he set.

So he didn't know that he's here already. Wait, why are fantasy guys are encountering me now and then? I'm kind of happy about It since they can probably help me get transported into their world

First, that notebook maker, Clattanoia!

Second, This dragon slayer, Euclius!

This is going to be a real excitement, isn't It?

Yes, This is the story of a young man, hoping to get isekai, but the world does not want him to.